Odor eliminator; ona experiences


Hey guys! First off, I have a closet grow going on. Now thats thats out of the way, my ladies are about a week away from havest looking at about a QP in wet weight and my land lords are coming in next week for a "random inspection." I plan on havesting them and looking at drying them in the same closet as they are growing in. Obvious trouble, they smell.....BAD! So I was wondering, for those of you out there who have experience using ONA Gel, does it work? and if so, what size do you need to eliminate the odor in a 6x4 growing space? As much as I would like to use carbon filter, it is out of the question. This is do or die time. Thanks all and stay high! :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Tell you the truth it only masks the smell so when they walk in they wont smell any bud whatsoever they will only smell a serious bathroom odor eater lol. Its a tuff call what is more suspicious?? Your call. I used a 1 gallon or whatever the big size was for my last grow and it did nothigh to help in my case, I ended up borrowing a carbon filter from a friend. It smelled so bad outside the house it was scary lol. Hope this helps. Haze


Well-Known Member
Go get some garage bags and cover your plants with them I mean no air can get in or out. Use two if you have too. The night before. And wash the room down with pine sol. Wipe the walls down and vacuum the carpet or mope the floor. Move your plants to another place if you can. take all the grow stuff down and pack it in box's in garage bags. Do a quick wash of you stuff. Trust me the plants will live and you'll stay out of cuffs. Just my two cents. Good luck


Active Member
What he said. When they come in, insist that they take their shoes off, walk a designated path and annoyingly start complaining about an intermittent porch light or something. Be really anal to these people. Your place has to be clean for this to work. Kill as much time as possible, get in character-fuck with these people! hopefully they really don't want to be there either and haste through-done- we'll check it out later bye-bye etc!


Active Member
Tell you the truth it only masks the smell so when they walk in they wont smell any bud whatsoever they will only smell a serious bathroom odor eater lol. Its a tuff call what is more suspicious?? Your call. I used a 1 gallon or whatever the big size was for my last grow and it did nothigh to help in my case, I ended up borrowing a carbon filter from a friend. It smelled so bad outside the house it was scary lol. Hope this helps. Haze

ok I think ona actually kills the smell.

I tested it before, I put a chicken in the oven and left the ona in the kitchen after a hour no smell so I put the lid back on and like 30 seconds later my gf was askin what that horrible smell was

I put the ona outside my grow room and you can never smell a thing even when the door is open or im harvesting

the fresh linen one in my opinion is the best smellin one the other one I got smells like a toilet block


Well-Known Member
If you read on the website ona does kill the smell. I'm a first time grower and have been using ona for two weeks. I have 4 plants that are flowering and I can't smell a thing except the ona...Also, I only use about 1/2 a cup in a dish in the room and top it up every week. The more you have in their the more it will smell like a bathroom cleaner. I think it works great and if anything could aid in your troubles.


Active Member
Do not use ona for drying you will NEVER get the ona out of your weed. Your better off moving your cut plants out of the house for the day the landlord will come.
Where I live random inspections are illegal.....with that being said check your laws and if it is just a fire inspection that is necessary annually so if they are just checking your fire detectors or extinguisher its not as important as a random inspection they should only be checking a couple spots and they will leave. I have been vegging when they have had to do this check and I just turned the lights off while they where in there and back on everything went when they left.

I have never been flowering so I didnt have to worry about smell but the whole inspection was done by some mexicans from maintenance that seemed to be in a huge hurry and didn't give two shits about anything else

Let me know what you end up doing in case I find myself in this same situation


Alright so now im hearing from outside sources that if you use the ONA gel while the plants are drying your final product will taste and smell of the chemicals in the ONA. Does anyone know these statements are true?


Well-Known Member
I take back what I said you know what you need to do is. Get your bong and put it on your coffee table cut up some bud and put your tray out there get your old high times out and place them in plain view. Get some guns if you can and place them on the coffee table. Put your best Bob Marley shirt and some flip flops on. Smoke out all night and don't forget to invite all your friends over to trash your place up a bit. And spray a shit ton of ona in there so it smells nice like a pet store so not too raise any questions. You know having a clean house is a bad idea and your landlord will not respect that you are taking care of there place. What happens when they show up with a sheriff and need to look around because someone down the street complained about a weird smell and this is there way of looking around abit. You have no right to refuse them and if your not there they will still come in. Checkout your local laws is a good idea. And you'll need to when you get busted. Good luck with your inpection I hope it is nothing but if not Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
i used ona with drying never had it smell or taste liek ona, as well they are prolly talking about ona BLOCK which does have a bathroom smell it does kinda suck. get Ona pro gel, it has a very light very clean smell, and will eliminate your odors. carbon filter does do a better job, but the progel is alot more effective then ona block. ive since upgraded to a carbon filter, but if you find the pro gel i recommend it for a cheap easy smell eliminator


thanks suprablaski for the advice. I would really hate getting all they way down to the curing and smoking of the product to find out it taste like bathroom cleaner. Ill take your advice on this one.

As for Icannabis, I also took your advice and have bagged up my girls in trash bags and have relocated them to a discreate location.

Thanks everyone for your advice and help, judgement day is tomorrow!