If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

help! Little yellwoing/veining going on.

Only the larger lower fan leaves at first but it spread a little to the smaller bud fan leaves.

I added some 6 4 4 fox farm (grow big?) thinking I mite have an N defficiency. Not sure on ph as of now but I will know later today.


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Sorry everyone my mouse broke on me a couple days ago and I just got a new 1 tonight. I will answer all these questions tomorrow. It's been a very long and tiring day.
Ok here I go with something I been wondering about. Lasers all kinds of spectrum's red blue orange purple. Have u seen any studies or anyone experiment with them? I know plants aren't supposed to see green but tell me that in this pic that plant can't see this. Anyway just curious. This is a 125 mw green laser that will pop balloons LOL!!!
[seriousdesert];4250219 said:
surely if it can pop balloons it's going to damage your plants?
This was my thoughts exactly. If the lasers are that strong then I would definitely not put them near my plants.
Yes it can I put in on a tomato leaf and after 2 sec's smoke rolled off. In those pics I'm shining it off the top of my cab to check the reflectiveness. I had to take a picture.
The reflection of something that strong would still be damaging enough to send your plant into stressful growth and should probably be avoided.
Alrighty then! This is my first grow, and it's indoors. I have 3 large plants and 10 smaller ones put into flower 12 days ago. I have a 1000w hps covering 8x8 area. I waited too long to flower the 3 large plants and they are huge. I am running out of room but I have no more space and no more light. Inside the plant below the canopy, many leaves are starting to dry up and die. Is this the normal process of the plant using the leaves for food, or is it a problem from lack of light? I have been pulling out the dead leaves as they happen, but do I really need to? I can't buy more light right now, and all these plants are different heights, so I just have the light centered as best I can and I rotate and move the plants around to get them all more light. Future grows will be more uniform in size, but I need to maximize this situation as best I can. Help!
You should probably pull everything from the very lowest parts of your plant. If you are using a 1000w HPS I would say only pull the lower 1/3 of your plant's leafs. This should actually take some of their work from them and let them grow happier and stronger.
How much water should I give newly sprouted seedlings that sprouted today and are growing in solo cups in fox farms ocean forest/light warrior/perlite mix with 1.5" of perlite on the bottom of the cup?

Every day? Every few days? How much?
I think this was already answered a while back but I will re-answer this one. With most seedlings (only 1 or 2 sets of small leafs) you should water lightly everyday to keep the soil moist. Do whatever you can to keep it humid in there also like putting a clear soda bottle half on top so it traps the humidity in and still lets the light in. Hope that helps
was wondering, what does it mean if the edges of the leaves are curling up?
Most of the time curl up is a HID too close to your plant, too much heat, or too low humidity. The fluctuation of the Ph does sometimes create this but with greater damage.
[seriousdesert];4255218 said:
i think i recall leaves pointing upwards is a low humidity? Hopefully joker can confirm.
It could be this among a few others.
king, from my experience leaves edges curling up is most likely high temps, or low humidity( or combo of both slightly off). if you are having discoloring or any other symptoms it could be a PH flux.
These were right on the money bud good job :D
heyy joker,
just a quick question, all the clones are doing great man!
tho a couple of em have definitely been doing better then others. i noticed that all the smaller, less healthy looking ones have this whiteish slime on the roots? iv been reading n reading but cant find ne thing on this..
could this be from the pump running 24/7? or some type of algea? iv been using 1 1/2 cup H2O2 when i change the res, and bout 1/2 cup 8-9 days after water change when i notice res gettn merky.
any thoughts?
Only thought I have on this is a salt build up possibly. How often do you change the res and when you do how do you do it? Explain it step by step on how you change it. If you just rinse it out it may not be doing enough. I notice I get this when I don't scrub the shit out of my res when changing things around. I would also cut back a little on the watering. Put it on a timer, you could even do a cheap timer from Wal-Mart with the 30 minute intervals and just do 30 on 30 off. Worth a shot.
If I use bottled water my runoff is below 6.4 how should I fix this?
Not sure I'm seeing an issue with this. If you are growing in soil 7.0 is a comfortable median for Ph. 6.4 Really isn't a bad Ph for soil though.
[seriousdesert];4256167 said:
chain you can get ph up and ph down from hydroponics stores. (assuming you're using hydroponics)

