When do I replace my HPS bulb.


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I know that with fluro's the effectiveness of the bulb get worse as time goes on even though the bulb does not blow.

My question relates to HPS bulbs. Should you change it after so many harvests etc. The only info I can find online is that the bulb will die for a few seconds then come on again, when it is finished, like streetlamps often do. But would I get better results if I replace my 400w HPS bulb well before that.

Does anyone have any experience with this.

Many thanks for the advice. :joint:


Well-Known Member
its started to turn black around the base that's the best time to change it. It will tell you when it needs to be changes


Well-Known Member
Most HPS bulb have 8000 to 16000 hours of life, but after 3-4 harvest it's good to change the bulb as it loose some lumens..


Active Member
Ok so I have had a good look at my bulb. It is turning a bit black on the base where it screws in. It is not super black allround but I can see that it is. Also re the other answer, This harvest would be the 4th, so going by that again it is time to change.

Now I am wondering, I have been flowering for 6 weeks already, should I change it now or wait till this flowering is over.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I know that with fluro's the effectiveness of the bulb get worse as time goes on even though the bulb does not blow.

My question relates to HPS bulbs. Should you change it after so many harvests etc. The only info I can find online is that the bulb will die for a few seconds then come on again, when it is finished, like streetlamps often do. But would I get better results if I replace my 400w HPS bulb well before that.

Does anyone have any experience with this.

Many thanks for the advice. :joint:

Your right, the bulb will act kinda like street lights do.. by flickering or coming on.. then shutting off. But, they also.. over time will lose their spectrum color. The spectrum color will start slowly dying off as well.. I've used the same bulb (HPS) for two grows now.. and I've just now started to notice that the spectrum (color) of the bulb.. has lost its color some. It's not as "orange" as it use to be.. its starting to glow more on the whiter side now.. so after this grow (I only have 2 or 3 weeks left for both plants) I'll order a new bulb for my hps.

But, I'm going to order a dual spectrum bulb (its a bulb that contains both MH and HPS spectrums.. in one bulb) that I found.. that will work with my HPS ballast. Can't wait to get it! Never used dual spectrum before.

Hope that helped.. even though it looks like everyone else has already answered your question.

good luck.


Active Member
Your right, the bulb will act kinda like street lights do.. by flickering or coming on.. then shutting off. But, they also.. over time will lose their spectrum color. The spectrum color will start slowly dying off as well.. I've used the same bulb (HPS) for two grows now.. and I've just now started to notice that the spectrum (color) of the bulb.. has lost its color some. It's not as "orange" as it use to be.. its starting to glow more on the whiter side now.. so after this grow (I only have 2 or 3 weeks left for both plants) I'll order a new bulb for my hps.

But, I'm going to order a dual spectrum bulb (its a bulb that contains both MH and HPS spectrums.. in one bulb) that I found.. that will work with my HPS ballast. Can't wait to get it! Never used dual spectrum before.

Hope that helped.. even though it looks like everyone else has already answered your question.

good luck.
Yea I noticed the colour of mine has changed a bit. I did not know you get a dual spectrum bulb. Is it as good for flowering?

My balast is a dual balast. I can put MH and HPS on it, but I have only ever used HPS. I think a dual spectrum should work then. :-)
Thanks for for input, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
A good grower will change it every 6 months, regardless of if it still works.


Active Member
A good grower will change it every 6 months, regardless of if it still works.
So you are saying two harvests tops. I can see that it would be better, as more light and better spectrum is always better. The only thing is at 6 months going 12 hours a day you only hit 2190 hours. Now if the recomended life is 8000 to 16000 hours that would only be around 20% of the bulbs life. I would think for some commercial growers that would be a costly exercise.

I have decided to change the bulb after this harvest. It would have done around 4000 - 5000 hours. I think next time I will replace after 3 harvests and no more than 3500 hours.

Here is a side question for you profesionals out there: Suplementing my HPS with fluro's in the flower room. Yes or No?


One difference between metal halide and hps bulbs is that the lumen output of a metal halide decreases much faster than an hps does, but even a metal halide bulb should be good for like 5000 hours. An hps bulb maintains its output better, and doesn't change too much over its lifetime which should be at least 10,000 hours. The black color on the base of the lamp, (where it screws into the mogul socket), means nothing at all. New bulbs often come with that staining right out of the box. Likewise the darkening of the arc tube means very little. Electrical suppliers charge around $14.00 per 400 watt hps bulb. That's for a regular street light type, though, a special horticultural bulb is much more expensive.


Well-Known Member
I am doing autos ( lowlife ak-47) and have MH running for veg , do I change to HPS at 14 days or wait till she tells me to change over ?


Active Member
One difference between metal halide and hps bulbs is that the lumen output of a metal halide decreases much faster than an hps does, but even a metal halide bulb should be good for like 5000 hours. An hps bulb maintains its output better, and doesn't change too much over its lifetime which should be at least 10,000 hours. The black color on the base of the lamp, (where it screws into the mogul socket), means nothing at all. New bulbs often come with that staining right out of the box. Likewise the darkening of the arc tube means very little. Electrical suppliers charge around $14.00 per 400 watt hps bulb. That's for a regular street light type, though, a special horticultural bulb is much more expensive.
That is very usefull advice. I like to try and make the grow as profitable as posisble, no sense changing if you don't need to. This current grow is by far a record for me. I don't know how big it is going to be, but it looks like a allot. :-)

And this with my lamp being about 4 to 5 thousand hours old. So looking at the product, I must then agree. The bulb I have is a Osram Violox Son-T, the standard one used in streetlamps I believe and acroding to osram should have a life of at least 15,000 hours. So I think maybe I will get a backup replacement after this grow, but I won't use it untill my current lamp hits 10,000 hours.


Active Member
I am doing autos ( lowlife ak-47) and have MH running for veg , do I change to HPS at 14 days or wait till she tells me to change over ?
If it was me, I would use the MH untill I wanted to flower the plant. In other words I would only change to the hps when I change my light to 12/12 cycle.

I suppose you could change to hps sooner, but MH is supposed to be better for vegging. :-) This is a bit of topic though. hahahah :-) But I dont mind. :-)


Active Member
He has autos, they flower automatically when the time is ready, not when you switch to 12/12. Switch to the HPS when you see the first signs of flowers.


Well-Known Member
You can use it 12/12 for a year for sure, The average life of these bulbs are 8,000 to 16,000 hours.
12 months under a 12/12 cycle takes only 4368 hours on it.


Well-Known Member
If it was me, I would use the MH untill I wanted to flower the plant. In other words I would only change to the hps when I change my light to 12/12 cycle.

I suppose you could change to hps sooner, but MH is supposed to be better for vegging. :-) This is a bit of topic though. hahahah :-) But I dont mind. :-)
well with autos you dont change to 12/12 you go 18/6 for flowering its an auto !!!! Good Try !!!


Active Member
Yea chilltown, the other poster explained to me re the autoflower. Again I wish to appologise to the whole world for not know the magic of the autoflower. To me it is the same as say a femanized seeds. It is for the grower wishing to grow straight from seed and needs it to be a female. And the autoflower i suppose is for people who dont have a timer unit. :-)

Personally I would not touch femanized or autoflower seeds. I like the old school way.