If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

Hey guys I got a question for ya. I'm thinking about doing a little experiment, but I wanted to get some feedback first.

I started off this outdoor season with about 10 plants, but due to weather, pests, etc, I lost a few. The ones that remain are doing great, but I'd like to start a few more now to take up the space of the ones I lost. Question is, if I started seeds today and did them 12/12 from seed for about 3-4 week, it would be around mid July by then. If I took them out then, do you think they would stay in flower or switch back to veg. I checked my sunrise/sunset charts for mid July, and I'm looking at about 14.75/9.25 light/dark.

On the other hand, if I start them at 20/4 and take them out mid July, I'm thinking the sudden drop to 14.75/9.25 might tell the plants "hey, we better start flowering ASAP." What do you guys think?
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my absence. It was unavoidable drama with my internet company again. Going to look this over tomorrow or the day after. Had a death in the family and a couple surgeries at the same time so things are moving a little slow motion for us right now lol. I am holding up fine but the family, not so much. I will check this tomorrow though guys, sorry. Very tired, Very high, Very ready to go to bed lol. Pzz people I'll be here in the morning.
Sorry to hear about the death in the family Joker.

Joker i am a fairly new outside grower and i was recently told that if you take 2 liters of water and mix with 2 tablespoon of mollases with it and use it to water your plants with that its beneficial to your root system and produces better buds so i was wondering have you heard this before since you got some years of growing under your belt i appreciater your help>

I'm growing outside too and have an auto flowering and was thinking about molasses myself. I decided not to because I don't want it attracting bugs or any other critters. As for the effectiveness, I think the jury is still out on that one. Some people love it, others hate it. I'm pretty sure people who do use it for the most part use a lot lower dose. More like 1 tablespoon per 2 liters. I could be mistaken though.
Help Needed!!!!!
First I will give you what I have then, I will give you what my current issues are.

1) 6’x8’ greenhouse. 4’x4’ flood table, 50 gal reservoir, 256 gph pump. 2-18” air stones, 2-12” blizzard floor fans, 8 tub 4’ light set up, fox farm grow big, using 20-1 ½ gallon grow pots, Sure to Grow cubes and blocks, hydroton, black shade block over the green house, timers lights on from 6am-9pm, table floods for 20 mins every 3 hours
2) First time ever using flood and drain system. I started with 20 clones dated 5/2 a few different flavors OG Kush, Purple Kush, Cheese, Sour Diesel, and NY Diesel. I have lost two or three plants over the past month. I figured no big deal the rest are doing well. From last night at 8pm till tonight 5/16 at 6pm I lost 4 of my strongest plants they wilted up and shrunk. Most were about 14”-18” tall and showing a new level of leaves every few days. If I wantedto I could of forced into flower and hard a nice little crop. Nothing from day tot day had changed. The high temp in the greenhouse was 86 degrees not to high. I checked the PH level it was at 7.0 a little high but nothing that would cause this. I did change the length of the flood time from 20 mins to 30 mins every 3 hours. Could it be my nutrient level are out of wack? Do you recommend a good meter for P N and K? What about digital?

Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts, questions, anything????? My plants in my grow room in 3 gallon soil buckets are growing well like weeds…..
Ok everything I just typed to all these questions got lost... Fucking retarded shit... I have been in bed sick all day so I apologize for not getting back to you guys sooner.
Hey, new here and to growing. Im currently giving an outdoor bag seed grow a go. I started indoors then had to transplant outdoors earlier than i wanted, at about 6 days old. But all is well she grew a quarter of an inch her first day after transplant.

Anyway my question is are any of a plants early characteristics telling of its adult characteristics? My plant at 6 days had a very extensive root system combined with a short thick stem. Might this mean that later in life my plant will be of the shorter bushier variety? Or is it all random?

