USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


Well-Known Member
My weed growing does not affect anyone or cost anyone but me.

Illegal immigration costs all americans money.

Do not be so foolish to think your taxes do not pay for these fucking rats.


Well-Known Member
:roll: at "felonious MJ growing"
:::::::::oh, the SHAME::::::::::

But perhaps, the most troubling and telling reason behind the growing epidemic of child molestation at the hands of Mexican illegal aliens, is the fact the age of sexual consent throughout much of Mexico is 12.

The only other nation in the world which boasts such a disregard for childhood innocence is Zimbabwe, where the age of consent is also 12.

Do you feel that America Must Accept Increasing Multiculturalism and End Racism? - Yahoo! Answers


Well-Known Member
My weed growing does not affect anyone or cost anyone but me.

Illegal immigration costs all americans money.

Do not be so foolish to think your taxes do not pay for these fucking rats.

BS, there are THOUSANDS of businesses that profit off them and they help keep ur Big Mac cheap. BTW MM if you ever post something not angry as fuck i might start listening.


Well-Known Member
:roll: at "felonious MJ growing"
:::::::::oh, the SHAME::::::::::

But perhaps, the most troubling and telling reason behind the growing epidemic of child molestation at the hands of Mexican illegal aliens, is the fact the age of sexual consent throughout much of Mexico is 12.

racist much?


and i dont consider weed growers or smokers felons, i dont buy into that reefer madness shit

and im on home soil breaking your beloved reefer laws, not down in mexico


Well-Known Member
Here is a artical I found that makes some good points about illegl aliens and how they affect us (i.e.-tax dollars, jobs)

The Bush Administration is now trying to allow illegal
aliens the privilege of obtaining [COLOR=#739912 !important][COLOR=#739912 !important]drivers'[/COLOR][/COLOR] licenses.
This would allow illegal aliens to take the jobs of US
drivers of tractor-trailers, taxis, etc.

Agents in the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector have
seized 543,740 pounds of drugs through July 5, 2006
which is up 11 percent from the 489,898 total seized
in the 2005 fiscal year. Stolen vehicles that are used
to transport illegal aliens and narcotics continue to
be a major crime problem in Arizona. The vehicles
stolen in Phoenix, Tucson and outlying areas are
supplied to organized smugglers in Mexico. The
vehicles have an unending source of drivers who then
re-entry the United States with Contraband or human

US Border Patrol Agents, Ramos & Compean, are serving
10+ years in prison because they shot the buttocks of
a repeat drug smuggler from Mexico. For some reason,
the Bush Administration found the smuggler in Mexico
and agreed to pay for his US [COLOR=#739912 !important][COLOR=#739912 !important]medical [COLOR=#739912 !important]care[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and hotel
suite in exchange for testimony against our own US
Border Patrol agents who had clean records for

For people living next to or near the Mexican border,
living there has become a living nightmare with
illegal aliens trashing land, homes, and outbuildings;
killing landowners, Border Patrol agents, and tourists
unfortunate enough to get in their way; killing or
stealing livestock; stealing vehicles, guns, and
anything else they can get their hands on. Within the
continental United States not a day goes by but what
we hear of another instance in which an American is
brutally murdered, sodomized, raped or assaulted by a
Mexican citizen in the United States illegally. The
violent street gang Mara Salvatrucha 13 (M-13) arrived
in the United States from El Salvador by way of
Mexico. By now most have heard of La Raza, one of the
organizations supporting Mexican illegal aliens in
America. La Raza in English means “The Race.”

We have all heard President Bush’s take on the 12 to
20 million illegal aliens in this country:“They are
here to do jobs that American’s won’t do.” Really? A
recent Pew Hispanic Center study shows that of the 12
to 20 million illegal aliens in this country, 3%
provide stoop farm labor; the other 97% are taking
jobs away from Americans in the fields of
construction, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurant,
administrative and service jobs. In real terms, that
equates to 11.64 to 19.4 million jobs that Americans
want and need!


Well-Known Member
There is one big reason that we should stop illegal aliens from entering our country.....TERRORISM! It so easy to come into the country via Mexico that it has become a HUGE security risk for all of us. I am not saying that Mexicans are terrorists but I am saying that the terrorists know that it is super easy to get into the U.S. via Mexico! dont know about you guys but that makes me very nervous knowing that Binladen (dont know if i spelled that right) could send people here and we would never know.....scary!


war huh? my grandaddy was in ww2 and korea, my old man was in nam along with 3 of my uncles

i was in kuwait and so was my brother. it wouldnt be a war, float in a couple air craft carriers, mass troops, tanks, choppers and a-10s for a forward thrust

hell, we have a branch of the air force called "space command"

they will run like hell when shit just starts blowin up, and they cant see whos doin it


Well-Known Member
How is the truth racist...
Thank you, but do bear in mind this is coming from a guy who is pointing out how we should appreciate that our "cheap" Big Macs are to be appreciated---thanks to illegals.
I wouldn't say they're cheap btw....but that's the best thing the guy can point out as to how we should be grateful....:roll:

Why is the truth racist?
You can't get through these cold hard facts with the defense of racism...sorry, it just won't work.


Well-Known Member
There is one big reason that we should stop illegal aliens from entering our country.....TERRORISM! It so easy to come into the country via Mexico that it has become a HUGE security risk for all of us. I am not saying that Mexicans are terrorists but I am saying that the terrorists know that it is super easy to get into the U.S. via Mexico! dont know about you guys but that makes me very nervous knowing that Binladen (dont know if i spelled that right) could send people here and we would never know.....scary!
Where do the terrorists come from originally? What are terrorists? What nationality were the 911 attackers?

Anyone can get into the USA fairly easily, you don't have to go through Mexico. If you live near Canada you can just walk across and most likely never get caught. After all its just an imaginary line.

Bin Laden has been dead for years and years. Even the US government says that we will NEVER get him.


Well-Known Member
racist much?
Don't be a moron. This has nothing to do with racism.
Maybe you don't mind subjecting your CHILD to sex at an early age, but if I had a daughter and any single soul tried to get off of RAPE on the premise that it is acceptable from where they came from, therefore they are "innocent" and should therefore be freed of any criminal need to get me started.
No parent should be held accountable for what fury they take upon the molestor.


Well-Known Member
war huh? my grandaddy was in ww2 and korea, my old man was in nam along with 3 of my uncles

i was in kuwait and so was my brother. it wouldnt be a war, float in a couple air craft carriers, mass troops, tanks, choppers and a-10s for a forward thrust

hell, we have a branch of the air force called "space command"

they will run like hell when shit just starts blowin up, and they cant see whos doin it
How well did this work in Afghanistan and Iraq? We are still there right? The longest military engagement ever, and its not even close to ending. Seems to me that destruction of a people and a country is not the answer.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, but do bear in mind this is coming from a guy who is pointing out how we should appreciate that our "cheap" Big Macs are to be appreciated---thanks to illegals.
I wouldn't say they're cheap btw....but that's the best thing the guy can point out as to how we should be grateful....:roll:
I don't eat em. i figured with your Fox-line you probably ate fast food and thought it was caviar. If you think that the rate of perversions is different across races you are probably a racist, as we are one species.