Little Sad Cause Some Weight Issues.

Get yo ugly fat virgin chitown ass down to the gym, push some iron and do plenty of cardio. Cut out the junk food and sugary drinks, up your protein and lower your carbs ... You'll be a sexy mofo in no time, unless your face is like a smashed crab :D
Everyone should watch Stress Portrait of A Killer.
great great movie...
talks about tons of interesting facts, one was how stress determines how body fat is displaced, i.e. people who are stressed have more stomach fat.
you should rent it buddy...
anyone seen roy big country nelson fight? that guy is a bad mother fucker, and has the biggest beer belly ever
Jeez, your all so positive....he knows he should lose the weight and is actively trying to do so, he doesnt need all the shit, he feels bad enough already, which he shouldnt.

As for the cigs when your hungry, Yeah, that does work, but if your not a smoker its kinda like trading one poison for another. Dont get me wrong i smoke all the time, like 1-2 packs a day and i enjoy it and do not plan to stop anytime soon but I just cant reccommend starting it, those negatives the anti-smoking list arent all bs, smoking does cost alot of money(especially when they jack the tax up $2.00(not up to 2, 2 more) a pack in a year and a half) and cause various cancers.
keep crying, you'll lose a bunch of water weight. Then after that get your ass to the gym and work for a body like the rest of us

wow dude, way to be insensitive...:roll:

i suggest that the OP ignore these types of posts. dude is here asking for some advice. he's not asking to be made fun of and ridiculed. grow up.
wow dude, way to be insensitive...:roll:

i suggest that the OP ignore these types of posts. dude is here asking for some advice. he's not asking to be made fun of and ridiculed. grow up.


And yea I noticed since I started smoking I haven't been hungry at all but if you dont smoke dont start because of your weight.It's not worth it.
damn harsh but true!
not necessarily. not everyone can just go to the gym and get a better body.

i did the "diet and gym" thing. i was drinking nothing but water and protein shakes, eating less than 1500 calories a day and working out at the gym 4-6 times a week for a minimum of 1 hour. and i work my ass off when i go to the gym...meaning, if im not about ready to hurl up my lunch, im not pushing hard enough. i gained 10 pounds and didnt lose squat. i did this for about 6-8 months. nothing. just a couple inches lost from toning muscles but absolutely no weight.

i've lost almost 20lbs in the past month or 2 by simply going outside more. i didnt lose weight like this from the gym. im a big advocate of going outside for a walk. or a jog. or a hike. but even still...some people are just born bigger than others.

learn to love yourself for who you are and not what you look like. not everyone can have a perfect body regardless of how hard we work. but everyone is capable of mentally changing their attitudes and beliefs about themselves and the world and people around them.
not necessarily. not everyone can just go to the gym and get a better body.

i did the "diet and gym" thing. i was drinking nothing but water and protein shakes, eating less than 1500 calories a day and working out at the gym 4-6 times a week for a minimum of 1 hour. and i work my ass off when i go to the gym...meaning, if im not about ready to hurl up my lunch, im not pushing hard enough. i gained 10 pounds and didnt lose squat. i did this for about 6-8 months. nothing. just a couple inches lost from toning muscles but absolutely no weight.

i've lost almost 20lbs in the past month or 2 by simply going outside more. i didnt lose weight like this from the gym. im a big advocate of going outside for a walk. or a jog. or a hike. but even still...some people are just born bigger than others.

learn to love yourself for who you are and not what you look like. not everyone can have a perfect body regardless of how hard we work. but everyone is capable of mentally changing their attitudes and beliefs about themselves and the world and people around them.

You need high BPM's to burn fat and lower BPM's to build muscle.

