These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:


Well-Known Member
ha i know what you mean svchop. i started mine in feb and they are 3 weeks in flowering haha. but damn are they looking and smelling good.
I have to wait until the end of the outdoor season so don't feel bad man. I've seen yours you will be having some beautiful smoke soon enough brother.


Well-Known Member
wtf????? what happened?
I dumped a bitch and she came back for some of her things while I was away. I had to "get rid of my plants" earlier because of her opinion on the whole thing. Really I just moved them outside way earlier than I had planed and showed her the root balls of the males I had and told her they were gone. She smokes pot but she didn't agree with me growing, something to do with the amount of jail time associated with it. Anyway Changing all of my locks today. Fortunately she dosn't know the others still exist, and I have more dirt on her than she will ever have on me.

Trust no bitch.


Well-Known Member
that's NeL's famous words. how unfortunate man. you can always go cut a couple more tho. just be careful! what's that other saying? hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Well-Known Member
that's NeL's famous words. how unfortunate man. you can always go cut a couple more tho. just be careful! what's that other saying? hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
hell yeah that NeL guy is a smart dude.

Yeah that's about it though. I think I am just going to stay away from the indoor gardening for the rest of the season. I am moving before the end of the winter anyway, hopefully. Going somewhere where know one knows my name and have no plans on making any friends there. Going to grow sell move, grow sell move. I figure the less time I spend in one place the better.


Well-Known Member
One got eaten by a deer the whole thing is mowed down to the stems couple leave here and there. So I only have two now, one is doing great but the other is growing really slow I took down a few branches so it will get better light now. I only took a picture of the one that's doing well



Well-Known Member
damn, you're havin a rough time. sorry to hear it. keep your head up and keep fighting man
Lol yeah and this is only part of my life, the rest of it Isn't doing any better. Oh well what can you do but put one foot in front of the other and keep on walking. I'll keep fighting the fight that never ends though. Maybe someday I will even come out ahead, and I will be able to rest for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Lol yeah and this is only part of my life, the rest of it Isn't doing any better. Oh well what can you do but put one foot in front of the other and keep on walking. I'll keep fighting the fight that never ends though. Maybe someday I will even come out ahead, and I will be able to rest for awhile.
Ya know ya gotta keep on keepin on.:lol: To bad about all the problems svc. You'll get it figured out I am sure.

Anyway, remember I told you my dogs climb trees. I know May is over but thought I would show a couple of em standing A little humor goes a long way!


haha fuck, those dogs are awesome.

It would appear that if you plant in a field containing cows, they eat your plants. i learnt the hard way. :(


Well-Known Member
Well today is a much better day. Went out to see my three girls and yes there is still three the one that got eaten down is coming back lots of new growth It surprised the hell out of me. I did take its cage though at this point its pretty obvious that it was not holding anything back from taking a snack. That cage is now going to a better use I attached it on top of the cage of another of my plants that is getting huge. I wove some of the branches and side branches through it, this plant is gonna be a big one its 2ft tall now, I know that isn't a lot but having to re-veg really slowed its vertical growth for awhile.

Also I decided to put in a small plot Its late but I just feel like 3 plants isnt enough especially with the way things have gone. All I did was weeded out a 3'x3' square and took one of those claw things and agitated the soil and took out the roots I also mixed in what was left of my potting mix and added some wood ashes and biotone then I dropped down about 50 seeds and covered them with a thin layer of soil. I will go back in a week to see if any are sprouting and water if its dry. I don't expect a lot from the patch there I will probably only make 4 more trips to that spot over the rest of the season, basically just to weed out weaklings and thing things out then when my other three start to show flowers againg I will go cut out the males in the other patch. But its pretty much just a set it and forget it and see if it surprises me come harvest time.

But it just rained yesterday for the whole day, and today is looking excellent. I still haven't putting in the vegtable garden so I'm going to go do that you guys have a good one I will be back when the sun goes down to see how you all are doing.



Well-Known Member
sv, good to hear the nibble didn't kill it. Good luck on getting that new patch off. If you see some dry days the little ones could use a drink. :leaf: