Hotsauses First 600w Grow


Well-Known Member
ok o sh is in a bigger pot thats good. have u fed her anything yet any nutes her bottom leaf looks yellow. im not exactly sure where ur supposed to cut clones off a mother i usally just took them off the bottom of my plant that. just went to flower. i would think your choice is fine though. vut more near the tips though so the branch is not so hard and woody the tops are more soft and easy to root. and all ive heard is good about rapid rooters so good call


Well-Known Member
IMG_0715.jpgIMG_0716.jpgSo i did 2 clones tonight. Hopefully they make it my humidity is 86 right now in the dome so how do they look?


Well-Known Member
i would make sure they are on the moist side, i would follow the instructions onthe bag so more water should e fine


Well-Known Member
Finally i have a day off. My 2 Hydro Girls are looking crazy good. They have drank almost all the water in the 10 Gallon Tote which is where my question comes in

How much nutes do i put in the water i want to replace back in???
Im thinking there is about 2 -3 gallons left and i want to put back 3-4 gallons.

Anyway Heres some pics my PH was sitting at 6.3 so i added a little PH down and im at 5.6. Now for some Pics

Group Shot

Purple God Bud




Well-Known Member
A Rotating Fan and a High Volocity Fan that is next to my window it is also a basement grow so it stays pretty cool down there. My temp is usually in the 72-78 even on the hottest days.


Well-Known Member
very nice man, ur getin this hydro down and the girls are lovin it plus rep if i can again. they look really bushy wich is a good thing. im not sure about your question though. ask the guys at the 600 some one intheri should know. and no pic of the dwarf


Well-Known Member
very nice man, ur getin this hydro down and the girls are lovin it plus rep if i can again. they look really bushy wich is a good thing. im not sure about your question though. ask the guys at the 600 some one intheri should know. and no pic of the dwarf
Lmao Sorry i forgot the Dwarf pics here she is IMG_0738.jpg im thinking im not going to feed her any nutes all Natural lol besides whatevers in the soil. She is doing good though the growth is alot slower but thats what i was expecting. Im going to move her under my T5 in a few days here and put my Hydro Ladies and my Durban In flowering Next round im thinking of going from seed


Well-Known Member
th3 dawrf is most likely growing low cuz its so far from the light, and i think she would do better with some nutes. mabye just throw some horse poo on the top layer of soil then waer then it would still be all natural


Well-Known Member
th3 dawrf is most likely growing low cuz its so far from the light, and i think she would do better with some nutes. mabye just throw some horse poo on the top layer of soil then waer then it would still be all natural
horse poo, that made me laugh McP!! I was just thinking, I wouldn't have a clue where to go in the Dam to get horse poo, but whilst I was writing this I have now actually thought of two places (haha) Theres those folk in the city centre that do horse drawn cart tours.....I wonder if they would flog me some.
Can you imagine it:
So would you like a tour sir?
Nah mate, just gies some of yer horse poo, that'll be dandy!!! As he skips off with a carrierbag of crap...lmao.

Have a good one gents, blazin my first joint of the day after a work out...great!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
horse poo, that made me laugh McP!! I was just thinking, I wouldn't have a clue where to go in the Dam to get horse poo, but whilst I was writing this I have now actually thought of two places (haha) Theres those folk in the city centre that do horse drawn cart tours.....I wonder if they would flog me some.
Can you imagine it:
So would you like a tour sir?
Nah mate, just gies some of yer horse poo, that'll be dandy!!! As he skips off with a carrierbag of crap...lmao.

Have a good one gents, blazin my first joint of the day after a work out...great!

Peace, DST

HaHa that made me laugh i imagined it in my head and sht was funny. im sure they would though give u some though or u could follow them and wait till it takes a poo and run out and shovel it up


Well-Known Member
they have bags that catch the poo so that it dosn't mess the place...I am sure they are based near my place as I have seen some going past one day. need to check it out. laters, D


Well-Known Member
th3 dawrf is most likely growing low cuz its so far from the light, and i think she would do better with some nutes. mabye just throw some horse poo on the top layer of soil then waer then it would still be all natural
LMAO i dont think i want horse poo by my hydro lol but thanks for the offer :D Ive been busy with work but i need to figure out if i change nutes tonight or if i should just leave it in there and do it in a few days


Well-Known Member
I drained and replishied with Transition Nutes yesterday but didnt take pics but here some pics from today. I light proofed my basement a few minutes ago when the light goes out in about 15 minutes ill check if its completely dark.
Today is Day 39(Day 3 of Flowering)

Purple God Bud


Root Porn

Blueberry Dwarf & Clones