Also temps are looking pretty good highs of 75-85 nighttime lows 60-70. But were having a very rainy year, its supposed to rain every 3-4 days and when it rains it pours! My plant is in a 20 gallon hole 10 gallons of very light airy draining soil 5 gallons average garden soil and 5 gallons native clayish top soil. Should i take any steps to prevent overwatering from the rain?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or advice and i look forward to contributing once im a but more knowledgable.
The growth is random unless it's a clone then it's exactly the same as the mother. As for characteristics, thin leafs means it's a sativa. Sativas put off the largest colas outdoors because of the easy sun penetration. Short fat leafs means it's an indica and most indicas do better inside with a better controlled environment. The size of your plant really depends on you. If you want her short and bushy then keep her short and bushy using lst, super cropping, or topping. If you want her to be tall I would say top her 1 time and leave it be the rest of the grow cycle. Your hole really makes a huge difference in your plant's size. A 20 gallon hole should yield fairly good. I get decent indoor yields in 5 gallon buckets so I know 20 outdoor will do great things.
I gotta question for u. I have been lookin for some info about different types of topping for my one lady. If u could plz come check out my grow and give me a pointer or two, that would be great. I have a few different strains goin, and they are all growin at different rates, but my mids are going into flowering in about a week or so and I want to know if I should just leave her alone, or try to do something to her. I say "her" optimistically; she is just bagseed with a lot of love and hope LOL. Also, how do I +rep someone if they give me good advice? Thanks is advance!
Oh, also, subscribed!

As I said above there are many different ways to do this.
Super Cropping
I couldn't really find a video on it but here is an overview of them all including fiming

These are all ways to keep your plant short.

Joker 209 I tried to send you a private message, but was unable to. My question to you is this:
I decided to try hydro growing after a few good grows in soil. I have a set up similar to this one, plastic tote, water pump, air stones, and the irrigation distributor, http://www.stealthhydroponics.com/pr...rod=16&xSec=53 (the one that plays on the video) I want to know if I need to set up a timer on the water pump to allow the rockwool, and hydroton to dry then turn on again? I am not using a dripper, just an open hose. I have tried two different times and my seedlings die each time. I have the pump set up to be on 24/7 and the hose is directly on the side of the rockwool cube through the net pot. The water level sits about a foot below the bottom of the pots. With the air stones on 24/7 also. Also when the roots reach the water in the resivoir do I stop using nutrients if so when do I use the bloom nutrients, or do I just rely on balanced water and the appropriate light cycle, or do I use the nuts and keep the air stones going and take out the pump with hoses.

I know its a long question but I have been on here for four days with no luck and my plants are still dying.

Ok so let me answer this 1 question at a time lol.
In my opinion I would NOT place your hoses spraying on the rockwool cubes but that is just me. I feel rockwool holds too much water to have a constant stream on them. This could be why you're losing so many plants. A timer would be a good idea because too much water can be harmful to your plants just as much as not enough. Air stones need to stay on all the time if roots are in the water. This helps aerate the roots so they don't drown. As for nutrients, DWC (Deep Water Cultivation) is done IN water. The roots stay in the water all of their life. The constant stream of bubbles on the roots allows the roots to absorb just enough O2 to keep them happy. Nutrients are fine to use all through the grow. The roots are drinking the water that's being put on them including the nutes so why would it be any different? Keep the air pump going and there wont be any problems with the roots in the res with or without nutes.

Joker i am a fairly new outside grower and i was recently told that if you take 2 liters of water and mix with 2 tablespoon of mollases with it and use it to water your plants with that its beneficial to your root system and produces better buds so i was wondering have you heard this before since you got some years of growing under your belt i appreciater your help>

This is with any soil grow not just outdoor. I have used molasses for years in soil (DO NOT USE IT IN HYDRO) The reason for using molasses is because it has all natural sugar in it which allows the plant to grow a bit more quicker and stronger than without. The natural sugars give the plant a boost of energy and carbohydrates that allow the plant to take on more work with less stress. It also allows the plant to use more of the nutrients you put in or are already in your soil. It adds great flavor to the bud too when you smoke it. If you want this broken down into laments terms think of a kid on sugar and you have an idea of what's going on inside your plant that has molasses to eat.

