First off let me bump some shit. Smoking a fatty to this tune.
Good evening peeps. Just got back from round 3 on HH. Just wanted to check the yins after the heavy rains, and to see how many didnt get fucked with by the critters.
This time around me and grunt found a safer access point to get to the patch. Rather than walk in front of a few isolated houses on the way and raise suspicion we found the ultimate inlet. Not for the tender footed pussy. Lets just say its some real guerilla tactics just to get down the bluff we are working. Its hella steep and vary dangerous. But im a gorilla so it aint shit to me and grunt. I brought my dog loco along for some turkey chasing action haha.
So the location we enter now is under everybodies nose in a park. My girl is also a reneagade ass bitch sorry babe. You know i Love you. So She drops me, grunt & loco off at the safest possible entry point. Its smack in the midst of a tourist attraction.We have to decend a cliff of massive proportions just to get on the trail to the trail to the patch. This is some extreme hiking.
I let loco off the chain soon as we darted into the bush. Me and grunt slowly approach the edge of the bluff looking for a safe passage. Here comes loco full steam down the fucking hill Where i was standing smack on the edge of a 30 foot drop off cliff. He tried to stop before the cliff but not enough brake pads on the lil turd. He went soaring off the top of the cliff landed in a soft patch of dirt and rolled down the bluff a ways.
I was worried about my lil buddy. To my amazement i called for him and he was at the bottom of the cliff tail wagging and OK thank god. I love my dog peeps. I took pics of the cliff he jumped off of just for yall. Here we go.
Welcome to Hamburger Hill. Loco got broke in the hard way

lol. Hes all good though peeps.

Standing at the bottom of the cliff loco flew off.

Now thats a fuckin drop. Ole Rocco loco didn't even get a scratch on him. haha crazy shit.
Anyways we made a new totally incognito entry to the genearal area. No more houses to truck by.
The plants have been in the ground now for 3 days and im curious to see if they have weathered. Well folks, I only lost 4 so far. Dried up in the hole? I dont know maybe they got shocked from the trip but hey. NO CRITTERS DUG ANY UP. Thankyou NEL for the mothball and soap trick. Seems to be working just fucking great. Heres a few pics of the plants in no particular order. I cant really tell em apart in the pics.

Those last 2 are BW im pretty sure.

Me and grunt made a make shift natural barrier out of dead fall for our BW patch. Seems to be keeping the deer out so far.
And that concludes the post plant recon mission. All is looking well for this patch. Rain is coming in steady lately. Im suprised to see how well the clones have adapted straight out of the cloner and into the ground. Its the buis peeps. And our famished scout Loco..

Mr Loco got a by GOD work out today ladies and gents. hahaha I love this shit...... Rock on and Peace out 1BMM