Bubba Kush and Bubba Con- DWC Hydroponic grow


I decided to repost this again because I wanted to actually have the types of plants I'm growing in my title of my thread. I'm so excited to be doing my first hydroponic grow.
So here we go. After the disappointment that have been my last two attempts at soil growing, I will be doing a Deep Water Culture grow as my first crack at hydroponics. I'm thrilled!

I went out at bought some Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro, and Bloom to start with. From what I hear, it's the stuff to go with. I have a grow tent and a 400 watt convertable HPS/MH light. My ventilation sucks my ass though. I can't afford a good blower. I did go and buy a new box fan to circulate the air in my grow tent.

Please subscribe, I'll be updating often and looking for feedback. I just ask you pardon my newbie-ishness. :leaf:
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Well-Known Member
looks like you have everything you need :D htgsupply<3 may I ask why you were dissapointed with growing in soil?


Mostly I was very angry that my last two harvests have ended with bad results. I think I have a black thumb or something. Here's some pics of my last grow. It was Mendo purps. It ended up with some mildew issues and I had to spray with Baking soda. I'm not sure how bad the bud is but it smells like grass and I don't like it. It also burns a little to smoke. It just finished curing where its beginning to be smokeable. But I'm already high so I can't gauge how strong it is lol. I'll post about it tomorrow. Perhaps even bitch about it. For that grow I used Ocean Forest soil and Fox farm nutes
weed 057.jpgweed 001.jpgweed 055.jpgweed 064.jpg


More pics of the current children. I plan to add two more once I get some more monies. Rent must come first



Active Member
Looks like you need a better trim real leafy thats the burn trim alll leaves even small tips w trichs trim it alllll. And a better cure might be in order i trim them and hang them for two days in a room w central air on at 70 and a fan to circulate. After the outside gets crunchy i trim off the stems and lay them on a trash bag on the floor for two days rolling the buds around every 6 hours or so. Then jar for a week w great results.


These ones I hung for a week and then trimmed the major leaves before putting in jars. They've been curing almost two weeks. But yeah I need to trim more. I trimmed up the bowl I'm going to smoke though. I think I'll try your method of curing next time. Seems pretty simple. Does it get rid of that grassy taste or is that something I did wrong during the grow?


Active Member
Thats the fact that u cured it with leaves on lol I chop em cut every leaf off so its completely bud u catch those little one or two millimeter leaf lobes poking out tho but anything I can get my clippers on goes then hang them.


Ahh I see. Booo! Well, at least I know not to make the same mistake twice. I was just so unimpressed with these grow I didn't care about how it turned out after the cut. I stunted it, overwatered it, burned it. I was definite fail on that grow. Hydro feels like a nice clean start.


Active Member
Yeh I know how you feel I fried all my tops last run i had no top colas on 60 plants lol... Im doing much better this round tho. Good luck w dwc im not real big on dwc tho it works but not my fav


Active Member
Lol yeh but I did my own aero and dwc in buckets when I first started. I took water pumps put tubing on them about 6 inches and folded tip tied w rubbebands so it wouldnt leak and put 6 spray nozzles in the tube for ghetto aero still way better roots then dwc tho. Good luck with it tho man


Dropped some frozen water bottles into each of the bucket. My grow cab is about 85 degrees so I need to keep the water temp down



So I have obtained two more clones and will be starting two more buckets as soon as more roots are showing.

The first new baby is a MK Ultra clone (G13Xkush).

The second is an original Granddaddy Purple clone.

They will both be in my CFL rubbermaid crate until they grow longer roots so I can stick them in the DWC.

I will post pics tonight when I get home.


As promised, I have taken pictures of my new clones that I got today.

The one on the left is the MK Ultra and the one on the right is Granddaddy purple. I have the sitting on the clay in their pellets until their roots get a little longer so I can transplant them to the DWC buckets. I added some moist paper towels to keep humidity a little higher.


MK Ultra--------------- Granddaddy Purple

What do you guys think about my cfl set up in there? Do you think the roots will grow?

I officially have a grow tent of happy little indicas. I'm going to be at 4 plants for this grow until I can purchase an additional tent for perpetual harvest. But that's not for a long time.


Active Member
indoor growing seems difficult. try under the sunlight i never have problems keeping my plants alive besides damn rabbits and spider mites and aphids lol. hopefully none of ur other plants have problems!


Active Member
I think one of my clones may be doomed. The roots appear to be dying...
ive noticed that your plants roots are getting some light in those pics, and u did say you were waiting for them to get longer. but what i have read, light is very bad for the roots. maybe thats the cause of ur root damage on that one clone....thats just an opinion though. ive never delt with indoor growing.....


Thanks for the replies Greens. I have put all my babies into pots now, I just had to wait to get down to the hydro store. The one with the bad roots is actually this one weed 022.jpg

It's my Bubba Kush. His roots never saw any light even for that first night. He appears to be looking a little better. I have been keeping him watered with the bucket water since his roots aren't in the water yet. But as far as the MK Ultra and the Granddaddy purple, I didn't know how harmful light could be to the roots. I feel like such a novice. Lol.


My Bubba Con however is doing awesomely. There are roots shooting out all over the place beneath the net pot. Here she is.

weed 021.jpg

I had an awful time yesterday. I thought I killed my GDP clone. I'm not sure if she'll live, but she looks slightly improved today.

weed 023.jpg

And lastly, the Mk Ultra is looking unstressed despite my abuse.

weed 019.jpg

I'll keep updating anyone that's watching with more pics. Thanks for the advice so far guys.