Well-Known Member
yeah, I don't get that then.
Dude, you got a great deal for something so pretty. How does it hit?Here is a pic of my one hitter I picked up for about $10!
Bic has a different chemical formula of flint for each color lighter. The orange Bic lighter has trace amounts of cocaine and marijuana, so you get higher. Way higher.haha me being a noob and everything...whats the big thing about orange bic lighters? haha
I got a grinder that sorts like that with a screen and all. Unfortunately the stuff I was buying has very little left to drop to the bottom. Not really sure that some the smaller parts don't also have some decent THC in them. But I'm open to being convinced.i don't know if i'm the only one, but i have this little box on my screen that says GOOGLE next to it. i type in a word and click on that little GO icon and this is what happens.
BC Sifting & Salvage Boxes
Dude, you can boil it to clean it? I was looking at one last week and never thought how convenient that would be.It hits pretty good. It has a decent size bowl and once lit it stays cherried till cashed. I like it cuz its small and rather thick so will not break very easy. Looks real good when I boil it!!
there is only one way to get the highest possible 2 words.... orange bic