Well-Known Member
This is thread started to discuss growing MYTHS and if you tried them and they work let us know..
The first Myth Id like to get amoungst is....
Instead of flushing - can you just add a CAP full of undialuted orange cordial to water? The man in my grow shop rekons it adds fruity smell and flavor.. he told me not to buy a flushing product?
Please feel free to comment, discuss or leave new myths for debate...!!
Most "Flushing Products" are actually just various types of sugars and/or Vitamin C... These type of products are not really needed... It is possible that they may be helping a little but a doubt that the results are worth the money, and I'm sure with a little research and effort you could easily make a similar product at home for a fraction of the price. Water works fine.
Some people think that flushing isnt "real", or doesn't effect the taste of the final product whether you flush or not... I say that they don't have as much experience as they would like to believe... Ive tested this many, many times and I can easily tell the difference (both visually and in the smell and especially in the taste) between a flushed and a not-flushed plant... I can even notice a obvious difference between a 4 day flush and a five day flush.... Flush your plants people lol.