Looking for help (first time grower)


so an update... plants are doing good outside, hopefully getting some lights in the next week or so.
been smoking some fairly good hydro and went to a sick party, all is well on the bright and sunny coast of eastern australia.

but i was thinking, would a 4'x3'x2' cabinet with a 175W HPS for 3-4 flowering plants at a time?
i can buy one of those lockable metal cabinets from a big hardware store, line it with mylar and have the lights hung from a length of adjustable chain (12-14" above, yes)
i'll flower them when they get to around 1.5-2ft tall, the biggest one should be ready to go in within the next two weeks or so
i was thinking a small bathroom extraction fan on the back and another small fan for intake, around the bottom? would this work? i was thinking i could have it venting out onto my balcony, its 15 feet off the ground, so nobody would be around to smell it.. plus i'd get that fresh bud smell whenever i go out for a smoke bongsmilie

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
175W hps isn't going to be enough for 3 plants. MAYBE 2 small ones. But that's a maybe.

You'd be suprised how much light a plant needs.


damn... two smallish plants then? should i flower them around 1ft? or just wait a lil longer?
would 2x125W fluoros+reflectors be enough for 3 plants? its 180 for a 175W HPS, but only 80 each for the fluoros
is that better value for money? i'm way too baked to understand this lumens business, aha


unfortunately i dont have a spare room in my house, and since i'm gonna have guests coming and going, so it wouldnt be safe anyway
but i do have a large shed in my backyard that could be used, i could make half lightproof and leave the other half the way it is

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
unfortunately i dont have a spare room in my house, and since i'm gonna have guests coming and going, so it wouldnt be safe anyway
but i do have a large shed in my backyard that could be used, i could make half lightproof and leave the other half the way it is
Be careful. I read the story about some dudes shed grow burning to the ground. He was mad lucky the cops/fire department didn't sift through the rubble


alright so my plants are mostly flowering
i have 4, killed the little mutant sprout (figured it was a waste of nutes)
still out in the winter sun, late afternoon mostly (2-6) and i try and put them in the morning sun too (7-12)
the biggest one is definitely female, it has the calyxes with the little white hairs coming off of it in numerous places from the top cola to the bottom secondary budsites
the 2 next largest i think are female, they have have calyxes forming and will probably show the hairs soon based on my limited knowledge (pics to come soon, gotta borrow a better camera than a 4.0 MP digital camera from 2006) and the last and smallest one is too early to tell

the biggest one is about 1.5-1.8 feet tall, and the other two that are flowering are about 10-11 inches tall.

will they finish before the end of winter? the smaller 3 are probably indicas, because of the squat plant and leaves
the larger one i think is a sativa, long elongated leaves (has been growing about a month longer than the other plants)
there is about 8-9 weeks of winter left here in AU, that should be enough to finish them off and harvest myself an ounce or two from them right?


Picturesfrom iphone 166.jpgPicturesfrom iphone 165.jpgPicturesfrom iphone 167.jpg
these pics are from last week
i trimmed off some of the lower fan leaves and tied down the largest one, i'm hoping that i did it early enough to get a few small colas on the other bud sites
pics 1 and 3 are of the indica plants, and the largest one is the sativa one


week 11 big plant 01.jpgweek 11 big plant 03.jpgweek 11 big plant 04.jpgweek 11 small plants 02.jpgweek 11 small plants 05.jpgweek 11 small plants 04.jpgweek 11 small plants 03.jpgweek 11 small plants 01.jpgweek 11 big plant 02.jpgone of these turned out to be a male
one is too early to tell
other 2 are definitely female
and increased side growth, not side colas lol


i guess since i put them out in the sun from the start of winter, they grew straight into flower
fine with me, wasnt expecting that much bud anyway
free bud is always good though, hopefully i can up the yield a lil if i get some proper flowering nutes and maybe a flowering additive (any suggestions? what PK rating should i be looking for in the nutes+additive?)
i've been trying to compensate for the lack of a proper PK source by adding an extra 2-3 mL of the part B nutes of the veg formula- contains like 4% phosphate and 5% potassium combined with the A formula
no signs of toxicity from the other 2 nutrients in the part B (Mg and S) and the plants seem to be coping well.
funny shit uday this guy gives good advice but...
u should start the grow box, I am.. for the lights you only need what the size of your box is (squared) then (x) by 3000.. *lumens im talkin... dad got me 3x 30watt cfl's daylight for like 10bucks each and all the wiring as he is an electrician... which should be plenty as each light is 2100 lumens in total is 6300...PLENTY for 2-4 plants!

computer fans is what im searching for now...
and i cant be fucked to get mylar so i think im just going to paint it white...



dude do you think you could hook me up with a few of those CFL's? i was gonna get a HPS but my funds are limited, haha
might still get it, if i can convince the people with the funds to cough up

EDIT: look up some hydroponic lights on ebay, and then go to the store pages
i saw some decent 120MM fans for like 25 a pop plus shipping, down at the hydro shop in maroochydore it was like 40
you could get some normal PC fans and wire them to a plug socket if your dad can help ya, but i'd go with a fan meant for hydro setups (pc fan wiring is very shoddy and i bet would be a fire hazard)

also look up a thread called 'my 3$ carbon filter'
guy tells ya how to make a homemade carbon filter from cleaning cloths and activated carbon from an aquarium store
DIY is the shit.