oooh really, changing colors? what colors? also, do you think transplanting mine to buckets with no holes in the bottom and flooding them in that, after a good flush, would work
hmm im in those tall 5 gallon, like paint buckets you can get for like 2 bucks, they are brand new no paint. im thinking i can do that without the rubbermaid, also on the one thats trimmed, it might not work without the leaves, since you need Nitrogen to for the fermentation.
Just get a tote. Took me awhile to get this cork to sink. Drowning them is tougher than you would think.
Is this the way your buddy dunks them? Seemed to be the only way I could think of to drown it.
The manicured plant is being dryed/cured the way I have done it for years. I have never really thought about fermentation. Just always wanted to slow the initial drying process down as much as possible. Even a trimmed and manicured plant cut into pcs. and hanging in a box. Still has alot of chemical processes taking place. Patients makes all the difference. Riddles old school way is def taking it too the next level. Edit: what light period, if any, did the old timers use once this process begins Riddle? Tried to swim would be an understatement. Ended up putting 2 bricks on the top of the pot to hold it down. Soiless mix, sphagum. Lots of perlite. Even this morning it would float around if not for the bricks. Maybe instead of querkle it should be called corkle.hmm im in those tall 5 gallon, like paint buckets you can get for like 2 bucks, they are brand new no paint. im thinking i can do that without the rubbermaid, also on the one thats trimmed, it might not work without the leaves, since you need Nitrogen to for the fermentation.
I'm about alf way through the class. I will read more this morning.
Since i am current on this thread i will ask my question here. the research i've done on co2 enrichment seems to indicate that growth significantly slows at about 200 ppm, and below that almost stops.
So my question is this. Do you think that co2 starvation could be used to control stretch? Would this be detrimental to the "puberty stage" of the plant. Or do you think it would be still preparing for reproductive growth and just not stretching?
My brain tells me that the plant, when faced with low co2, would have to make a choice between preparing reproductive parts, and stretching. it would make sense that the plant would place reproducing ahead of new growth.
Growing pretty good, you gonna go for a circle?
Had a thought on the drowning process. I think it would be best to keep the pot within another container if growing in soil. Limiting the amount of water you would need to add to keep it saturated. By just continually watering the pot to keep soak would also be adding some fresh oxygen each time. Just seems logical too me. But maybe just the fact the saturated medium would pretty much halt gas exchange. Still doing the trick. Any thoughts?
i think im going to top her once she gets close to a full circle, and start topping the internodes and tieing down. shes goona be one of my mother plants if she keeps growing at this rate lol