DIY Grow Chamber - NO SHIT - CHEAP AWESOME AND SAFE, but you be the judge! - DAY 1


Well-Known Member
FINALLY here is the update, girls are doin well, PICS TO FOLLOW
Total Price List

Fridge FREE
2 plugs $3.00
2 device boxes square $2.00
1 device box round $1.00
1 extension cord $5.00
1 bag 20 merits $3.00
4 ceiling mount light sockets $7.00
4 pieces of straight metal (railings for tray)(mine from old screen door) FREE
Computer Fans (gutted old computer) FREE
2 Power Bars $10.00


Lights (what I have)
2 x 43 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) $35.00
2 x 23 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) $15.00
2 x 18 Watt Fluorescents (seedling area) $5.00
1 x 18” Tube Fluorescent (clone area) $14.00
2 x 36” Tube Fluorescent ( mother area) $40.00

Lights (What I still need)
2 x 43 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) $35.00
1 x 18” Tube Fluorescent (clone area) $14.00
2 x 36” Tube Fluorescent ( mother area) $40.00
Total Wattage

Computer Fans (gutted old computer) < 8 Watts

Lights (what I have)
2 x 43 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) 86 Watts
2 x 23 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) 46 Watts
2 x 18 Watt Fluorescents (seedling area) 36 Watts
1 x 18&#8221; Tube Fluorescent (clone area) 15 Watts
2 x 36&#8221; Tube Fluorescent ( mother area) 50 Watts

Total 233 Watts
Lights (What I still need)
2 x 43 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) 86 Watts
1 x 18&#8221; Tube Fluorescent (clone area) 15 Watts
2 x 36&#8221; Tube Fluorescent ( mother area) 50 Watts
1 x 23 Watt Fluorescents (main grow area) 23 Watts
Total 174 Watts

Overall Total Wattage <415 watts!!!!
That&#8217;s for 4 different chambers or stages of growth, all in.

Having worked with this fridge a while now I have decided to keep this one just for Veg and the various stages of growth so that I can constantly have plants in the flowering chamber, which will be a secondary fridge with a 400 watt hps with a cool tube! DIY to come for this one!


Well-Known Member
OK so here we go.....

This is the whole thing, I threw one of my plants where the mother would go so you can get an idea. That plany is only 14" so you would want a bigger plant in there, as big as 3.5'.

Here is my cloning section and as you can see it's workin for me, also got two seedlings here in the red cups in the front ( closeups below)

Here is the mother section, sorry its a dark pic but in reality it's pretty bright. there are two more tubes that are going in at the front so there will be four in here....

Here are the girls, the first pick is missin the one thats in the mother section, but I fit four in here comfortably!!
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This is my mid section where I got the little guys, when the others get bigger this section will be sacrificed for space but by that time they will be ready to move neways

Here is the bottom shelf, with more what??? clones....yee hah!

As you can see I got the temp thing worked out, this fridge sits between 72 and 78 depending on how hot it is outside!!

Once again great storage for a small grower!!

And again just the whole thing!

So my affies aren't gaining much height but they are bushy as all hell, so i tried what I think is called LST, and see what happens, first time..

Here are the GIRLS!!

I was told this is BC Bill???? never head of it?
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I was told this was BC Hash???
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This lil beaut is an affie
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as is this little Bonsai Tree
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This little bush is from a bag of pot I got, she's just stacked!! ....well i hope its a she LOL
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This one is from the same bag but stretched a bit.....
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These two are also from the same bag o weed, looks like the same is happening, one stretchy and one bush!! I LOVE BUSH!!
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Here's my first attemp at cloning, there were two more in the first round black tray but the passed away unfortunately......the rest are in soil, as I ran outa cubes and figured I'd give it a try.....never learn nothin without tryin....... these are about 3 days old now....hope they survive!!
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??????LOL not budda, but what......just another little experiment, anybody know what it is??????????????????????

I just wanted to thank everybody here on RIU for all the support and great comments, new friends and cool confidants!! Great to know I can have a place to blab about my grow to selfless like minded individuals with a higher understanding.....Thanks Everybody!!!

To all interested in a fridge type deally... hope this all helps!! Will update with pics as things progress!!



Active Member
hey dont u think ur cfl need to b closer a bit,kinda seems like ther reachin early..idk though im new to growing for any advice


Well-Known Member
actually the cfls are hardwired to the top, the shelves move up and down, I had them in a small box before and wanted them to gain some height quickly so i could clone them, I have added more lights now 3 that raise and lower so I can hit various heights or middle of the plants, just havent had a chance to grab pics yet, will soon and post em!
Put a hasp and lock on it friend. Some folks have no problem walking up to a fridge and opening it up. Seeing as it is in your garage a lot of folks may think its where you keep your beer. You know how friends can be. Good job.


Active Member
Put a hasp and lock on it friend. Some folks have no problem walking up to a fridge and opening it up. Seeing as it is in your garage a lot of folks may think its where you keep your beer. You know how friends can be. Good job.
I agree!! Make sure no one can open it accidentally!! "they" say every person that knows about your grow increases your chance to get caught or busted by 10%....Thus if 10 people know about it that are not involved with it..your screwed!!!
LOL Great job BTW!!


Well-Known Member
Put a hasp and lock on it friend. Some folks have no problem walking up to a fridge and opening it up. Seeing as it is in your garage a lot of folks may think its where you keep your beer. You know how friends can be. Good job.
I made it obvious on mine when you can open it. hehe
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