Who Believes In God?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • I believe in God

    Votes: 112 36.1%
  • I do not believe in the God of the Jews and Christians but I do believe in a higher power

    Votes: 69 22.3%
  • I do not believe in any form of God or higher power

    Votes: 96 31.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
THAT is a complete load of bull. Excuse my insight, but how do you know?
Its called logic! :neutral:

Are you telling me there were no bushmen 20 000 years ago? Or didn't you know that?

The age of bones can be read through a process called carbon dating.
Logically man has been learning since he became conscious. The more one learns, the more complex they become. Or hadn't you noticed?
At some point in the learning process the idea of religion developed.
At what age does a child start to seriously think about god? At what point in its learning process?

Logically it is simple. Even more simple than you. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Its called logic! :neutral:

Are you telling me there were no bushmen 20 000 years ago? Or didn't you know that?

The age of bones can be read through a process called carbon dating.
Logically man has been learning since he became conscious. The more one learns, the more complex they become. Or hadn't you noticed?
At some point in the learning process the idea of religion developed.
At what age does a child start to seriously think about god? At what point in its learning process?

Logically it is simple. Even more simple than you. :roll:

So you agree. It's speculation, which is entirely different from knowledge. How do you know the idea of God wasn't implanted by an individual, or small group, spread through motivation for control and manipulation? You odn't know why humans created a notion of God. So please don't preach it as fact.

EDIT~ That's all i'm saying, i'm not saying I disagree with you. I'm just saying what you said is not indisputable fact.


Well-Known Member
Its called logic! :neutral:

Are you telling me there were no bushmen 20 000 years ago? Or didn't you know that?

The age of bones can be read through a process called carbon dating.
Logically man has been learning since he became conscious. The more one learns, the more complex they become. Or hadn't you noticed?
At some point in the learning process the idea of religion developed.
At what age does a child start to seriously think about god? At what point in its learning process?

Logically it is simple. Even more simple than you. :roll:

Aahhh...you speak of the learning process. Yet to me, it is so obvious you know so little about it. Is it not part of learning to understand? and thus to realize that your views are not the sole explanations for everything? that perception will vary from person to person, that it is useless to appear condescending, as that accomplishes nothing except to induce anger? No one likes to be treated like an idiot. What a person likes helps to dictate what they believe, and what thye will stand for. i'm sorry if i sounded condescending or offensive in tone to you. Your logic may be simple, but it is an ignorant simplicity, created as such to provide a stable basis of thought from which to stretch out from. NO different than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
So you agree. It's speculation, which is entirely different from knowledge. How do you know the idea of God wasn't implanted by an individual, or small group, spread through motivation for control and manipulation? You odn't know why humans created a notion of God. So please don't preach it as fact.

EDIT~ That's all i'm saying, i'm not saying I disagree with you. I'm just saying what you said is not indisputable fact.
Aahhh...you speak of the learning process. Yet to me, it is so obvious you know so little about it. Is it not part of learning to understand? and thus to realize that your views are not the sole explanations for everything? that perception will vary from person to person, that it is useless to appear condescending, as that accomplishes nothing except to induce anger? No one likes to be treated like an idiot. What a person likes helps to dictate what they believe, and what thye will stand for. i'm sorry if i sounded condescending or offensive in tone to you. Your logic may be simple, but it is an ignorant simplicity, created as such to provide a stable basis of thought from which to stretch out from. NO different than anyone else.
Well the bones and art of prehistoric people are pretty hard to deny. They are also pretty well researched and documented.
I didn't claim fact. I merely presented you with a logical argument.
If that logic upsets you, its not my fault. I didn't make it logical. It just is.



Well-Known Member
Woah woah woah. Ants are a lifeform like anyother, equally important to the survival and well-being of this planet. EVERYTHING has a soul man, a soul is just energy. if it had no energy, it wouldn't be here. Awww, fuck, sorry i'm disagreeing, i have no point. I geuss i just wanted you to think about that a bit. But believing in God is not something i will diss. I can say i hate the Catholic system though, right?
Yes. I agree. I think the Catholic church along with many other religions are evil. The catholic church preaches nothing but blasephmy. Google it, nearly everything they do contradicts what the Bible tells us.


