high heat during flowering 90+ experienced answers only please!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Its me again, the struggler but never quittin guy. I am 32 days into flowering my og kush plants. I just bought a proper digital hygro/thermo and I am in alot of SHOCK :shock: right now. My lil plastic thermo backstabbed the hell outta me. It read 80-82...it lied alot. My temps have actually been 91-94 degrees!!!!!!! :fire:

btw runnin 4ooo watts hid in a 10x 11 x 7.5 ft room, I know, i know... 8 inch vortex pullin exhaust, now upgraded to 10 inches combined intake diameter.

so I have 4 weeks approx left of flowering and I am working hard to get these temps down. I will get them down to around 80-84 very very soon but here is my question. Is this fixable?? can i still get a good yield?? Is there time to bulk and fatten them up now if the temp goes way down? Thanks alot for any help I really wanna know if this can be fixed. Here is a pic at day 32 to show how they look ATM;



Well-Known Member
my bitches where fat with high heat they look sick they will fatten up trust me
sick as in my plants look sick or good? lol I just want to get my .5 gram per watt for this grow is all. 4 weeks left and lotsa peeps are sayin u aint gonna get shit outta that room now cause of the high temps, even if i fix them right now and do everything to a T ! Thanks for the reply Sick :cool:


Well-Known Member
No sick as in its great you don't need a game plan and your temp wont affect the size of those bitches are fine bro it looks great

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Your getting close to the temp limits. Those temps and you get a little late on watering could wipe them out.
They look VERY good though. I would try and increase your air flow to help cool the room more.
If your using CO2, those high temps are about perfect. With CO2 and high temps, plants can explode with growth.
If not using CO2, try to keep it below 90 degrees...but you're looking very well. What ever your doing, keep it up but do work on lowering the temps.


Well-Known Member
Your getting close to the temp limits. Those temps and you get a little late on watering could wipe them out.
They look VERY good though. I would try and increase your air flow to help cool the room more.
If your using CO2, those high temps are about perfect. With CO2 and high temps, plants can explode with growth.
If not using CO2, try to keep it below 90 degrees...but you're looking very well. What ever your doing, keep it up but do work on lowering the temps.
checkin your 44 mag man! thanks alot for your installed confidence, +rep to both of you for easing my mind. I will be force feeding the room fresher air from an outside source now and I think I can hook the temps up around 84-85 until they are done. I have no co2, no $ left, riding by the seat of my pants 'till they are done. Thanks for the compliments also gentleman. Check in to my journal for progrees if you want to;

Well i don't have 90 plus whatever but I'm going to give my 2 cents anyway. I'm not really quite sure what you are looking for man. There is no magic fix to make your plants enjoy 90 degree heat.... Your going to have to deal with what you get or get some cooler air flowing through there those are your only options dude. But as far as i can see your plants do not look heat stressed at all so i don't think its gonna be to detrimental to your yield as long as you keep those colas away from your lights. I don't mean to come off like a jerk im just telling you how it is man. Good luck with the rest of your grow, the girls are looking good.


Well-Known Member
Well i don't have 90 plus whatever but I'm going to give my 2 cents anyway. I'm not really quite sure what you are looking for man. There is no magic fix to make your plants enjoy 90 degree heat.... Your going to have to deal with what you get or get some cooler air flowing through there those are your only options dude. But as far as i can see your plants do not look heat stressed at all so i don't think its gonna be to detrimental to your yield as long as you keep those colas away from your lights. I don't mean to come off like a jerk im just telling you how it is man. Good luck with the rest of your grow, the girls are looking good.
thank you. I was only looking for some guidance on what to expect with what kind of results can be expected with above 90 heat for the first half of the flowering period, that's all. I was given alot of flak by guys sayin I wont even get .2, .3 grams per watt, guys that claim they know alot about growing...so I'm trippin a bit ATM. If you read thorugh my original post at the top you will see that I have added more intake and lots more fresh air. The temps will go down to low 80's, no problem but I just don't know if I've hurt the heck out of my yield with this first half of flowering screwup. They look quite skimpy in person for comparitives i've seen of other guys at week 5 but who knows. They arent burnt, they arent wilting, ever. I was just told that flower production and abundancy will be DRAMATICALLY reduced with the temps I have administered... just wondering If i can recover...that's what I'm after.


Get a stand alone AC 10.000 watter put it right in the room or put in a couple more exhaust squirrel fans right near the roof an exhuast into exhisting room the charcoal filter will still take care of the smell. I f the reservoir on the air conditioner is to small rig it to empty into a rubbermaid bin. PEACE


Iam sorry you have the temps down to low 80s ideal would be 77 dgrees. I dont know what your feeding regement is but maybe a bud supplemnt right away like ton-o-bud 3grams per litre week five give one shot if you cant get ton-o-bud ask your retailer for something similar it is synthetic but works fast an works great. PEACE


It is just as important to exhuast hot air as it is getting more fresh air in. The more heat you exhaust the more fresh air it will draw in which equates into bigger plants.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
...They arent burnt, they arent wilting, ever. I was just told that flower production and abundancy will be DRAMATICALLY reduced with the temps I have administered... just wondering If i can recover...that's what I'm after.
I don't see anything too recover from. You either caught it early enough or you are growing a robust strain. That happen to be skunk? I did that for my 1st grow as it was an easy and forgiving strain for the beginner. No doubt! I messed up a lot and they still grew and gave me a happy first grow harvest. I don't recall the amount, but it was enough to cover me until the 2nd harvest was done curing.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything too recover from. You either caught it early enough or you are growing a robust strain. That happen to be skunk? I did that for my 1st grow as it was an easy and forgiving strain for the beginner. No doubt! I messed up a lot and they still grew and gave me a happy first grow harvest. I don't recall the amount, but it was enough to cover me until the 2nd harvest was done curing.
No actually it is og kush from clone. It is remarkably robust apparently... I guess all I can do is start the kool bloom formula with molasses every water feed and make sure the temps and humidity stay down and cross my fingers for some swollen buds at the end. Thanks again. I'm not feeling quite as shitty about the situation.

~ BCbuddy :leaf:


Well-Known Member
" you shud throw me one of your ogs !!!!!"
shhhhhhhhhhhhh :mad: we can be booted so fast for even mentioning that kinda stuff. How in gods graces would I hook u up anyway dude lol

thanks for the co2 yeast/water thing. I have so much air flowing in, out and around in my room it's like a cyclone machine testing facility. Any co2 I add into that vortex powered wind chamber is just flying out the exhaust before it could be absorbed by the stomata of leaves. Thanks for trying anyways.


you can get a automated co2 dispencer it shuts down all the fans for what ever you set it to an then dispence co2 for ten minutes or so then the automated dispencer will turn evrything back on once the co2 has settled btu you need deep pockets for that set up PEACE