The Plan


Well-Known Member
Ok so I thought Id check in here before I setup my next grow, this will be a trial run before I "go mad"... Ill put a * beside the stuff I already have, it WILL be included on this run and isnt optional.

400w HPS w/ digi ballast *
Future Garden Flood and Drain Table
8 x 11L Wilma Pots
Advanced Nutrients Hobby Line
Relevent Extractor/Can Combo
Dark Room 120
Joint Doctor Easyryder

Plan on propogating in small Rockwool Plugs, before transferring to the larger ones and putting them into the pot with Clay Pebbles.

Im planning on adding a second 400w light and giving them both air-cooled reflectors after the first run...I already have one and dont really wanna have to buy a bigger light to replace it.

My main questions are:

Are these pots too big?

Net pots or solid?

Because its an autoflowering strain should I just leave them in the smaller plugs?

This is my first attempt at hydro but Iv done ALOT of reading for the past few months. Thanks in advance guys and keep it green!

EDIT: If the autoflowering strain is a bad choice in this system, can anyone suggest a "regular" strain that has a short flowering period and a soaring head high please?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I thought Id check in here before I setup my next grow, this will be a trial run before I "go mad"... Ill put a * beside the stuff I already have, it WILL be included on this run and isnt optional.

400w HPS w/ digi ballast *
Future Garden Flood and Drain Table
8 x 11L Wilma Pots
Advanced Nutrients Hobby Line
Relevent Extractor/Can Combo
Dark Room 120
Joint Doctor Easyryder

Plan on propogating in small Rockwool Plugs, before transferring to the larger ones and putting them into the pot with Clay Pebbles.

Im planning on adding a second 400w light and giving them both air-cooled reflectors after the first run...I already have one and dont really wanna have to buy a bigger light to replace it.

My main questions are:

Are these pots too big?

Net pots or solid?

Because its an autoflowering strain should I just leave them in the smaller plugs?

This is my first attempt at hydro but Iv done ALOT of reading for the past few months. Thanks in advance guys and keep it green!

EDIT: If the autoflowering strain is a bad choice in this system, can anyone suggest a "regular" strain that has a short flowering period and a soaring head high please?
I've not yet do hydro myself but like you have done alot of reading about it all... I'm going to go with DWC..

To try and answer your questions I'd say the bigger the pot the better and I'd also go for the net ones..

Try pick and mix seeds and type in the search for "early" and "white" strains... these wont be as quick as the auto strains but wont be far behind, but most importently wont need a constant 18 hours of expensive light..

For a soaring high try "8 mile high"...


Well-Known Member
no wilma pots are fine, shouldnt have a problem plantin 2 autos in 1, if cley pebbles avoid net pots, they will drain much 2 quickly, u should put the plugs in at least 2in rockwool cubes, id go 4 the 3in or 4in (more secure). there not expensive at al, which is always a plus:). also no need to buy the table, make 1 to the size u want out of mdf, seal all the gaps with sealant of some sort(plenty to choose from in the hardware shops)then paint with flat white paint. what kind of air cooled reflector??? if its cool tubes avoid them, they have fierce heat spots underneath. as for strain, autos are sweet. if u want non-auto check out pure/near pure indicas they'll finishearly enough, hope this helps, good luck