Newbie Master Kush Crop


Well-Known Member
Whats the ph of what you are putting in? Bottled waters ph differs between brands. I wouldnt worry too much about 6.4 runoff or thereabouts.


Well-Known Member
Ok so water in 7.2 water out 6.4 is this a problem?

She's doing well with no signs of ph probs

Here's a pic from this morning


Well-Known Member
they look beautiful, don't change a thing!!

I posted some pics in my thread of my ac plans, check 'em out when you have time.


Active Member
Looks awesome man!! And I find that now during Flower on our girls they drink alot of water and ph drops down almost 5 during the day sometimes!. I just use reg ph 7 water to bring em back to 6. Looks amazing BTW !!! I hope mine are gonna be that nice!


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome man!! And I find that now during Flower on our girls they drink alot of water and ph drops down almost 5 during the day sometimes!. I just use reg ph 7 water to bring em back to 6. Looks amazing BTW !!! I hope mine are gonna be that nice!
Looking amazing sir! Great job!

Thanks guys.

Another ??

What is the desired ratio of amber trich we are all looking for?

I was looking through the scope and she's about 30% clear 60% cloudy and 10% amber. Seems way early to have those stats doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
I have heard 30%, but it comes down to a personal preference too. You may like a more heady buzz, and decide 90% cloudy and 10% amber.


Active Member
I agree with Gumball. I think it is all about what kind of high you are looking for. If it was me and the package said 22 more days, I would wait to see what they look like then!
From what I can tell they are gonna keep making my mouth water for 3 more weeks! LOL


Well-Known Member
Dude your girls look gorgeous and you are still stopping in my thread thinking you need help?! Dude seriously you are doing fine calm down and enjoy the grow :D +rep if I can.


Well-Known Member
Only word I can think of to describe them is delicious. Looking better and better all the time man.