Is White Widow really what it's pumped up to be?


Active Member
Brick Top I said, Black Widow(1), Shark Shock(2), Medicine Man(3), La Nina(4) these are the real White Widow(1), Great White Shark(2), White Rhino(3), and El Nino(4)

Black Widow-White Widow (Brazilian Sativa X South Indian Sativa/Indica)
Great White Shark-Shark Shock (White Widow X Skunk #1)
White Rhino-Medicine Man (White Widow X Afghan Indica)
El Nino-La Nino (White Widow X Original Haze)

Of course by White I mean Black..

Even ordered them correctly

I thought what I wrote was pretty straight forward and didn't claim all these strains to be White Widow. Did you read what I wrote?
Most people know White Rhino, Great White Shark Shark and El Nino are all White Widow crosses. -_-
Over thinking things you are.


Well-Known Member
i like the seedsman white widow from attitude.
Greenhouse's White Rhino is also a good bet. of the two, i prefer white rhino because its a good narcotic high.

Brick Top

New Member
Brick Top I said, Black Widow(1), Shark Shock(2), Medicine Man(3), La Nina(4) these are the real White Widow(1), Great White Shark(2), White Rhino(3), and El Nino(4)

Black Widow-White Widow (Brazilian Sativa X South Indian Sativa/Indica)
Great White Shark-Shark Shock (White Widow X Skunk #1)
White Rhino-Medicine Man (White Widow X Afghan Indica)
El Nino-La Nino (White Widow X Original Haze)

Of course by White I mean Black..

Even ordered them correctly

I thought what I wrote was pretty straight forward and didn't claim all these strains to be White Widow. Did you read what I wrote?
Most people know White Rhino, Great White Shark Shark and El Nino are all White Widow crosses. -_-
Over thinking things you are.
I am sorry if I was unable to translate what you actually wrote into what you evidently wish you had said, and likely believed you had said, but what can be found below is your entire post, word for word, and it does not appear to be so similar to the above that it was "pretty straight forward." Even what you added does not decipher your ramblings.

Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino. Renamed my the original breeder Shantibaba now with MrNice seeds. If anyone cares to read my link above its the History. Anything called otherwise I'd consider a knock off including all of GHS. Even GHS SSH ain't the original plus more.
Consider how what you wrote actually read. "Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino. Renamed my the original breeder Shantibaba now with MrNice seeds." You either said "Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow" or "these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino" or that all of them were. None were called anything else and the words "these are the real White Widow" were used by you in between the groupings of strains with nothing at all saying anything other than "these are the real White Widow." What is someone to believe when they read something like that?

Your only mention of different strain names was "Renamed my the original breeder Shantibaba now with MrNice seeds" and that in no way was directed at or specific about any strain mentioned given your choice of phraseology. Again, what is someone supposed to believe when they read something like that?

Also to be totally clear Shantibaba is not technically "with MrNice Seeds." "With" implies working for and Mr. Nice Seeds is Shantibaba's, he opened it, he wasn't hired.

It appears that you might have had some idea of what you were attempting to say but you did not come within a country mile of expressing yourself clearly. I'm sure when you wrote the message you believed you had a train of thought going but your boxcars were empty.

It also does not make any sense to use the words "these are the real White Widow" in any way and then list crosses that were made using White Widow as one of the strains used in a cross. You said "Even ordered them correctly" but how did you manage that since not one of them other than Black Widow are in fact White Widow? How can you correctly list something that is incorrect to begin with?

If it is a cross that is only partially White Widow the words "these are the real White Widow" in no way applies to any of them and when the wording used is anything but clear and specific is someone reading what you wrote supposed to be able to divine from the ethereal cyberspace whatever was was going through your mind at the time and what you wanted to say but utterly failed to say?


Active Member
Definitely over thinking it, I did give the history of Mr Nice earlier, and I guess you can say he is not "with" Mr Nice Seeds but a founder along with Mr Nice himself (Howard Marks).

