My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)


Active Member
Hi, this is my first ever attempt at growing so all info would be greatly welcome. im using a tt100 fan with 400w hps also have a tower fan at the bottom but am looking to upgrade to a ruck fan with temp control. temps just below 90 at the moment as its so damn hot outside. look forward to any advice


day 6.jpgon there dayhome.jpgthe girls in night home.jpgmy set up.jpg


Active Member
Well its day number 7 for the bigger one and 5 for the little ones. im leaving them in the tent now full time & I gave them there first bio bizz grow, used 1ml in 2 liters of water just to get them used to it slowly. Temps are down to about 82f but ive ordered a ruck fan with temp control and waiting for that to arrive. Also popping to grow shop tomorrow to get some more items for the girls.

day number 7.jpgtwo on the left are 2 days younger then the one on the left.jpg


Active Member
Day number 8 the girls are looking good. Went and got easy rollers, 10 liter pots an electronic ph meter some 4 inch ducts. Stopped in at homebase to get some sticky pest control just incase. Temps are about 79f using a light period or 20/4. Still waiting for my ruck fan to arrive daynumber 8.jpgthe girls on day number 8.jpg


Active Member
sickstoner your a legend! nice one for the chart mate. Well its day number 9/7. I gave them a water today 1 liter between them all (using asda mineral water) and removed the runt from its smaller pot into a 10 liter one all is looking good far as i can 9.jpgthe runt.jpgday number 9 for the one on the right seven for the leftys .jpg
I'm wit you to brah n oh yea tip after you clean your grow space And you want to continue to clean it out with out having to move your plants or worry about chemicals fuckin wit your girls just use baby wipes I mean ppl trust them enough to wipe baby asses y Kant klean plastic wit em!? Lmmfao! I'm a first time grower so if you got any for me let me know!


Active Member
Well day number 10/8 the girls are looking good, got a new fan today its a fucking turbo lol my temps are finally ok. Heres the new pics.. And thanks for the advice StackHustle lol i'll give that a go! good enough for a babys arse then its good enough for my babys floor
day number 10 & 8.jpgday number 10 .jpg


Active Member
Can anyone tell me what water i should be using? ive been using a mineral water so far but its costing me to much money so i went and got some ph down from the hydro shop.


New Member
i think you should have vegged with a shop light. you get the same thing with a cheaper eletric bill. and then flower with the 400 watter like me. and your going to need atleast 3 gallons of soil to have a health and good yeilding harvest.
To tell you the truth I'm using water straight out o the sink! Lol idk if it's Bekauze I'm in fla or what but she likes it n doesn't f wit ph


Active Member
i think you should have vegged with a shop light. you get the same thing with a cheaper eletric bill. and then flower with the 400 watter like me. and your going to need atleast 3 gallons of soil to have a health and good yeilding harvest.
Thanks for the advice, sorry to sound like a prat but whats a shop light? im using 10 liter pots at the moment & i was hoping they would be ok as lowryders are so small.


Active Member
lol stackhustle you crack me up. Id like to use water from the tap but its to much chemicals in london so gotta mess with it a bit. You got any pics of your girls up bro?
lol stackhustle you crack me up. Id like to use water from the tap but its to much chemicals in london so gotta mess with it a bit. You got any pics of your girls up bro?
Lol hell yea I done smoked like fucking 4 blunts of fucking Navajos weed shit got me on Pluto with lil Wayne n shit lol navahoes weed lol will be up no later than Tuesday after noon can you do video here? N WTF i was gonna say ha pigs fucking rule was just smoking this weed that sits in like a heavy indica n then goes straight to the head ain't no weed like fla weed!!! La Florida means flower they was probably talkin bout weed as flowers lol!!!


Well-Known Member
^^ that made no sense.. lol but im blazed soooo who cares...

Subbed on the grow my man, Im here if you need any help. First grow as well but I've been around my pops for my whole life and he has been growing as long as I can remember, so I know a few things1