impress me for free glass

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Something right out of FDD's handbook.
Over 1/4oz. of hash was used to make this blunt!
The hash was very hard to work with because it was a little too dry.
It crumbled like dry Playdoh and took me over an hour of working it over with a wooden dowel and wax paper.
I had a little bit of more pliable hash, that I used to seal it up like chewed gum.:)
Once I lit it up though it came together nicely.:joint::mrgreen:


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Something right out of FDD's handbook.
Over 1/4oz. of hash was used to make this blunt!
The hash was very hard to work with because it was a little too dry.
It crumbled like dry Playdoh and took me over an hour of working it over with a wooden dowel and wax paper.
I had a little bit of more pliable hash, that I used to seal it up like chewed gum.:)
Once I lit it up though it came together nicely.:joint::mrgreen:

it's not the most impressive hash doobie, but it is a hash doobie. very well done. pm me. i'm really busy today so i may not get back to you right away. but i will within the next day or so. :cool:
follow my post in toke n talk... it's about experiences... once it develops, take it for what it is, get involved, ask.... i think i may be able to at least hold intelligent conversation with you... and then I'll tell you who i am and why that is truly incredible for me. pm me. if you would be so kind ; )
forgive me for seeming brash, if I do, I'm tripping.. just feeling very...honest. i guess.... I find that simple things are so very beautiful, and feel you appreciate these things....and in this commonality I feel impressive. I think that's not so much, when one is honest with themselves....... idk, i'm high and trippin, lol, hard to .....follow thoughts in the linear view.. I find circles in all my trips...vivid circles in my situations.. bubbles, people, places ,i always end up back HOME again.... circles of life...
If I can be honest, I am not impressed with fdd's glass work.

then don't get any. pretty easy. :cool:

sold my whole case yesterday to 2 local pipe shops, 25+ pieces. they want more. i have to dig something up to give to sure shot. maybe a marble, .... :blsmoke:
ya idk why my auto focus sucks on this camra and i couldnt realy fuck around with it since i havnt come up with a glue id be happy with maybe ill just use some honey oil
List of random words I came up with and how they were named!

I made all of these up at different times when I was stoned, they all have a story and whenever I think of these words, I save them to my notepad on my cell phone. Try it!

Word List:
Rudigir (ru-di-gir) - this is from when I was hanging out with my friend Brandon, I can't remember how we came up with this word though :(.. I must have been too high.

Ratiki Tumble (ra-tiki-tumble) - this is from when me and my brother and his friend John were playing rollercoaster tycoon and a whole bunch of bodies fell because we tweaked the rollercoaster to do that, and I said ratiki tumble.

Nigaradical (nig-a-radical) - this one is from a sunny delight commercial, me and my friend brandon were watching Dave Chapelle and saw a Sunny D commercial and noticed at 06 seconds the black kid on the commercial will say "Nigaradical"
heres a link to the video!

Paul Frank (self explanatory) I had only one bowl left, and me and my friend smoked it and were a bit buzzed. I remembered a word to think of for a name of my pipe and I thought of "paul frank". Paul frank is an actual brand.
yeah, well, honesty is great, but opinions are fleeting, and while what i've seen of FDDs stuff isn't the most complex (i've only seen a bit) but it was certainly gorgeous glass. I'm going to buy a bowl for my bong (eventually) . everyone has their own style. personally i like really complicated ashcatchers, that's what I spend $$ on, but everyone has their own taste and style. How about coming up with a more complex criticism instead of 'well, i don't like your glass', cause with that all you're going to get is 'well fuck you then' from all his fans.
i made up a new word too.

its called "hoewitgun"- (hoe-wit-gun) originated from long beach, cali. actually i stole it from ClosetG, its an avatar of some bitch ass hoe with a gun.

next word is "slavefoot buttfuck" pronounced (fdd-2-blk) also originated from long beach, cali. it more accurately describes that avatar above than "rules the universe"


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