Have a look at that might help you make a good choice, personally I'm done arsing about mixing stuff. Since this is my first grow (for any kind of plant from seed) I need to take as much guess work out of it so I'm going with Plagron for the next transplant, might cost a bit more but peace of mind is worth it. I used Bulrush John Innes No.2 when I transplanted to stop her falling over but I find it's a very 'heavy' compost even with vermiculite added, won't be using it for MJ again.
Saw some yellow patches on Celia and thought it was time to add nutes, gave her a 1/4 strength dose and she started developing rust spots

. I thought it was a pH thing, so finally got a tester and it was high, filtered it and its better, but the spots are burn not lockout so she's back on plain filtered water till she grabs me and begs for nutes

. At least she's still growing like a mad thing, decisions on topping or lst or both next...