Well-Known Member
So if the bill gets passed in November, what exactly does this mean for us growers? Seems like growing may be a bit more complicated if so.
tax and regulate isn't supposed to affect the mmj 215 programit means it will be legal to possess and grow in small amounts for persons over 21. We are a lot better off with the way it is now with doctors recommendations. VOTE NO!
I agree on everything except i think there will be a huge growth in the amount of people that grow marijuana. If it's legal people are going to grow it just because they can, and see what they can do. If it becomes legal in november The quality in the pot is going to down dramatically, because their will be so many new growers. You will still have to go to a store to get the quality we are used to now. As people gain experience growing after about 5-10 years the quality will go back up and start seeing 40-50% thc content eventually. Also just my two cents, the bill is going to pass in november, but it going to take a few years for the people to have some control. The first couple years that it is legal the government is going to be in charge and limit us to 5x5 ft grow area and posses one ounce. The limits that they are talking about are a joke, 5x5 grow area is like two good outdoor plants, and if you can only posses an ounce(like a weeks worth maybe) you will have to be going to the store and buy more which who makes all the money the government. Time will change everything. Peace outMore people will smoke because its legal, causing prices to go up or stay stead in the near future, and as long as more growers dont pop up everywhere, pricing should remain the same. You'll still have black market and grey market though, those that choose to buy at a dispensary or their local dealer. The law just makes it more confusing of what is what and imposes some unique limitations. I dont think you'll see every mom & pop growing weed to smoke or sell, those who wanted to grow probably already do and the new folks who will now that its legal will help supply the extra demand from those who will now "choose" to smoke when the bill passes.
I could not disagree with you moreit means it will be legal to possess and grow in small amounts for persons over 21. We are a lot better off with the way it is now with doctors recommendations. VOTE NO!
please enlighten me....I could not disagree with you more
Because the good of the many outweigh the few or the one...please enlighten me....
No I believe it is places that want to sell to persons 21 and over. So 7-11 and the liquor store need a permit to sell cannabis, just like they do tobacco or alcohol.i was told we would need to buy a liscence to grow and i heard it was rather expensive
people like you and me hopefully.the thing im afraid of though is the commercial growers that will start coming up. whats to stop them from putting tons of chemicals and crap in it just like they do to ciggaretes?
I'll believe that when I see it actually happen. Since 215 was voted in 1996, there's been talk about just this being done, but the problem is finding those that are willing to do it. Everybody wants a piece of the pie. Which is fine, but I can't stand the "promise makers" that don't make good on their promises. We don't even get help in obtaining the crappy stuff.and just think once its legal, we can set up programs to subsidize taxes generated from commercial sales to make programs that would give free top shelf medicine to the people who really truly need it as medicine but cant afford the good stuff.
It's for California only, but other states will follow not too long after California(which is always first for everything)legalizes it this November(It's going to pass without a doubt)i c ur point, but hopefully every1 will stay true to the all natural roots. besides that the consumer wont want 2 buy weed if its chemicalized. i no i wouldn, i would prob be growing my own ne ways.
does any1 no where this law will effect? is it a nation wide law or just ment for certian states.