Well-Known Member
to bad to hear about barbag. Been watching that one since you found the bean. Do you guys have scwag over in the dam too.? 1BMM
Yeh, could do, probably need to eat a whole fekking chocolate gateau to get a hit, hahaha. Maybe I could feed it to my wife sinc skunk cookies turn her into a dribbling wreck (don't think I'll ever get her to take anything to do with weed again after the last time....maybe you could make some butter or something with it..
Wait to you see what Barbag was doing,,,,fekkin mad.to bad to hear about barbag. Been watching that one since you found the bean. Do you guys have scwag over in the dam too.? 1BMM
Lovely looking plants Dst mate, how come the dpq and the cheese look hungry? Are u neglecting them?
I address your questions and concerns brothers, and what do you do....disappear on me, bah (and Don, sunstroke doesn't count, lmao)some super frosty shit there D! Not wanting to mention the war or nothing but some of them clones look a little yellow about the gills man.sun bleaching?!?
Okay gentlemen, feel like I have some ground to make up with you guys since you both commented on my hungry DPQ's.
Well here's some pics of them in the sun this morning.
The 3 DPQ's - as you can see, the sun shining on the one on the left plays with the light the camera pick ups, the one on the right more in the shade is a better representation imo....gonna repot the clones today...the DPQ's can stay in the 500ml pots bit longer..they are def on the up and up...
And with the OGK, the HB, BJ, CJ, and not to forget...Thelma
Peace, DST
Lovely looking plants Dst mate, how come the dpq and the cheese look hungry? Are u neglecting them?
I am beginging to think someone found it in some bird feed and left it on the counter...or perhaps ones of those dodgy packets of Mary-J-Wana seeds they sell down the flower market in Amsterdam.....what a "melt" of a plant!!!hahahahha dude i dropped off the radar over the bank holiday couldnt do much but lie on the sofa cattled. couldnt even drink man, i was ILL!
light tricks and smoke n mirrors eh hahaaha
dude if barbagseed had been sold to ya id have said youd been selt a lemon nevermind smelt one. now theres some dodgy syntax haha ive not seen elongated colas( actually i dont think you could call a calyx an inch a cola!?!?! ) like that ever. i think somewhere some cloggy is havin a right old chuckle at the though of someone growing that heshe bean out.
id call your growin skillbut your others are fuckin tip top.
Yeh, I am thinking of just grinding the whole lot up and putting it in my trim box for the next bubble run.....still a smokes a smoke man, or you could just whip it in the bubble bags. aye i had similar results with butter and edibles, my mrs wont touch it ever again... something about it feeling like her spine was popping out?! women eh
the gash coffeeshops normally sell that as Thai or Jamacain or some other rubbish.....Sounds & looks just like mexican schwag. That BS they import here in the states is full of seed. I mean FULL. In a half oz i counted 60 seeds last rip with the schwag man. Some str8 bs. Cant be havin that. I grew some out and it was also bunk. youll have that.
Real "Thai-stick" is really nice to smoke on a hot day in the shades drinking a Chang beerthe gash coffeeshops normally sell that as Thai or Jamacain or some other rubbish.....