Here is something I went and found for you to help with a little light reading.

im in flower now and had to enter the grow room during the dark cycle, i had my regular ceiling light on for 10 seconds so i was wondering if that light would do anything to the plants or would it need to be a high wattage light on to mess up things?

A few minutes shouldn't hurt your plant at all. If it were a couple hours I would say you had something to worry about. 10 minutes shouldn't hurt. If you have no choice but to work on your plants during their dark period get a green cfl like this 1
And you should be good to go work on them at night.

i agree this SHOULDNT mess your cycle up. but you will not know untill harvest day...
i turned on my ceiling light 4-6 times for less than 1 min throughout a grow, a 13W CFL about 8 feet away from plants. it made my plants go hermi... i would not recomend doing this AT ALL. it really just depends on your genetics tho. but even a small wattage bulb is felt by the plants, and will mess with the photo period weather you notice it or not.

Some genetics are worse than others though as far as hermies. Hermies in my eyes are not that bad. I had a plant hermie on me this last grow and only got about 10 seeds out of 2 zips.

Could you possibly tell me why some of my calyx tips are turning purple. I dont think it's genetics, but I don't know much about the strain. (Bagseed from Herijuana, seed possibly from another Herijuana hermi, or a Bubba Kush hermi that was in the room. It was one of three seeds found in the entire crop.)
I've kept it on a pretty regular, but light, feeding schedule. I try to keep it FEED,WATER,WATER(2 weeks),FEED,WATER,WATER,WATER,WATER,FEED (for 1 week)... and then back again. I recently adjusted my flower nute mix to less N and more P and K. Just after lights on yesterday I gave her one last drink of water before I start feeding again for the last bit before the final flush.

This just means they are nearing harvest. If this is on a younger plant I would say it is having some difficulties due to some stress. Too much heat, too much water, not enough water, too much nutes, not enough nutes, bugs... The list goes on. If it's a young plant I would recommend you finding out what your plant is trying to tell you

I'm not sure If I have a hermie or male plants. How long can I wait under flowering before they produce pollens. I dont want to just yank them until I know for sure they are males or hermie. They seem to have one little balls on the nobs but they also have hairs on the top part of the plants. Please someone shine in I dont want to fuck up my whole crop... Is it worth keeping the hermies?

You will have 8-12 days before a male flower will open and pollinate.

HELLO! I have a question/concern. When i was digging the hole for my plant today outside i noticed there were ants and a worms in the soil. Is this a bad thing? Should i get a new spot? I liked that spot and is the only one i really have right now.

Ants are an enemy but there is always ways around pests. You can sprinkle garlic powder around the base of your plant frequently and the ants should stay away. I have no idea what this will do to the flavor of your plant. You could also use ant motels around the base of your plants to keep them off. There are many ways to keep ants off. Worms are friends of MJ plants due to the fact they give such great fertilizers. I know you've heard of worm castings before. Worms are good but the ants would be my concern as they like to hollow out plants like that. They also tend to eat at the tissue of the plant until it creates boils that are filled with white sap which draw other bugs in and will spread throughout your plant and eventually kill it. Get those ants under control.

I just looked this up for you too

do you have a pic? this sounds like a hermi plant, but it could also be a female that hasnt matured fully yet. if there is hairs its deffinatly not a male.
hermi plants are a good ina way,the seeds they produce are mostly females, but it can pollenate other plants sometimes.
a pic would deffinatly be helpfull answering ur Q tho.

I have had plenty of hermies and have never had a problem with them pollinating other plants because they don't actually produce pollen particles to the best of my knowledge.

you can actually see the hairs on the top nobs... these are the lower nobs and they look like little balls next to them here are better pictures


K not to correct ya or anything but its Nodes
If she has "hairs" and not just a part of the plant then it could be both. I see a male part on this picture. Keep it a few days until you know it's a male then yank it... Tough break bud sorry.

