Growin' chillies by the scotland

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Happy days lads , i went and got a huge hose yesterday.Enough to stretch from the backdoor faucet to the garden with ease.No more carrying 1 gallon containers and always short on water.Itll be both accurate and timely now,perfect timing cos all the plants are really stretching now.


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nice one FMK:)

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Looking forward to seeing them Daz , seriously.When i come home some day i intend growing all kinds of chillis there so this is very helpful.Ill get some pics of mine today as well.


Active Member
haha nice one FMK :)

here are some pics.

DSC02263.jpgWee young ones

DSC02264.jpg Just got another letter about going to georgia, think im gonna grab the chance and just take it !

So, see the biggest chillie, will it get any bigger because im planning on harvesting when they are green and not red :)

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Looking good Daz , a bit peely wally fer colour mind , the leafs not so much the chillis , those will be nice i bet.Im pretty surprised at how well they have done in a short span of time.
Good news here is i spotted my first actual tomatos today...woo hoooo..theres a few of them,bad news is i got stung by poisen ivy...thats a bugger..its a bit like stinging nettles really..quite vicious.


Active Member
Nettles growing big 9 foot patches here, I ran through them short sleeved worst hour and a half ever. I ate my first ripe mater yesterday was a husky cherry and it was delicous. FMK is right that thing took off.


Active Member
Looking good Daz , a bit peely wally fer colour mind , the leafs not so much the chillis , those will be nice i bet.Im pretty surprised at how well they have done in a short span of time.
Good news here is i spotted my first actual tomatos today...woo hoooo..theres a few of them,bad news is i got stung by poisen ivy...thats a bugger..its a bit like stinging nettles really..quite vicious.
haha nice one, how many tomatoes do you think youll get? aye the colour looks strange on the pics, got a yellow tint lol like the letter i got looks yellow in the pics but its actaully white :)
poison ivy...sounds bad nettels are a pain in the arse like. What do ivys actually do to you? just sting?


Active Member
Just counted 27 flowers on one mater vine alright tiger bloom. I typed stinging nettle on google and the first pick is the culprit I also topped some of them at the patch to see if they would get more than one main stalk.


Active Member
Just counted 27 flowers on one mater vine alright tiger bloom. I typed stinging nettle on google and the first pick is the culprit I also topped some of them at the patch to see if they would get more than one main stalk.
cool. :) so how would you go about topping a chilli plant? take it that it's the same as ganj plants?

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
haha nice one, how many tomatoes do you think youll get? aye the colour looks strange on the pics, got a yellow tint lol like the letter i got looks yellow in the pics but its actaully white :)
poison ivy...sounds bad nettels are a pain in the arse like. What do ivys actually do to you? just sting?
Im no sure Daz what the poisen ivy will do , it was itchy as hell for a day and today its like blisters forming and bursting , much like stinging nettles but maybe lasts longer.Its not a good thing,i lucky , i only got a taste of it across my foot.I couldnt imagine getting it all over , that would be misery.
I forgot to say Congrats on the letter man , i hope you go for it , you wont regret it man , could be some great times.

Thing about the poisen ivy doesnt sting , you dont even know it touched you for a day or so , then all hell breaks loose , thats been my experience.It looks like ordinary ivy , nothing about it to sting , that comes later.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
cool. :) so how would you go about topping a chilli plant? take it that it's the same as ganj plants?
I would think so Daz , itll force it to be bushier , might be worth a crack.I know for my sweet peppers i will top them to do the same thing.


Active Member
I would think so Daz , itll force it to be bushier , might be worth a crack.I know for my sweet peppers i will top them to do the same thing.
cool man, think ill do topping in my grow cab when its finnished :)

And cheers man, im deffo leaning towards going there like. But the thing is i'd hate to go there and find that i would want to stay there because my brother's girlfriend's brother went to NZ for a year and didnt bother coming back and when my brother and his girlfriend went to Goa in india they said that they wanted to move there. I just dont want to leave family and friends back in Edinburgh. But im high and i think too much soo, think ill just go with the flow :D

By the way, do yous get Bravo tv? there an insane programe on called sparticas blood and sand :O its like 300 but a programe:)


Active Member
Its on showtime here I've watched them all with my lil bro. My peppers seem to fork more and more as it grows topping doesn't seem to be needed but let us know how it goes. That might be the case but if you were to come here you would leave early:).

Fullmoon kid

Active Member an ideal world nobody would need to leave home Daz , on the other hand its human nature to do so , Scots are particularly noted as great travellers and adventurers so its kinda in the blood , dont fight it mate.If its meant to be itll happen , whats for ye wont go by ye kinda thing.Bottem line to it is home is never that far away Daz , never was. interesting tidbit concerning the poisen ivy , im told somewhat late that by scratching the itchy poisen ivy'ed skin then touching elsewhere spreads the itch and blisters..lovely...doesnt take much imagination to realise its nasty stuff right enough , much worse than stinging nettles.Apparantly this sore and blisters itchy bit can carry on for 10 days...fucks sake..


Active Member
People eat em too imagine ivy down the hatch, My GOM in the garden is drooping I think its a bit moist hopefully its sunny tomorrow.