Also you probably should have been eating more calories

Just so you know :P

BTW guys... If your trying to loose weight and wanna eat right, fish and chicken are the best foods to eat. Full of proteins and good stuff
Ok, so i was in the same boat as the OP a while back, had that chubby tummy and whatnot. I joined a gym and tryed to go everyday, i maybe missed 2 days aweek. All i did was run on a treadmill or bike thing for like 30 mins to an hour. I lost the belly fast, like within a month or 2. So what im saying is yea you can get a girl being chubby but its not hard to lose that extra poundage and then not have to think about it.
i gained the weight back though since i moved and do nothing but sit on the computer.
anyways i just say do cardio, jog, buy a treadmill, go biking or join a gym.
not necessarily. not everyone can just go to the gym and get a better body.

i did the "diet and gym" thing. i was drinking nothing but water and protein shakes, eating less than 1500 calories a day and working out at the gym 4-6 times a week for a minimum of 1 hour. and i work my ass off when i go to the gym...meaning, if im not about ready to hurl up my lunch, im not pushing hard enough. i gained 10 pounds and didnt lose squat. i did this for about 6-8 months. nothing. just a couple inches lost from toning muscles but absolutely no weight.

i've lost almost 20lbs in the past month or 2 by simply going outside more. i didnt lose weight like this from the gym. im a big advocate of going outside for a walk. or a jog. or a hike. but even still...some people are just born bigger than others.

learn to love yourself for who you are and not what you look like. not everyone can have a perfect body regardless of how hard we work. but everyone is capable of mentally changing their attitudes and beliefs about themselves and the world and people around them.

The weight you put on was probably muscle.
Get your thyroids checked. They might be over active.
Hey dudes. Ive just had some people say some things to me about my weight. Im not fat but just a little chubby , kinda like Jack Black. Im just felling a bit sad couse people are so crude. And im just wondering, im asking the girls here, would you like someone if they where a little chubby? Not like fat but just like a little belly going back to my reference to jack black. Thanks

If all you are is a little chubby, then those girls were just being bitches. We've all met them before, the bitchy high school cliques and such.
However, if you do want to do something about it, then change your diet and your physical routine. Let's face it - if you are a stoner, you aren't very active.

And yea I noticed since I started smoking I haven't been hungry at all but if you dont smoke dont start because of your weight.It's not worth it.
getting the will to work out is about 500x easier than quitting smoking. These posts are tough love, not "aww its ok BS".
not necessarily. not everyone can just go to the gym and get a better body.

i did the "diet and gym" thing. i was drinking nothing but water and protein shakes, eating less than 1500 calories a day and working out at the gym 4-6 times a week for a minimum of 1 hour. and i work my ass off when i go to the gym...meaning, if im not about ready to hurl up my lunch, im not pushing hard enough. i gained 10 pounds and didnt lose squat. i did this for about 6-8 months. nothing. just a couple inches lost from toning muscles but absolutely no weight.

i've lost almost 20lbs in the past month or 2 by simply going outside more. i didnt lose weight like this from the gym. im a big advocate of going outside for a walk. or a jog. or a hike. but even still...some people are just born bigger than others.

learn to love yourself for who you are and not what you look like. not everyone can have a perfect body regardless of how hard we work. but everyone is capable of mentally changing their attitudes and beliefs about themselves and the world and people around them.

baby girl you look good. lol

i read this and thought it was up my alley.
i'm a chubby guy, and if i can just say so myself, i get bad bitches all the time.
i'm probably a little heavier than jack black, but i work out often and i have been eating right as i get older and more "wise."
i dont really worry about females, they kinda come second or 3rd on my list of things to do.
i find keeping myself occupied with work-related things keeps me from getting lonely.
and also, it lets me genuinely tell a girl i'm busy with out having to lie or feel like i'm playin games.
i notice they like it more when you are not always available.
plus it makes the time you do spend with your female buddies more enjoyable.

