First grow/CFL stealth cab/Short Rider

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
the auto flowers are great for a quick short grow, which is what i want, but to grow them and find out they are males would suck. so thats why i say next time, im just gonna order 3 fem auto blue mystics, i think jp just ordered some so we'll see how he does with them.


Well-Known Member
Very true, I kind of wish I would have went fem but maybe I will be able to pollinate a lower branch a produce my own seeds first time around. What do you think? They wouldn't be fem but I should have a good amount to stash away.. We will see, I should be getting some more SR in soon so if I do I wont worry about pollinating.

I'm looking forward to seeing the blue mistic, those should turn out funky! Im definitely going to be ordering some of those and probably a couple others aswell here soon to prepare for next round:)


Well-Known Member
U guys check out attitudes weekend special yet. 7 Fm'd very nice strains just for ordering like 25 bucks worth pretty good deal.


Well-Known Member
So I was going to wait until their birthday to post up new pics but this threads getting boring and my newbness is kicking in!!

I've been watering these everyday and one of them has been curling since the last set of pics I put up. Somedays it looks better but then bam.. Anyway lmk what you guys think, Overwatering? Oh I'm also skipping the fish emulsion for now, figured I'd give it at least another week. Thanks for looking!

Edit, if you look close in the pics you can tell that the top layer of soil is dry. Thats what I think is throwing me off..?? I was poking my finger 1" down and it feels somewhat moist but kind of dry lol.. So I've read its better to be dry then overwater so I wont water until I get some more suggestions!!

I'd say there at least getting 8oz each everyday..



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a lot of water to me. Mine get a pint every other day. Let your girls dry out a little and pick up the pot. Now when they get around that same weight next time you know to water. Also you'll learn to read your plants and then they will tell you when they're thirsty. I don't like poking my finger through the soil I still do sometimes though. I recently under watered mine and all the leaves drooped bad just like when you over water so it can be a little tricky. Other than the over watered part they're looking great. Keep at it your doing a fine job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks cainseeker, That makes me feel a little less paranoid. I did pick up some funky stuff last night so I was exra paranoid lol.. Yea it can get confusing lol.. Thats why I didn't know if I was underwatering or over, then I realized most people water 2-3 days apart. Eitherway thanks again for the help and they already are perkin up so I'll pay extra attention to how much they weigh when they dry out.

You end up grabbing any seeds from attitude? I was looking there's just so many to choose from lol.. I'm going to try getting my order in today! Later.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I've not placed an order yet but soon. Can't choose either. I want something purple. Purple nugs are just sexy ya know.


Well-Known Member
I've not placed an order yet but soon. Can't choose either. I want something purple. Purple nugs are just sexy ya know.
Lmao.. Bro I was thinking the same thing last night when I was looking, I also started looking into the thc content and the recent winners of the cannabis cup lol.. I want something funky! I've been leaning toward something from Barneys farm, have you looked at them yet?

Edit pics from 14hours after watering, about 2.5 weeks old today! Enjoy, starting to get better with this camera. Nothing special but its getting bushy quick! Been thinking about lst more and more everyday lol.. Right now there approx 4" tall and 6" wide! The darker one "Droopy" I guess is her name lol is a lot bushier as you can see in one of the pics her little leaves are coming in quick. As of right now I'm naming the other girl "fingers crossed" thirsty, cause she was throwing me off drinking up all that water and not curling up lol..



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro!

I've been letting them dry out since yesterday night, Should I just hold out today and give them water tomorrow? Soil still feels a little moist an inch down but its definitely starting to dry up.

Do you think those top leaves will straighten out or are they going to be curled like that now? I'm not really worried about it that's just what I've been going off of..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
you know, like i said, i water my just about everyday, i hate to tell other people how to do something, i dont wanna get blamed for screwing up someone elses grow, LoL. i can only say how i do it and what works for me. my little ones (new grow) are 11 days old and already on 1/4 strenght nute mix given once a day, they'll let me know if i give them to much, but its just enough to keep the soil moist. i use that gravity fed water jug i came up with and i just turn the valve on and give a good little watering, and thats it.



Well-Known Member
Yeah thats true I water every third day but there are too many variables to say water like I do.
Hey smelly thats funny I went with two cup winners last order the MK and the Super Lemon Haze.
I would like some purple kush but I wasn't able to find any. Also thinking about northern lights shit I don't know. Let me know what ya get bro and I'll do the same.


Well-Known Member
How did you like those chainseeker? What one would you recommend over the other? Purple kush does sound dank, I noticed someone saying something about sour diesel in your journal, I picked up a quarter of that a couple weeks ago and it was pretty good, have no idea where it came from though..

I'm leaning toward super lemon haze, or lsd from barneys farm.. I've heard nothing but good things about northern lights but thats mostly just from reading around on here.. I'm probably gonna look around a little more and order so I'll let you know what I get for sure!

you know, like i said, i water my just about everyday, i hate to tell other people how to do something, i dont wanna get blamed for screwing up someone elses grow, LoL. i can only say how i do it and what works for me. my little ones (new grow) are 11 days old and already on 1/4 strenght nute mix given once a day, they'll let me know if i give them to much, but its just enough to keep the soil moist. i use that gravity fed water jug i came up with and i just turn the valve on and give a good little watering, and thats it.
LoL, I wouldn't blame you bro.. I know I'm the one who makes the final decision.. I like the little gravity thing you got going on though, might have to do something similar once I figure out how to water these damn things lol..

I just watered them with some rain water that I collected and watered until they drained a little out the bottom. Droopy is looking droopy as usual and thirsty is drinking up everything i give it with no problems as of now.. I guess I'll start doing it every other day and see if that perks her up a little.


Well-Known Member
Well I picked up 5 fem wonder woman. Figured I would stick with nirvana and try something different next time, plus I got the freebies of course!! Cant wait! What are you getting, I was trying to read reviews but I guess I'm just going to have to find out myself because there's so many mixed opinions.. I just said F it lol.. I looked at like 200 different strains and my head started to hurt smoked a bowl and ordered lol.. Oh check this out, is this the purple haze you where looking at? And this is a random pic I found of the wonder woman, couldn't find much info on it..



Well-Known Member
Hey man looking great so far. Personally, I go by weight since it varies depending on soil, heat, humidity, etc. After a good watering, pick up the container and take notice how heavy it feels. Then every day pick up the container. Once it feels light you know it is time to water it again. In my limited experience, I found that slightly underwatering is better than slightly overwatering. Also, I never used it, but FFOF soil is suppose to be top of the line stuff. It should hold water for you pretty well and won't need any extra nutes for probably the first month. I'm growing two autoflowers and they showed sex after about 20-25 days. The one is about 5 weeks old and is already in full flower.


Well-Known Member
THanks for stopping by sonar, I'll definitely pay more attention to the weight and your right I think the ffof is retaining a lot of water. It was just throwing me off at first because the top of the soil would be dry but it still stays moist for a good amount of time 1" underneath. I'm going to let it go today without water and pay more attention to the wieght and how the plants looking! + Rep for you sir!!

I actually skipped the nutes yesterday when I watered them and just gave them some good ol rain water. I'll probably pick up some big bloom and tiger bloom here soon for when they go into flowering! 20-25 days, nice!! I'm wondering how long these short rider will take.. We will see...


Well-Known Member
Update, well its definitely getting lighter due to not watering today but it perked up a little and now its drooping again..?? Lights just went out.. I guess I'll let it sit overnight and hope it looks okay in the morning. Either way I'll be watering it tomorrow most likely, I'm just paranoid about overwatering now..

Another question for anyone thats looking, When do you think would be a good time to transplant? Its going to be two weeks old from sprouting on wed and its been in the same pot..?? Should I transfer it to the final pots soon? "after I get this watering thing straightend out of course."
I was also told that a good rule of thumb is to not water until the gap in the sides of the pot and the soil is at least 1/2"..?? I'm sure it depends on the pot and soil but its nowhere near 1/2" gap yet..

Here's a couple pics of the soil and droopyness, I didn't name her droopy for no reason lol..



Well-Known Member
Ya know my soil for some reason( FFOF) never does pull away from the sides.

Even when I under watered real bad this didn't happen.

I think your babies are thirsty as hell.

You'll know when you check them this morning and then you will have a better understanding on the subject.

When I under watered so bad the leaves all turned down and started curling under it was terrible.

So wake up and get that bitch some water would ya. LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
You'll know when you check them this morning and then you will have a better understanding on the subject.

When I under watered so bad the leaves all turned down and started curling under it was terrible.

So wake up and get that bitch some water would ya. LOL!!!
Yep you where right, I got up like 5 hours ago and peaked in there and droopy was now perky as hell!! lol.. Its amazing how it could go from looking so dry and curled to nice and perky. I did go right back to sleep though because I'm feeling like poop.. When I got up about an hour ago they still looked a lot better than last night but I did see that the leaves started to curl up a little bit again, you can see from the pics I'm about to throw up. So now I understand what you guys mean by letting the plant tell you when it needs water.

I think from now on I'll probably water it in real good with plain old rain water for the next week, every other day. Then maybe step up the veg nutes for a few weeks before flowering. Thanks again for all the help, if it lets me you will be getting rep points sir!!

OH and when should I TRANSPLANT? Any ideas or suggestions?