New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!


Well-Known Member
mine took more and the problem was gone. little yellowish to rust colored spots between the veins. Once the leaf is burned, its there for good. but the new growth was fine. so is your spots from spitermites?????????? if so that sucks.


Well-Known Member
What does this look like to you... I am getting this on the clones that are in the system.... HELPPView attachment 976431View attachment 976432View attachment 976430
Those tiny dots are spider mites damage mate. Don't wait and get some neem oil and SM-90. Doctor doom is also a good way to kills them.
But once you got them you'll never totally get rid of them. You'll need to take care of the problem till the harvest date.
They thrive in a dry and hot environement. Keep the RH over 60% and the temp little low like 68-70F while you fight them out.



Well-Known Member
Hey Dpagano7486

Heaps impresed with your grow so far, i will be watching closely.
Im sure i will pick up some tips.

Indefinately ......


Beautiful man.....Everything looks great...can't what for more pics and some yield numbers. I'm building a house right now and would love to go for it like you did. Putting aside 4x4 space hidden behind the office and you gave me a few ideas. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
My leaves are curling over.. I am still praying everyday for the mites.. today is day 4... i will spray tomorrow and then change the res... whats causing my babies to curl? HELPP6100160.jpgP6100161.jpgP6100162.jpgP6100163.jpgP6100178.jpgP6100181.jpgP6100182.jpgP6100177.jpg


Well-Known Member
the temp fluctuates from about 72 to 79... I waiting on delivery of a second a/c.. They def look stressed.. any idea on the cause of it? I think that 350 ppm is ok for that stage in life..


Well-Known Member
HELP!! Leaves are curling over!! Any input is appreciated!!

This is what at least half of them look like... The clones I used had some spider mites but I am spraying... The temp in the room is between 72 and 79.. water ppm is 350, pH 6.2.. I am using GH nutes.. In there right now is floramicro and floragrow... there is also some diamond nectar int there.. 1/4 strength solutions in everything!!
PLEASE HELP!! I dont want to see them die!!

Thanks in advance for your help!​


Well-Known Member

Is it possible that they spider mite spray is phytotoxic??? They started wilting after the 3rd day of spray... I sprayed already today.. should I stop?​


Well-Known Member
did you spray and hav ur plants under light, cause some sprays say not to use during intense light, that can damage foilage


Well-Known Member
yup.. I am looking at other people that have used the same stuff and they are saying that they had the lights off when they sprayed.. any ideas on what to do to fix it?
I have pretty close to the same set up you have but I went with 2 36's. My plants are about the same size too. I have my ppm at 800 using GH nutes and I also have spider mites. I'll send any info or knowledge your way that I find out. I started mine June 1st. How long do you plan on vegging for?


Well-Known Member
well since this spider mite business from the clones I got, prob for a total of 2 weeks.. Im really just going by plant height and size.. ya know? They have not been growing very steadily.. The plants that I started from seed, are doing alright... they are the ones on the left side of the system.. I am making some changes tomorrow.. I am changing the 6 hour dark period to happen during the day for cooling and electric purposes.. Im also adding another ac that should help keep my temp more consistent so that my co2 can be more regulated...The stuff Im using for mites works great.. just do it during the dark cycle!!!! as i learned...I also put some of it in the res today so I will let it ride for a couple days and then do a res change.. I am using 2 30 gal tubs to store the RO water for the change..
I have my dark cycle from 1pm-7-pm but I also heard temp doesn't matter when you're running co2. (which I am not) I'm using equal parts of micro, grow and bloom. Started at 200ppm then went to 400, then 600 then 800ppm in 12 days. I just keep on feeding them more and more and they get bigger and bigger with no nute burn yet. I've been keeping my ph <6 also. I also decided to not use the cocotek liners and I'm just gonna go by plant height and size. Just don't know exactly how big I wanna veg them considering they still have 8 weeks in flower and only 3" net cups. Hope any of this info helps you or anybody out. I'll be following along! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
HELP!! Leaves are curling over!! Any input is appreciated!!

This is what at least half of them look like... The clones I used had some spider mites but I am spraying... The temp in the room is between 72 and 79.. water ppm is 350, pH 6.2.. I am using GH nutes.. In there right now is floramicro and floragrow... there is also some diamond nectar int there.. 1/4 strength solutions in everything!!
PLEASE HELP!! I dont want to see them die!!

Thanks in advance for your help!​
Looks like too much nutes..........I am using gh flora micro and bloom (lucas formula).......I started my clones in 450 ppm and the same clawing starting happening...I know 350 is kinda low but they obviously are not happy.....I would drop the ppms down to 100-200 ppm for a little while.....your leafs are shiny green....too much n


Well-Known Member
I added some RO and got the ppm to about 300.. I am not going to apply any more azatrol until I figure all of this out.. Im going to monitor for a couple days.. I planned on doing a res change tomorrow and stopping azatrol, but Im going to give them a day or so to come back..