HELP NEEDED! leaves are yellowing (light green), curling up, purple stems


Hi guys just after some advice... like the title says my leaves are curling up, and are very light green and the stems are purple... ive been told I have a magnesium deficiency

I am growing in coco soil, grown from clone, 2 weeks in during veg.
If it is any particular nute def, please tell me, and tell me what i need to do to fix it.


Active Member
Marijuana Plant Problems Cures
^^ Check that out it might help you out :)

Concerning Coco:

When I was researching grow mediums... coco never made much sense to me. Its messy like dirt yet the yield wont taste as good as a dirt grow. On top of that it takes just as much maintenance as hydro. Its like the worst of both worlds. (Although, it can potentially yield as much as hydro but then again why not just do hydro then which is cleaner and is also easier to fully automate). Now Ill admit Im not that experienced yet so there might be something im missing here concerning coco grow mediums but they just seemed like a royal pain in the ass high maintenance system.



Check for bugs, small black or white flying pain in the ass bugs. I had light green-yellow leaves on my two week old babies and found just a few of these little bastards in the rockwool.


Active Member
Marijuana Plant Problems Cures
^^ Check that out it might help you out :)

Concerning Coco:

When I was researching grow mediums... coco never made much sense to me. Its messy like dirt yet the yield wont taste as good as a dirt grow. On top of that it takes just as much maintenance as hydro. Its like the worst of both worlds. (Although, it can potentially yield as much as hydro but then again why not just do hydro then which is cleaner and is also easier to fully automate). Now Ill admit Im not that experienced yet so there might be something im missing here concerning coco grow mediums but they just seemed like a royal pain in the ass high maintenance system.

Not sure what you are talking about here but Coco actually is HYDRO.. Hydro is anything grown in soilless medium, so Coco, Hydro balls, DWC, etc are all Hydro.. Coco is far from messy, and I have no idea what you mean by saying it will negatively effect the taste... Coco is also great for providing air, it is more resistant to pests and is really hard to over water in Coco. I personally think Coco is the best medium around.. I use it and love it...


i would have posted pics but i dont hav a digitall camera n i got a shit phone....hopefully ENGLAND123 ur on the money.....they're about 60cm high and i was feeding them 3 feeds a day at 30sec.....ive taken it back to 1 now(gonna leave it for a day completely) gonna try that epson salt.... should that bring the correct colour back in it all(purple stems and yellowing leaves)....Thanks heaps for your advice... anything else will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
fuck the purple stems.. and fuck the epsom salts.. if ur inexperienced and u have a problem u need to go back to the start, NOT add even more

How are the leaves curling? up or down or both? are they becoming crispy? necrosis? EC level? pH? What light wattage?

See in coco u dont just get a mystery deficiency, the nutes u are using should contain everything u need in the right amounts,
the most common cause of lockouts/deficiencies are bad pH or lockouts caused by overfeeding. i think ur prob over-fed them, gone too hard too soon, this is burning their roots same as hot sand burns ur well as causing ur yellowing via lock-out

Soooo, DONT add anything, FLUSH them and take it back to the start, drop nute levels and raise the lights

(mag. def. shows up as necrosis between leaf viens)


fuck the purple stems.. and fuck the epsom salts.. if ur inexperienced and u have a problem u need to go back to the start, NOT add even more

How are the leaves curling? up or down or both? are they becoming crispy? necrosis? EC level? pH? What light wattage?

See in coco u dont just get a mystery deficiency, the nutes u are using should contain everything u need in the right amounts,
the most common cause of lockouts/deficiencies are bad pH or lockouts caused by overfeeding. i think ur prob over-fed them, gone too hard too soon, this is burning their roots same as hot sand burns ur well as causing ur yellowing via lock-out

Soooo, DONT add anything, FLUSH them and take it back to the start, drop nute levels and raise the lights

(mag. def. shows up as necrosis between leaf viens)
Yeh ive already flushed it twice with normal ph tap water, and have dropped the feeds to 1 a day at 30 secs... dunno wat the EC level is because i dont have a EC meter. the leaves are curling upwards and are retarded(some leaves have only three parts) and they are very light green... the temperature at night was too cold but i have fixed that.... i'm hoping it was just that.... if ive flushed it and fixed the temperature issues should the leaves turn back to normal?????


Well-Known Member
I know it has been a long time, but I have the same problem and wonder if you or anyone else have ever solved this issue. I have had the same problem. Please let me know.