Well-Known Member
Well, after abstaining from posting for 20 pages; I can say amen to skunkykushbird and homegrown.

It cracks me up that religious people would even want ANYTHING to do with a God, if there were one. This world is so fucked up. If you honestly believed there was something responsible for this chaos, you should damn well think it was the biggest piece of shit to ever exist.

What it all boils down to is no one can make you believe anything that you don't want to believe. People will do what they want. Religious folk are practically slapped in the face by evidence every day that points to God not existing. But they will believe what they want...and people in this sad fucking world we live in will continue to die because of it.

Religion is DEADLY and UNHEALTHY

You can be spiritual without being religious. Having an understanding and loving nature toward mankind is being spiritual. Nothing says, "Hey, you have to believe in bullshit to be spiritual...so get with it"
God doesn't create the evil in the world. He allows it to happen, yes. But, everything is for a reason.....How can you say religion is deadly and unhealthy. Most religions preach nothing but love and kindness to all of your fellow man. It is man that is evil. You cannot blame religion for the evil men who manipulate it for their own evil purposes.


Well-Known Member
I disagree, non religious people are not celebrating it religiously because they don't believe it happened, maybe in your eyes they are.

If your non religious your celebrating the family time and the present giving and thats all its about.

For me christmas has no religious baring the only purpose of christmas is the children to let them believe that the world is a good place and make their eyes light up.
I agree. Christmas has become a corporate holiday. There's no religion left in holiday. I think Christmas is for everybody. Besides, no one really knows when Jesus Christ was born. He was a summer baby, so it probably wasn't in December.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Christmas has become a corporate holiday. There's no religion left in holiday. I think Christmas is for everybody. Besides, no one really knows when Jesus Christ was born. He was a summer baby, so it probably wasn't in December.
Unless he was born in Australia!!

Guys, I've stated my facts. Each to there own.

All I can say is to the guy who said there was no scientific evidence that God doesn't exist. Mate, go research Darwinians Evolution, thats pretty much all the scientific evidence I need.

Plus, if you correctly read and interpret the Bible. Jesus ain't such a great guy!

The only reason I "Celebrate" Christmas is because my wife is Presbyterian and her family is also.

Originally Posted by LiveHigh
Well, after abstaining from posting for 20 pages; I can say amen to skunkykushbird and homegrown.

It cracks me up that religious people would even want ANYTHING to do with a God, if there were one. This world is so fucked up. If you honestly believed there was something responsible for this chaos, you should damn well think it was the biggest piece of shit to ever exist.

What it all boils down to is no one can make you believe anything that you don't want to believe. People will do what they want. Religious folk are practically slapped in the face by evidence every day that points to God not existing. But they will believe what they want...and people in this sad fucking world we live in will continue to die because of it.

Religion is DEADLY and UNHEALTHY

You can be spiritual without being religious. Having an understanding and loving nature toward mankind is being spiritual. Nothing says, "Hey, you have to believe in bullshit to be spiritual...so get with it"



Well-Known Member
Why should I have to prove God's existence to you?
Can you give me one piece of irrefutable evidence that proves God does not exist.
Why should I have to prove Fairies existence to you?
Can you give me one piece of irrefutable evidence that proves Fairies do not exist?.........................................................Do you see the problem with your argument?


Well-Known Member
Why should I have to prove Fairies existence to you?
Can you give me one piece of irrefutable evidence that proves Fairies do not exist?.........................................................Do you see the problem with your argument?
I wholeheartedly agree. It's like the orbiting "tea-pot" theory. If millions of people believed that a teapot orbited in the galaxy yet could not be proved by science (believing that modern day telescopes could not see the teapot) it would be called "religion".