i'm a bit of a realist, and if a girl is not attracted to what i look like then i just move on to the next opportunity,
its a numbers game really lol

i dont even fear rejection anymore like i did in high school.
mainly because i know that i wont even ask a girl for her number unless there is a reason for her to say yes.
and if she still says no, then fuck it, its outta your control.
baby girl you look good. lol

i read this and thought it was up my alley.
i'm a chubby guy, and if i can just say so myself, i get bad bitches all the time.
i'm probably a little heavier than jack black, but i work out often and i have been eating right as i get older and more "wise."
i dont really worry about females, they kinda come second or 3rd on my list of things to do.
i find keeping myself occupied with work-related things keeps me from getting lonely.
and also, it lets me genuinely tell a girl i'm busy with out having to lie or feel like i'm playin games.
i notice they like it more when you are not always available.
plus it makes the time you do spend with your female buddies more enjoyable.

i'm a bit of a realist, and if a girl is not attracted to what i look like then i just move on to the next opportunity,
its a numbers game really lol

i dont even fear rejection anymore like i did in high school.
mainly because i know that i wont even ask a girl for her number unless there is a reason for her to say yes.
and if she still says no, then fuck it, its outta your control.

very wise and true
chicks that show no interest will never work out cause its the first thing they see
so fuck em move on
im just startING going to the gym again to shake the 10kgs that just appeared when i wasn't looking
baby girl you look good. lol

i read this and thought it was up my alley.
i'm a chubby guy, and if i can just say so myself, i get bad bitches all the time.
i'm probably a little heavier than jack black, but i work out often and i have been eating right as i get older and more "wise."
i dont really worry about females, they kinda come second or 3rd on my list of things to do.
i find keeping myself occupied with work-related things keeps me from getting lonely.
and also, it lets me genuinely tell a girl i'm busy with out having to lie or feel like i'm playin games.
i notice they like it more when you are not always available.
plus it makes the time you do spend with your female buddies more enjoyable.

i'm a bit of a realist, and if a girl is not attracted to what i look like then i just move on to the next opportunity,
its a numbers game really lol

i dont even fear rejection anymore like i did in high school.
mainly because i know that i wont even ask a girl for her number unless there is a reason for her to say yes.
and if she still says no, then fuck it, its outta your control.
hehe thank you darlin' :D
Hey dudes. Ive just had some people say some things to me about my weight. Im not fat but just a little chubby , kinda like Jack Black. Im just felling a bit sad couse people are so crude. And im just wondering, im asking the girls here, would you like someone if they where a little chubby? Not like fat but just like a little belly going back to my reference to jack black. Thanks

Don't sweat the small things man... Girls like guys with confidence that can make them laugh and are fun to be around. If you are always down on yourself because of how you look or because of your imperfections, people are just going to think you are a downer to be around. I've had some weight issues of my own.... I'm 6'3" at 230 pounds and i'm a little chubby myself but it's never stopped me from getting what i've wanted, your attitude is HUGE when it comes to any kind of relationship. You don't want a girl that is only interested in you for your looks. Chances are, a relationship probably won't go to far anyways if it's just based on physical attraction. I mean, it helps, but it's not the end all be all of getting a girl. It might be the end all be all if you are at a party where the girl is drunk and you are trying to get her in the sack within an hour, that's about it. I'm not arguing that looks don't help, but i'm saying it's not everything. Nobody is going to look good forever and everyone has their own imperfections. To be honest, i think the people who talk more shit about how other people look are more insecure about themselves and just looking for acceptance from others. Just do your best to see the good in everything and not let what other people say get you down. If you are insecure about your weight and you want to try to lose some, do it for yourself, not because you think everyone thinks you need to lose weight. You will find in the long run that the people who are your real friends and people who aren't just haters will be happy for you but their perception of who you are won't change. The people who are talking shit about you now will just find something else about you to pick at even if you lose weight. The reason they are using weight now is because it's the easiest thing to use against someone who is overweight. Haters won't change even if you do, they will always be loyal haters.
All about the confidence and charisma man... so many big guys get hot ladies...IF they have the confidence and charisma