help with diy DWC


Active Member
when cutting holes in the lid for the net pots, what is the easiest, cheapest, most accurate way of doing so?


Well-Known Member
i used a sharpie, box cutter and razor
did this for my first aero cloner, took forever to get 24 holes perfect.
went to lowes and picked up a hole saw attachment for my power drill for 3.99 came with 2 sizes !
Woo HOO dont even have to draw the outlines anymore, just plug and drill till you feel you have enough holes =D
"make sure you check your hydro shop for the size of net buckets they have avail before you hit lowes, will save you a headache"


A razor is what I use too....never thought of a hole saw though. Cool idea. Something like a drill would work too - so long as you're careful with it.....don't want to drill through the roots...



Well-Known Member
Im sorry this isnt much help but i just bought my lids with 6" net pots in them at the hydro store. only 4 bucks a peice. might save you from cuttin your finger off.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
did this for my first aero cloner, took forever to get 24 holes perfect.
went to lowes and picked up a hole saw attachment for my power drill for 3.99 came with 2 sizes !
Woo HOO dont even have to draw the outlines anymore, just plug and drill till you feel you have enough holes =D
"make sure you check your hydro shop for the size of net buckets they have avail before you hit lowes, will save you a headache"

I hate it when that happens