Either way the point has got across. I still think my post was pretty straight forward and if it wasn't, Once someone clicked on history and started browsing the strains list they surely would have understood.

Brick Top

New Member
Definitely over thinking it, I did give the history of Mr Nice earlier, and I guess you can say he is not "with" Mr Nice Seeds but a founder along with Mr Nice himself (Howard Marks).

Either way the point has got across. I still think my post was pretty straight forward and if it wasn't, Once someone clicked on history and started browsing the strains list they surely would have understood.
Not to belabor the point, but can you decipher two sentences of your message for me because for the life of me one says nothing at all and the other in no way helps to explain the first.

The first sentence is; "Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino." That is the complete sentence exactly as you wrote it. What does it actually say? What does it actually mean? Did you attempt to list Mr. Nice Seeds strains that have at least some White Widow in them? If that is what you were doing you did OK but you totally failed to state that was what you were doing and instead only said; "these are the real White Widow." Can you now see where there could be some confusion about what you wrote?

The second is; "Renamed my the original breeder Shantibaba now with MrNice seeds." I understand that the "my" was a typo for 'by' but there is nothing at all, not one word that connects it in any way to what was previously said so it in no way helps to explain what you were attempting to say. So what does it actually say other than the bloody obvious that Shantibaba renamed his strains?

Just in case anyone cares to read about the Mr. Nice Seeds setup the following comes from Howard Marks, aka Mr. Nice.

The Mr Nice Seed Bank is owned by Shantibaba (see attached photograph), and incorporates the talents of another equally experienced breeder of exceptionally high quality, and operates with the collaboration of Howard Marks, aka Mr Nice. These three individuals command a huge wealth of experience in producing cannabis strains. They have produced a large amount of the winning strains of cannabis since 1990, including such legendary strains as Northern Lights No. 5, NL5 x Haze, Super Silver Haze, White Widow, White Rhino, and White Shark.

The Mr Nice Seed Bank was formed for the purpose of spreading these most favoured cannabis strains. Genetic biodiversity is first put into the breeds that are the most favoured choices of those involved. The widespread dissemination of these seeds helps to ensure that none of these strains are ever lost.

All facilities are entirely indoors and housed within pollen-proofed rooms in order to totally control the breeding factors. Indoor breeding by no means implies that the resulting seed is limited to indoor growth. All Mr Nice seeds could be grown indoors or out, please read disclaimer.

The Mr Nice Seed Bank have created 12 new seed names although their seeds have been established for some years under other names. This is to avoid any infringement of other seed companies names.

The Mr Nice Seed Bank differs from many other seed companies by producing all their seeds in their own research and development laboratories. They are set up for fully controlled breeding facilities.



Active Member
The first sentence is; "Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino." That is the complete sentence exactly as you wrote it. What does it actually say? What does it actually mean? Did you attempt to list Mr. Nice Seeds strains that have at least some White Widow in them? If that is what you were doing you did OK but you totally failed to state that was what you were doing and instead only said; "these are the real White Widow." Can you now see where there could be some confusion about what you wrote?
Like I said, Once someone clicked on history and started browsing the strains list they surely would have understood.

I still say

Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El what I said

makes sense to me...You seem to be emphasizing on
these are the real White Widow
But thats not what I said...these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino.

It may have been confusing but if someone wanted to spend 5minutes checking into it they would have understood.

I still don't understand how you didn't understand...


Brick Top

New Member
Like I said, Once someone clicked on history and started browsing the strains list they surely would have understood.

I still say

Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man, La Nina these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El what I said

makes sense to me...You seem to be emphasizing on
these are the real White Widow
But thats not what I said...these are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino.

It may have been confusing but if someone wanted to spend 5minutes checking into it they would have understood.

I still don't understand how you didn't understand...


The answer to "how" is a combination of your choice of words and lack of punctuation combined with my inability to think down to your level.