[quote="Airwave, post: 4284744"]What is my favourite colour?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE='[seriousdesert];4286496']in terms of pc grow cases, what's the most efficient way of covering intake and outake fans to stop light from entering/escaping whilst maintaining a high ariflow?[/QUOTE]

You can just use computer fans because there really isn't any other fans you can fit in there. The problem with small spaces is you're very limited to what you can do with it. I only started my plants in a computer case then moved on to a 25 foot travel trailer Computer fans though, best and only way to keep a small area cool or somewhat cool.

[quote="chainseeker, post: 4286279"]Alright buddy now I do need some help with a legit problem LOL!!


I'm thinking either over fert or cal mag def. Ph going in the soil is 7.2 runoff is 6.5. The only thing they're maybe not getting enough of is cal mag.
I instantly flushed with ph 7.2 water what should I do now? Wait and use plain water or feed some nutes and get some cal mag?




It looks to me like a nute burn really. I would give straight water for a few waterings and see if they look better in a week or 2. If they worsen then make sure to feed with some Cal-Mag.

[quote="sonar, post: 4286630"]Hey guys I got a question for ya. I'm thinking about doing a little experiment, but I wanted to get some feedback first.

I started off this outdoor season with about 10 plants, but due to weather, pests, etc, I lost a few. The ones that remain are doing great, but I'd like to start a few more now to take up the space of the ones I lost. Question is, if I started seeds today and did them 12/12 from seed for about 3-4 week, it would be around mid July by then. If I took them out then, do you think they would stay in flower or switch back to veg. I checked my sunrise/sunset charts for mid July, and I'm looking at about 14.75/9.25 light/dark.

On the other hand, if I start them at 20/4 and take them out mid July, I'm thinking the sudden drop to 14.75/9.25 might tell the plants "hey, we better start flowering ASAP." What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

What I'm wondering is why you would put them in flower indoor then transplant outdoor. It's only June and the only ill effect you would get from planting so late is a smaller plant. You should be fine to place them outdoor as soon as they are big enough to uphold the HID from the sun.

[quote="rustycramer, post: 4293203"]Help Needed!!!!!
First I will give you what I have then, I will give you what my current issues are.
1) 6’x8’ greenhouse. 4’x4’ flood table, 50 gal reservoir, 256 gph pump. 2-18” air stones, 2-12” blizzard floor fans, 8 tub 4’ light set up, fox farm grow big, using 20-1 ½ gallon grow pots, Sure to Grow cubes and blocks, hydroton, black shade block over the green house, timers lights on from 6am-9pm, table floods for 20 mins every 3 hours
2) First time ever using flood and drain system. I started with 20 clones dated 5/2 a few different flavors OG Kush, Purple Kush, Cheese, Sour Diesel, and NY Diesel. I have lost two or three plants over the past month. I figured no big deal the rest are doing well. From last night at 8pm till tonight 5/16 at 6pm I lost 4 of my strongest plants they wilted up and shrunk. Most were about 14”-18” tall and showing a new level of leaves every few days. If I wantedto I could of forced into flower and hard a nice little crop. Nothing from day tot day had changed. The high temp in the greenhouse was 86 degrees not to high. I checked the PH level it was at 7.0 a little high but nothing that would cause this. I did change the length of the flood time from 20 mins to 30 mins every 3 hours. Could it be my nutrient level are out of wack? Do you recommend a good meter for P N and K? What about digital?

Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts, questions, anything????? My plants in my grow room in 3 gallon soil buckets are growing well like weeds…..[/QUOTE]

I think your giving them too much water first off. Secondly I would like to see some pictures if possible so I can give it a little better evaluation. Could be too much water, too much nutes, not enough nutes, just a number of things. Pictures of everything would be good. Your air stones and how you have them positioned, your pump and how you run your lines.... Just a general overview so we can all get a better idea of what you're situation is.

[quote="[email protected], post: 4290550"]nice to hear that everything is working out for you in the end joker.[/QUOTE]
[quote="sonar, post: 4291379"]Sorry to hear about the death in the family Joker.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the emotional support It's hard times but life goes on. "Keep moving forward and you will never have to look over your shoulder" I lived on that motto for a long time... We'll get through it, I have no doubt in my mind.

