Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Growers Handbook 2010 Addition Review


Well-Known Member
I received Ed's new revised book today and I was so impressed with the vast amount of information it contains and I wanted to give you guys a brief over view of the book. I am very happy to be a contributor of course but seriously Ed has outdone himself this time and this is nice body of work. I ask Ed last year what his goal was and he explained that the original was written so long ago that technology has passed the original info by. He wanted to update the book incorporating all the latest technology both product and method as well. Let's face it Ed has inspired a huge number of people to grow their own and in doing so he advanced what we know about Cannabis gardening by experimentation alone. Now Ed has absorbed all this info and laid it out in a usable form with more pictures than I expected. I am working on my own grow book and I have some idea what it takes and let me tell you Ed left nothing un discussed in this book and as a reference book I will recommend no other from this point forward!
Highlights for me include the dedication which is to the Late Great Jack Herer and the Forward is by Tommy Chong and finally a preface by Keith Stroup you know you have a serious grow book in your hands from the get go.
In Ed's Introduction Ed warns us " WARNING: Although using marijuana may not be addicting, growing it is." Damn right Ed I agree completely.
I am blown away that to introduce Part one Marijuana The Plant Ed choose one of my favorite creations to illustrate the first page and Space Bomb Adorns a full page appears even before page one. As I read through the book you totally get the impression this is a text book just like you would learn from in school with stunning pictures and easy to read sections.



Well-Known Member
The book goes into detail about Cannabis Terpines and there interactions with the human brain. Charts and graphs are provided most I have never seen before to say the least I am very impressed with the detail of this new information. He covers the three types of Cannabis is such detail that I can't wait to finish this review and actually read this book from front to back. I am not saying this because Ed's my editor you guys know I say what I mean and I have held Ed to task before but he really did a good job and I hope everyone dosn't take this for granted and actually grabs a copy and uses it like we all did in the old days when it was the only information we had. THIS IS NOT THE SAME BOOK.
A section on Landrace then a section on current varieties, the life cycle is covered, sexing plants, light spectrums, nutrient deficiencies, Equipment LED lights, Trimming machines on and on it goes every page packed with information and pictures.
It goes on to cover harvest, curing, hash making, indoor, outdoor, and everything in between especially new equipment and the latest current info appear to have been gathered and used to complete this guide.
I whole heartily endorse this book as a reference book and I may take heat for not reading the complete book before writing this review but anyone that picks it up is going to be impressed and I know Ed is very proud of this work as he should be.

Well Done Ed.




Well-Known Member
I received Ed's new revised book today and I was so impressed with the vast amount of information it contains and I wanted to give you guys a brief over view of the book. I am very happy to be a contributor of course but seriously Ed has outdone himself this time and this is nice body of work. I ask Ed last year what his goal was and he explained that the original was written so long ago that technology has passed the original info by. He wanted to update the book incorporating all the latest technology both product and method as well. Let's face it Ed has inspired a huge number of people to grow their own and in doing so he advanced what we know about Cannabis gardening by experimentation alone. Now Ed has absorbed all this info and laid it out in a usable form with more pictures than I expected. I am working on my own grow book and I have some idea what it takes and let me tell you Ed left nothing un discussed in this book and as a reference book I will recommend no other from this point forward!
Highlights for me include the dedication which is to the Late Great Jack Herer and the Forward is by Tommy Chong and finally a preface by Keith Stroup you know you have a serious grow book in your hands from the get go.
In Ed's Introduction Ed warns us " WARNING: Although using marijuana may not be addicting, growing it is." Damn right Ed I agree completely.
I am blown away that to introduce Part one Marijuana The Plant Ed choose one of my favorite creations to illustrate the first page and Space Bomb Adorns a full page appears even before page one. As I read through the book you totally get the impression this is a text book just like you would learn from in school with stunning pictures and easy to read sections.
Dammit! I just replaced my copy with the old version (didn't know an updated one was coming out). I am definitely stoked about the release of the Big Book of Buds vol. 4 this July!:weed:


Well-Known Member
brings back memories of non-remote ballasts and sourcing bulbs from industrial suppliers, being a teenager, hiding ed's guide from my parents...first shitty florescent grow (not ed's fault)


Well-Known Member
I look forward to the new edition. My first copy I bought back in '78 fell apart after decades of faithful service.


Active Member
Just picked my copy up. Gotta love the look on Barnes & Nobles employee's faces when you purchase such an item in a non-medical state. :)