The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR


Well-Known Member
Well its harvest Day today taking one table down and puttin it back up the same day....
Pics tonight,,,no rest for the wicked!!!!


Well-Known Member
plenty smoke for the wicked though!!! the only way us wicked ones survive.....


Well-Known Member
golf 082.jpggolf 069.jpggolf 083.jpggolf 075.jpggolf 077.jpggolf 070.jpggolf 076.jpggolf 074.jpggolf 068.jpggolf 081.jpg

Alright well you know what they say in this biz. Get'em up, take'em down, put'em back up the same day and you make the cash...
Thats how we do here down on the farm.
Was Diggin some Hendrix last night..Check out the song,
Killing Floor

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
easy like sunday mornin bro! sittin in my gown thinking about a bong rip an dsome xbox haha

nice tune choice for chopping!

:/ anyway looks like some fat golf balls to be playin with in about 4 days man. nice


Well-Known Member
easy like sunday mornin bro! sittin in my gown thinking about a bong rip an dsome xbox haha

nice tune choice for chopping!

:/ anyway looks like some fat golf balls to be playin with in about 4 days man. nice

Don a easy weekend for ya....good for you.
Mr West's Cheese sure looked good, may have to get me some of thAt


Well-Known Member
Weekend of babysitting for a friend and contractors letting me down not turning up on site.....if only people where as reliable as my plants, I would be minted.

Hope you had a good one Hemlock.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Weekend of babysitting for a friend and contractors letting me down not turning up on site.....if only people where as reliable as my plants, I would be minted.

Hope you had a good one Hemlock.

Peace, DST
What a good mate you are DST....fucking contractor always smokin that shit....LOL


Well-Known Member
yup, contractors are known for smoking blue veins!!!

Hemlock, your pics appear just like that...Tommy Cooper style. Not sure how I missed em but looks tasty.
So this is the Purple Nuken...first purple bud where the bud is purple but the leaves stay green. Yum!


Well-Known Member
aye wheres the pics or you been too baked?!
Fuckin A/c went out where the op is of course the part that fucked up was in the attic, hot as balls.....have spent since friday night trying to fix it.
Finally got it done last night, 600 dollars later,,fuck that hurt.
plants spent 5 days in 90 degree heat.. so we are just trying to recover and breath now.
Man am I tired, i had to take a fuckin fan motor and circuit board out and my favorite tool is a HAMMER. so needless to say it took me longer than
a skilled tradesman..Glad its over