kali love
Active Member
ok sg ive been thinking about the nutes a while too ive been readin n talkin h andg all the way you wanna get aqua flakesCool thanks for the info on the nutes. I was thinking about H&G, but until I deplete most of what I have I don't think I'll be switching. I feel like I'd need to use their whole line as they don't have a veg/bloom formula, you just use different additives. I was considering getting the canna, but honestly my results have been great with the ionic. Unless they are near the same price I don't think I'll end up making the switch.
Yeah I can't wait to get the 400 in the tent and try my hand at soil. Kinda going backwards but I learned a good deal about soil while learning my hydro stuff as well.
One semester to go, can't wait! something like 13 credit hours away from my degreeThanks for droppin by man, you starting another round anytime soon?
with the multi zen bud xl top booster shooting powder and alien extract hat will make for one killer mixture i talked to a grower for a club about h and g pretty much only thing he used and he use the uc system very easy to use those two are like peaches n cream pretty much good in any hydro system i can understand hesitating on the switch you get very good results and have great control over your nutes def may wanna think twice before changing your schedule but then again there is always better right lol sg either way yopu go man your making the right choice and you know it enjoy my friend
oh im a gonna start up soon next few days ill let you know my man keep up the great work