[quote="sonar, post: 4291379"]I'm growing outside too and have an auto flowering and was thinking about molasses myself. I decided not to because I don't want it attracting bugs or any other critters. As for the effectiveness, I think the jury is still out on that one. Some people love it, others hate it. I'm pretty sure people who do use it for the most part use a lot lower dose. More like 1 tablespoon per 2 liters. I could be mistaken though.[/QUOTE]
When I used it, I mixed 1-2 tsp per gallon and it worked beautifully.
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Hey Ive had a problem indoors halfway thru flower. The lower leaves start yellowing and dropping. Some drop still looking good, they get real weak and fall off. Most fry from the tips inward and necrose. Ive run the gammit of ideas it could be. And finally settled on overwatering and fungus gnats. It happened two grows, and Ive tried changing nutes, water, and soil. This grow Im using better pots, and vegging longer, so overwatering shouldnt be such a problem. Ive got just a few gnats around. And Im not sure but I think its starting AGAIN!!! It is a scrog this time, maybe some lower leaves are dropping cus they are so shaded? Any other ideas? Thanks a lot
hey bro,My strawberrys sprouted and thats really all they did no kind of new growth..they are nowhere near 1 inch..they are in half shade because they are so small and im worried about them burning up in these 100 degree temps.
has anybody used the Bud X Factor on a soil grow?? results? this stuff anygood and worth the 85$ for a bottle. sorry if this isnt the right ? for this thread!
Heres some pics, I cant find the ones from my last grow. This one its just starting and its a scrog. So not very good pics of the problem. I just pulled out my plants to check moisture, and they needed water bad. I noticed a pretty serious mag deficiency. Sure thats not helping... Brown spots on the nice green leaves at the top of the plant. Fed my bloom nutes for the first time, which is complete and has .5% mag. Also a little of my veg nutes which had no micro nutes in it. And sprayed with epsom salts.
I wonder if these new picture will help.. i think it looks like a hermie but i need your expert opinions....


Hey Ive had a problem indoors halfway thru flower. The lower leaves start yellowing and dropping. Some drop still looking good, they get real weak and fall off. Most fry from the tips inward and necrose. Ive run the gammit of ideas it could be. And finally settled on overwatering and fungus gnats. It happened two grows, and Ive tried changing nutes, water, and soil. This grow Im using better pots, and vegging longer, so overwatering shouldnt be such a problem. Ive got just a few gnats around. And Im not sure but I think its starting AGAIN!!! It is a scrog this time, maybe some lower leaves are dropping cus they are so shaded? Any other ideas? Thanks a lot
A good rule to go by when watering is this..
Wait until the soil pulls away from the side of the pot then water. Anything wetter than that is over watering.
hey bro,My strawberrys sprouted and thats really all they did no kind of new growth..they are nowhere near 1 inch..they are in half shade because they are so small and im worried about them burning up in these 100 degree temps.
I wouldn't even have them outdoor yet. I would keep them inside under some low wattage lights until they are at least a few inches tall.
has anybody used the Bud X Factor on a soil grow?? results? this stuff anygood and worth the 85$ for a bottle. sorry if this isnt the right ? for this thread!
This thread is for any questions regarding growing man so don't sweat that. As for the Bud X Factor, I have never used it personally but if you give me a day I will do some research for you if you'd like.
Heres some pics, I cant find the ones from my last grow. This one its just starting and its a scrog. So not very good pics of the problem. I just pulled out my plants to check moisture, and they needed water bad. I noticed a pretty serious mag deficiency. Sure thats not helping... Brown spots on the nice green leaves at the top of the plant. Fed my bloom nutes for the first time, which is complete and has .5% mag. Also a little of my veg nutes which had no micro nutes in it. And sprayed with epsom salts.
As far as I can see in the pictures it looks like a N def. I say this because of the red on the stems and the yellow on the leafs. If you tried some of the cal-mag I'm sure that would help with some but they need some N in there too. Even in flower they still use N for energy.
I wonder if these new picture will help.. i think it looks like a hermie but i need your expert opinions....
That's a male dude, I would yank it.
I wouldnt think a N deficiency would have necrotic frying like that. And Some leaves drop pretty green. Also most of the plant is DARK green. I think of N deficiency as an overall pale green plant with CHLOROTIC YELLOW lower leaves.
so how long do you think they have until they start to pollinate? will it be ok to remove him tomorrow before it ruin my crop?
I wouldnt think a N deficiency would have necrotic frying like that. And Some leaves drop pretty green. Also most of the plant is DARK green. I think of N deficiency as an overall pale green plant with CHLOROTIC YELLOW lower leaves.
Ok well I just took a double look at your pictures and the only other thing I could imagine it being would have to be the lower leafs aren't getting enough light so your plant is just discarding them as useless.
so how long do you think they have until they start to pollinate? will it be ok to remove him tomorrow before it ruin my crop?
You will be fine until tomorrow. Like I said, the male pollen wont fall for 8-12 days.
Yeah rhdc those look like they wont open for a bit. They will hang down on a stem first.