sorry for jacking you thread joker, figured i'd answer a few whilst you're not here :)
If he says "runoff" that usually means soil but yes you can get the Ph up and Ph down from General Hydroponics and it should help. Make sure not to add too much of that stuff though because it can change a gallon with a few drops.
my temps are usually in 78-81 and humidity 40%-45%, and there is a little yellowing in one plant some of its leaves look stained yellow but not on any others so im not sure if that means if im off on the ph?....what I was thinking is if it could be that the lights are too close they are at 25" and the top of the canopy is 8-11"?
What kind of hood or tube are you using?
yea man early signs of light burn can be curling leaves, i would raise the lights a few inches befor looking at PH. dont wanna make a dramatic change if its a simply prob ya kno man.
I would look at Ph before pointing my fingers at the light but it is definitely a sign of light burn / sun burn. (the sun burn was to make you think about how we feel with "too much" light on us) You can bring the temps down to 65-75 and see if that changes anything for the next few days too.
Soil and I use bottled water that is 7.2 so should I just water with much higher ph or mix something in the soil? My tap is over 8.
I don't bother with bottled water but my Ph of my well water is 7.0 and around 400 ppm so I can just water that way. There was a while where our water was 8.0 and all I did was added some Ph down and it worked fine for me. The plant can sometimes use up Ph during feeding too.
[seriousdesert];4257121 said:
well if you're watering with 7.2 and it's coming out lower you don't want to be watering with a higher PH.
He could use a very small bit higher and it shouldn't hurt but I honestly wouldn't do anything about it because I don't feel that being a threat to my girls. 7.2 and 6.4 isn't that huge of a drop really.
help! Little yellwoing/veining going on.

Only the larger lower fan leaves at first but it spread a little to the smaller bud fan leaves.

I added some 6 4 4 fox farm (grow big?) thinking I mite have an N defficiency. Not sure on ph as of now but I will know later today.
Is the Grow Big the only thing you are feeding? If so this could be the problem. Try feeding some other nitrogen to your plant. You can pick up a box of straight nitrogen (Miracle Grow **For Soil Only**) for tomatoes which is like 10-0-0 for like $10usd at Lowes and that should do the trick if it is a N deficiency. I honestly can't see anything in the pictures that would appear out of the ordinary to me..
I am germinating seeds right now and have come across conflicting opinions on which way the initial root should be planted in soil. any advice?
This is another question that has already been answered but I will re-answer for you. The root goes down always... Some people plant them the other way but it takes longer for them to pop out of the soil that way.
Hey Joker Thanks for all the help bro...
I know my laser is too strong.
I was just thinking maybe lasers should be tested on plant growth.
I bet you could dial them in perfectly to fit a plants needs assuming they have the right spectrum's to begin with.
Have you seen a blue laser light don't get any more blue than that plus it could be directed in any direction.
Maybe I'm just high this smoke I got is some fire. Yeah I'll blame the smoke.
Hey Joker Thanks for all the help bro...
I know my laser is too strong.
I was just thinking maybe lasers should be tested on plant growth.
I bet you could dial them in perfectly to fit a plants needs assuming they have the right spectrum's to begin with.
Have you seen a blue laser light don't get any more blue than that plus it could be directed in any direction.
Maybe I'm just high this smoke I got is some fire. Yeah I'll blame the smoke.
Who knows maybe lasers will be the next type of grow light. You never know, I mean look at Led's... :idea::weed:bongsmilie:bigjoint::lol:
Thanks Joker, I appreciate you taking the time
Dude that's what I'm here for and that's why I made this thread :D sorry it took me so long though. I really had no way to get online and check my mail :D
well when i clean my res first thing i do is turn off the pump and air stones. and pour a couple cups of PHed clean water in the troft and let it drain to the res, to clean out ne gunk or what not sitting around in there. then i drain my res into the bath tub, and scrub the intire res with h202(even the lid, im a bit meticulous lol) then i pull my pump apart and clean with h2o2, and scrub all my hoses with h202(air stones, and tubes also)
and i clean the caps on the trofts becuz they have little grooves tht algea could build up in. i pump about 5 gals of h2o2 enriched water through the sytem and let it drain into a bucket so i know im not goona drain a bunch of junk back into my clean res haha
then i put it all back together and mix in nutes and ph.
tho after starting a thread, im back to thinking this is most likely brown algea =[
im going to get physan20, and earthworm castings tea, just to be safe.
The bottles look like they are really cheap. This could be a cause. Should go with some GH or FF and see if the problem stops. I had this problem when I wasn't flushing my res good enough. The salts build up and get to be food for the algae and that's where the problems begin. I will keep a close eye on your plants and when I get a chance I will look further into other possibilities.
yea iv been thinking it could be the nutes. they are cheap, there actually made locally. and iv been reading about how organic nutes sometimes are the cause of algea, and make it easier for them to thrive. someone refered me to a great read about brown algea, i actually think you may have pointed me towards it once a week or so ago, but ill PM u the link if you wanna check it out. but thanks alot bro!!
I do think it may have been me that sent you to that link. I remember referring a couple people towards that same link.
yea, MediMary advised i read pages 1,2 then skip to 29. i realized i had already read tht, but got my lazy ass to read everything inbetween n i learned alot =] lol
Qucik question... Pot size.. I am planning on the plants getting about 3Ft in height, flipping them at about 15inches... What size pot is best? Should I just go as big as I can?
If you can't fit your plant (what's above the soil) in the pot you are growin in the pot is too small. I wouldn't go with anything smaller than 5 gallon buckets for growing personally...