However, on saying that, I also believe that "iblazethatkush" is deeply religious and believes in the existence of God. I respect that, but would have to respectfully disagree on the proof of evolution and scientific evidence. However, I get deeply offended when people say that religion is harmless. It is not. I will post later with quite irrefutable evidence that Christians do not worship the same god as Muslims.

African Muslims vs Christian Muslims (A War started between an apparent derogatory remark made in a Danish cartoon, that was later proved the cartoon was false and did not offend Islam)
Palestinians vs Jews (Does this even need proof?)
Christian Lebanese vs Muslim Lebanese (These guys have been fighting for many years, over religion might I add)

Now, if Christians and Muslims worshiped the SAME God, why would these believers be killing each other in RECORD numbers?

Dogma, Religion is the root of ALL evil. Jesus was not a saint.

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
I'm agnostic to the concept.

But do you guys think god believes in himself/herself/itself?

Oh no i think i just fucked up the space-time continuum.


Well-Known Member
I would say that the jews vs Plaestainians is more of territorial issue, But this territorial issue stems from a false reigious belief........Many jews and Christians believe that the jews are Gods chosen people and that he promised them ownership of Palestine. But before Jews started to immigrate to and steal Arabs land in palestine in the early 1900's, Jews and Muslims lived together in peace throughout the Muslim land. This recent Anti-semitism and hatered of the jews my some Muslims today stems from this land grab. Most Muslims don't have anything against Jews they have problems with Israeli's

The Muslims have been rather tame in their hatred of jews compared to Christian history. But the Muslims actually have a good reason why they have problems with Jews (Israelis) The Christians have persecuted the Jews throughout history because of the simple fact they wern't christians. Forced conversions in Spain in 1492, Jews were told to convert or leave, and if you do neither you die. Over the centuries Christian countries such as England, Spain, Italy have all kicked Jews out of their countries. During the Crudades while Marching through Europe on their way to the "Holy Land" would often stop at Jewish villages and slaughter everone. We haven't even gotten to the Holocaust yet Nazi photos


Well-Known Member
Well the bones and art of prehistoric people are pretty hard to deny. They are also pretty well researched and documented.
I didn't claim fact. I merely presented you with a logical argument.
If that logic upsets you, its not my fault. I didn't make it logical. It just is.


I'm just saying, the logic is based off of what was left behind. Not everything that was. Just because something didn't survive doesn't mean it wasn't really important. I don't disbelieve historical evidence, and I do agree with you that this is a viable course of events. I'm just saying that I'm staying open. There always could be more, so I'm not going to tyr and prove anything. I don't need to prove it to myself, so I odn't feel it's necessary to prove at all. Proof is entirely personal and open to interpretation. The fact that certain things exist from ancient time periods is irrefutable, agreed. But it doesn't mean that's all there was. It's not likely that everything htat's "important" to thought, etc. today will survive. So i'm just sayin. That's all.


Well-Known Member
I'm agnostic to the concept.

But do you guys think god believes in himself/herself/itself?

Oh no i think i just fucked up the space-time continuum.

How are you defining agnostic? Cause I've heard that it's "waiting for proof". I'm not "waiting for proof", but I don't believe and I don't disbelieve. How would you put htat?


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying, the logic is based off of what was left behind. Not everything that was. Just because something didn't survive doesn't mean it wasn't really important. I don't disbelieve historical evidence, and I do agree with you that this is a viable course of events. I'm just saying that I'm staying open. There always could be more, so I'm not going to tyr and prove anything. I don't need to prove it to myself, so I odn't feel it's necessary to prove at all. Proof is entirely personal and open to interpretation. The fact that certain things exist from ancient time periods is irrefutable, agreed. But it doesn't mean that's all there was. It's not likely that everything htat's "important" to thought, etc. today will survive. So i'm just sayin. That's all.

Now thats what I'm talking about. :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
How are you defining agnostic? Cause I've heard that it's "waiting for proof". I'm not "waiting for proof", but I don't believe and I don't disbelieve. How would you put htat?
Agnostic has many definitions. Not necessarily "Waiting for proof" as you put it, more like, a Fence Sitter. You would also be, a fence sitter.