Thanks Joker, Im hoping its that this time with the scrog. But the way the leaves necrose worries me. I wonder if the gnats are giving them some disease. My last two grows it almost killed the plant, and my final product sucked.
hey guys. Im wondering when is the best time for me to transplant my seedlings into soil. They are about 6 days old since sprouting and are looking healthy with the 1st set of true leaves very nice green color. They are in root-riot cubes and have been under a T-5Fluro 24/0. I have FoxFarmOF and Pro-Mix to choose from. I know FFof is 'Hot' and that I wouldnt need to add nutes from 2-4weeks and the Pro-Mix is suppose to have much less nutes in it. So should I wait till the seedlings are a few days older and have a better root system and then transplant? The root systems on them are poking through the sides and bottom of the cube/little white shoots. Not crazy everywhere but they are poking through. Thanks for helping a 1st time grower!!!
i was just wondering since i'm already at day 7
Yea man you got time no worries. Just make sure to pull it as soon as you get the chance.
Yeah rhdc those look like they wont open for a bit. They will hang down on a stem first.

Thanks Joker, Im hoping its that this time with the scrog. But the way the leaves necrose worries me. I wonder if the gnats are giving them some disease. My last two grows it almost killed the plant, and my final product sucked.
Have you looked for spider mites yet? If not I would suggest doing that real fast before they get a chance to destroy your crop. Gnats can destroy plants by transmitting a type of mold also. Could be a part of the problem there as well. I would recommend for precautionary measures to hang some sticky tabs or sticky fly traps.
hey guys. Im wondering when is the best time for me to transplant my seedlings into soil. They are about 6 days old since sprouting and are looking healthy with the 1st set of true leaves very nice green color. They are in root-riot cubes and have been under a T-5Fluro 24/0. I have FoxFarmOF and Pro-Mix to choose from. I know FFof is 'Hot' and that I wouldnt need to add nutes from 2-4weeks and the Pro-Mix is suppose to have much less nutes in it. So should I wait till the seedlings are a few days older and have a better root system and then transplant? The root systems on them are poking through the sides and bottom of the cube/little white shoots. Not crazy everywhere but they are poking through. Thanks for helping a 1st time grower!!!
Whenever you want to plant them into soil would be my answer. Root Riot is a good brand and are some of my personal favorites :D If you want to plant them right this minute you could. If you are going to use the FFOF I would recommend flushing it a time or 2 before planting in it unless you're going to mix it with different top soil.
^ hey thanks for the quick advice!! Root riot I agree is pretty kick ass, even thoe its my 1st time and havent used anything else:) I thought about mixing the ffof and the pro-mix(antifungicide) together for a less-hot medium. Maybe like 50/50 or something?? But if I was to go with just the OF I would flush it( I have 3 gallon square pots with a total of 6 drainage holes at the bottom, so I would flush with 6 gallons of water do I got that right?) I also Have smaller, maybe like 1.5 liter square pots that were meant for younger plants startering out that I could use but I figured that the less transplanting&shock from a newgrower the better so why not go into the final grow pot ehh?

Well I know what I'll be up tonight doing;)!!!