WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz


Could well be nutrient burning but it may also be over watering! So dont water them to much! If you are that is :P

weed heed

im watering every 3 days , n i gave the plant its first feed yesturday. how much water should i b giving 11liter pots?


Well-Known Member
Enough so that you get about 10% of what you put in draining out of the bottom. If your soil is of high enough quality, and drains well enough, you can pretty much just keep adding the water - as the excess will simply drain away. As long as you let the soil dry out between waterings.


Well-Known Member
was your plant fine until yesterday when you gave 1st feed, if so I think we have our culprit . NO nutes for a few days then go to 1/2 str and build up.


Well-Known Member
Your not in the gulf region are you? cuz it looks like what the corexit stuff does to plants.

Seriously though, you shouldn't need much fert until the plant has grown much larger. There really isn't much you can do to speed things up, you have to let nature do its thing.


Well-Known Member
how do go about flushing it
What are you growing in? If it's MG, flushing it could make the problem worse, because the nutes in it dissolve in water. If not - you flush by running two to three times the size of the pot through it, so put her in the tub and if it's say a 2 gallon pot, run four to six gallons of water through it.

weed heed

What are you growing in? If it's MG, flushing it could make the problem worse, because the nutes in it dissolve in water. If not - you flush by running two to three times the size of the pot through it, so put her in the tub and if it's say a 2 gallon pot, run four to six gallons of water through it.
wots mg mean