You used the word "these" and that alters the meaning of what you were attempting to say the way it was used and without a coma after "La Nina" there was nothing separating the words in a way to make clear what you were attempting to say.

It is a case of you knowing what you were attempting to say but failing to express yourself using the English language.

Had you listed the previous names and then clearly said 'were renamed' and then said what the new names are that would have been totally clear to all. That is why I asked if you had attempted to list the new names for Mr. Nice Seeds strains after the Green House Seeds breakup and the opening of Mr. Nice Seeds.

The way you worded it and how you passed on some needed punctuation you really never said what you believed you were saying.

With it all run together the way you worded it, if read as written, it did not read in English as you evidently intended it to.


Well-Known Member
he didnt understand because you used poor grammar and incorrect punctuation. i was thinking the exact same thing when i read it. you should have done this

"Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man,and La Nina. These are the real White Widow, Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino.

notice the period after La Nina, and then starting the next sentence with 'These are the real'. people who payed attention in English class would need to read it a few times, and even then its still up to perception. adding periods, being concise, these remove perception and enforce clarification.


Well-Known Member
Ops, brick beat me to it =D

-edit- and notice i left the inccorect grammar, to be truly correct, it would have gone something like this:

"Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man,and La Nina. Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino, these are the real White Widow."


Well-Known Member
lol i dont think i am bud. i think you are. take an english class.

-edit- i like how everyone is confused but you, and yet you think it has nothing to do with the way you worded your sentence. very humorous.


Active Member
Ops, brick beat me to it =D

-edit- and notice i left the inccorect grammar, to be truly correct, it would have gone something like this:

"Black Widow, Shark Shock, Medicine Man,and La Nina. Great White Shark, White Rhino, and El Nino, these are the real White Widow."
What do you by this then?

Also I never once said what I originally posted was worded correctly, it was grammatically incorrect. I do however think it was understandable.

As if saying "He is stupider" shitty example but it's grammatically incorrect yet understandable no?


Well-Known Member
What do you by this then?

Also I never once said what I originally posted was worded correctly, it was grammatically incorrect. I do however think it was understandable.

As if saying "He is stupider" shitty example but it's grammatically incorrect yet understandable no?
well, no. i think thats the point. i think that most of the time, people can pick up typos or grammatical inconsistencies and be able to understand them anyways (from experience reading those kinds of posts online a lot). but in this specific case, it was actually confusing due to the lack of a period. iam not saying its a big deal, i think you made it one though. i was just saying that i too was confused, and i am no idiot. this is just one of those situations where a simple lack of a period made a big difference to the viewer.


WW, mine is a nirvana Knock off.....Yet it was great. I loved the High, the spicy taste and smell with a hint of sandle wood .

One day when i can afford it I would love to try MnS but Imo for 30 bucks Im happy.

It must be amazing if the knock off is this good.


Well-Known Member
...The real true White Widow (Black Widow) is all it was cracked up to be but no one should expect the same quality from other breeder's strains (knockoffs) that carry the name White Widow...
Does this mean you've grown Black Widow? If so, got a link for me to check out?


Well-Known Member
if u want.. u cn check out my signature... i jsut harvested my White Widow.. its from Nirvana.. its like $35 for 5 fem seeds.. maybe a lil more maybe a lil less. i forget. lol. but htis shits BOMB!! and its grows FAST!! and yields alot.. last grow i only vegged for 3 weeks.. and flowered for 8.. and only used CFL's and got 3.15 ounces... and this current grow (in my sig)i vegged for 4 weeks.. used only CFL's again.. and flowered for 8 1/2... i jsut harvested a few days ago. so i dont have a dry weight yet.. go to page 41 and 43 for pics. =)


Well-Known Member
I've got Serious Seeds' White Russian which is a cross of White Widow and AK-47. I was lucky enough to get two females, each with opposite phenos and I've got to say, I prefer the Widow pheno:leaf: