The Daily Bud


Well-Known Member
Hey subcool,beautiful pics man ! and what a stellar line up of genetics to sample.. can we look forward to you doing some breeding in the future with these elite clone only strains ?

The ChemDawg D is just an amazing smoke ! so many in it's class don't yield the best,but once ya get past the weak stems ,that girl will pump some serious colas of pure dank!

I think I just answered my own question ,looks like the last few post are just copy and pasted from a couple years ago ? the posts about Chems gear anyhow ,as I found the same posts at a different site dated 2008 ?
Yes this is an old story that was even turned into a story for Skunk magazine.


Well-Known Member
Ok when I transplanted last run I tried a new product as an additive to my super soil, it is called Roots organic and you can read all about it in my how to soil thread. When I transplant I place about ½-2/3rd super soil in bottom and layer the top with a nice store bought to let the plant get started before hitting the hot mix. I also placed a JC in just the Roots organic and placed them in the rear of the garden.

I feed the plants only water and with the super soil I totally dialed in the mix this time and have the healthiest garden I have had in awhile. For the first 30 days the plant without super soil did just fine but about day 35 she showed signs of fading. I fed her some Pure Blend Bloom and a cap full of Earth Juice Grow, she stood up that night and showed turgid leafs but in soil esp that late once fading starts that early its hard to completely stop it.

You can see the yellow leaves and how the plant has even some dead leaves on her. I didn’t touch either of these plants before taking pics so you see them how they are.
You can see the yellowing on the Roots only plant has progressed quite far up each leaf and I believe it affected the total yield although both plants are gigantic and between the two we should stash away 10 zipps.



Well-Known Member
I also notice the plant that wasn’t in super soil seems to have finished faster, maybe it is because the healthier one is still so green but she needs more time and I am taking the yellow one tonight.

The smell on both is what youd expect out of JCf1 lemon mania with a hint of Haze. The plant in super soil was off to the side as well and the Roots plant was directly under the bulb to make sure she had the best opportunity.



Well-Known Member
Now we see the plant boosted by all the yummy stuff I add into my soil mix. Day 58 and she has a god 3-5 more days to max potency, she should also continue to swell in size where as the other plant had stopped any addition of weight.



Well-Known Member
I will give the final results but I don’t think it will be more than ½ a zipp but who knows that’s why I did this to see how much difference a proper mix makes with soil based plants. This plant received no nutrients during vegetive stage or in budding. At day 35 she received Sweetleaf and some Bcuzz and then water from then on.

You can see how much healthier this plant is at day 58 and only a small amount of fading is present. I actually may cut back just a hair on the super soil and run ½ and ½ this plant could have faded a bit earlier and any soil I can save is saving work, as long as the results are the same.

I now keep 3 cans of hot super soil and 10 bags of the Roots this is enough for 2 full runs and since I know the results the soil produces I can look forward to 2 more harvest this good or better.

This is why I do soil organics when you get it tuned in its just awesome end results.

So the Roots plant gets the Axe.

She didn’t do so bad.



Well-Known Member
On a never ending quest to get higher our encrusted resin reporter “Dank Nugget” takes you into the depths of the Trichome factory here at TGA. Our Cannabis radar is pegged and I think were going to get lucky today as we blast off on this THC endeavor.

We have had reports of Aliens in the Delta sector so lets check in with Dank and see if he’s found anything.

“Dank reporting sir we seem to have some bombdankity off the port bow I think I will zoom in for a closer look”



Well-Known Member
My God it seems all the vegetation in this area is covered in a think gooey substance, some are cloudy and some are actually Amber I am not sure if its safe to approach or not.

Day 58 and I am very close to harvesting this girl. Even though she bears the most resemblance to Jacks Cleaner she is much shorter I will be doing a thread comparing all three later but I have to come up with witty text and this was easier and the comparing jacks thread will take by brain I may have to wait till I’m not smoking Soylent green.

I think this may be the most resinous plant I have ever seen btw its extremely healthy and on her clone run shes just leaf tip to leaf tip with resin.


that's an amazing amount of flawlessly grown herb ,page after page after page..more bad ass pics in this one thread all from you then I've seen from one guy

I didn't realize these are ALL pics from you ,thought it was a community thing.. I've been around for a minute ,but this has to be some sort of record for the highest number of the highest quality pics from one guy in one thread ever!

your explanations are amazing ,thanks for doing what do..


Well-Known Member
that's an amazing amount of flawlessly grown herb ,page after page after page..more bad ass pics in this one thread all from you then I've seen from one guy

I didn't realize these are ALL pics from you ,thought it was a community thing.. I've been around for a minute ,but this has to be some sort of record for the highest number of the highest quality pics from one guy in one thread ever!

your explanations are amazing ,thanks for doing what do..
Thanks for not getting mad about the edit. People are welcome to comment and ask questions what ever but if you put pics up 12 more people will and although your post was classy and quality others would see it as an invite to post up some cell phone pics and thats detracts from the theam of this thread.

Yes this is my complete 3 decades of growing basically an expanded addition of my book Dank and when its done it should be the only thread of its kind.

Thanks for stopping by.

it's all good man,keep it quality,I figured that out quickly after starting at page 1 this morning...saw the thread title and 40 some plus pages of pics..who'd of thunk 1 guy,LOL ? props man! got all excited seeing all the qulality in one place..and by all means keep it coming

and ya just sold another copy of your book !

Have some relatives that have been raving about your strains and soil mix and grow knowlegde

and we were talking "clone onlys" vs the majority of seed strains and quality of those and how they compare

I am a hydro guy - and stick with it for the yields,but have never gave soil a fair shake,but ALL that's another thread!

they are winning the debate after reading and looking thru your threads :bigjoint:

and always just me on the quest to provide the most quality meds I can

my morning ramble

thanks again man


Well-Known Member
Hey what is a good TGA strain I should get first to knock me off my feet? Sub your doing it big man thanks for all your hard work.