Well-Known Member
He so does not get it....
says the guy who agreeing with someone who gets it even less. that makes you guilty by association

He so does not get it....
i don't get it-
what makes here so great?
are there no natural resources in mexico, or any other country for that matter, can't these people just carve out a nice little nation where they're at?, it's what we did in america right?
it almost seems like some are afraid of work and are more inclined to rely on others, which is exactly what illegal immigrants in this country do best, and what pisses me off most about this
let's come up with a racial slur for THEM, the illegal's, regardless of race, we'll be trend setters, and noone can use the race card
how about -----------------------------------------------SCOOBY DICKS------------------------------------------------------------------
in mexico you get 6 dollars a day for hard labor.
In the United states you get 7.25/hr. minimum wage.... do the math
You can work in the US and send money to your family back in mexico, or you can make enough to ship them here, and not have as shitty of a life.
I take issue with the assumption that Mexicans are only taking the jobs which Americans don't want. I have seen white vegetable pickers. When I was a kid it was mainly young high school kids who picked the fruit and vegetables around here. It was a great way to earn money and have a summer job. It was damn hard work that taught kids the value of a buck and instilled a good work ethic. Not anymore. These jobs have been taken over by illegals. The construction industry is almost completely dominated by illegals here also. Up until a few years ago it was almost all Americans. Those constructions jobs are hardly low paying, shit jobs. I agree, if Canadians are here illegally they need to go as well and come back the legal way. I'm not saying I want all Mexicans to go back to Mexico. What I am saying is come here the legal way. Illegal immigration is a huge problem in this country and needs to be dealt with. I don't like what Arizona is doing but it speaks to the greater problem. We are a nation crumbling and we have millions of citizens who are out of work. If illegals weren't taking jobs perhaps some of our unemployed workers could actually have some type of work picking fruit until the job market recovers. It would suck but desperate times call for desperate measures. At this point it's not even an option though.My family is just from the area and i have 7 uncles that are all "illegals" . Its a moot argument alot of ignorance will always cloud the issue. I am an american and i agree something needs to be done, but shoot to kill and just get rid of em! is not a plan. If i was in the same spot i would do the same thing, as did the foretfathers of this great country. They didnt have permission to perpetrate the genocide of the indians like they did, they took the country , then took a good part of mexicos country, and now wants to keep mexicos goods and labour but wants no more from this race of rats. thats cold.
I say were not affected. ALmost all our menial , crap labour is performed by them and they dont complain. Ever see a white veggie picker? how many latinas have you seen cleaning hotel rooms, look in the kitchen at some of your favorite restaurants......mexicans.
For the amount of illegals crossing, there is very little violence. Id be willing to bet there is more Detroit officers killed in one year than there is on the whole mexican border!
You wanna get pissed , its the damned canadians should be kicked out as well!
no mexican has ever "taken" an americans job.
it was "given" to them.
The whole immigration issue is one big joke. I lived on the U.S. / Mexico Border for 5 years crossing into mexico 4 to 5 time a week working. Mexico has immigration laws that you do not play with. You know what happens if you are a U.S. resident and do not have the proper work paper with you ? $25,000.00 fine first time they catch you. That fine is for the business as well as the worker. If you don't turn in your paper work or it's late and they catch you you better have cash or your not leaving, case closed! Mexico does not allow people from South America to enter Mexico illegality and stay, they send them back. So why is it that we have to listen to the President of Mexico tells us we have to let his people in ? Also all the U.S. companies on the border and in Mexico that give them jobs aren't enough ? We pump billions of dollars into the Mexican market with all the jobs U.S. companies create in Mexico. Also the workers in Mexico and U.S. factories are treated very, very well. They are unionized and received meals and medical more then a lot of U.S workers. So if the President of Mexico reads this or anyone know him tell him I said he can go fuck his self. The Mexican government has keep it people down no one else.
The Mexicans that cross here illegality send their paycheck back to Mexico, take a look at a western union store on payday and see the Mexicans sending money to Mexico. This is Mexico's second biggest industry. I find it very hard to believe that we are so racist here in the U.S. we have a black president and hate Mexicans. What the U.S. people hate is the simple fact that we have a large population of Mexicans that enter illegally.That's it! Follow the law and enter the U.S. the right way and we don't care.
The whole arrangement that it was Mexico's land first is stupid. Many countries claimed land as well as took land from other countries during that era. If I am not mistaken we had a war over this and someone lost. Sorry shit happens wasn't their and I or we can not change the fact that we won the war. So picking the specs out of the fly shit about who owned what and when is not going to change anything. Do you foresee CA,AZ and TX going back to Mexico ? lol never.
The ancestors of most U.S. people showed up and did what they were suppose to do at that time to enter the U.S. legally so why can't the people of Mexico. Also this whole viva mexico! shit from people here in the U.S. if you are that fond of Mexico why are you here ? A better job? Life? That being said if you could not find it in Mexico why do you want to bring that viva Mexico shit here ? Mexico is very corrupt and will not change anytime soon. While we got our own issues none of our are as bad as the whole state that Mexico is in. This fact is easily proven as it is a problem with people of Mexico entering the U.S. illegally and the other way around. So if you our so proud of Mexico then why are you here? We fly only one flag here and that is the U.S. flag that is the glue that bonds us all. Be proud of it!
Also we are tired of having to foot the bill for them. This whole issue of them not speaking English. Why do we have to spend extra money to make sure we have Spanish teachers to help the kids of illegals, this takes funding for U.S. kids getting the resources they need. Medical - Most don't have insurance so who eats the bill for the medical costs, lol ask the state of Calif. that question.
Having so many undocumented people creates to much of a strain on our systems. We can only take so much weight on our backs all anyone is asking is to enforce the law. It's not a issue of hate but one a please respect our laws and our system busting at the seems.
Please name me a county that has open borders? and no laws about entering. Why is it that the U.S. always gets the shit sandwich on this problem? The facts our most Americans want ALL illegals gone no matter where you are from. Come back the right way please.
we have turned in to a country of politically correct pussies.
wanna stop this shit, then set up a fuckin DMZ
ANYONE found inside is subject to lethal force by either military.
this might not stop the silent invasion, but it will sure as hell slow it down
we have turned in to a country of politically correct pussies.