how do i grow shrooms? how do i make acid? and ye :D


hey im wondering how to grow shrooms
and how to make acid if no how pleasee show or tell me :D thanks

Mr.Drug :D


New Member
Search pf tek on google for shrooms. Its super easy!

As for acid

If you can get the ergot without the dea knowing come back.

Getting the ergot = impossible


Ergot is not hard to get.. You just have to know where to look and live in the right places. As far as actually producing LSD
Practical LSD Manufacture by Uncle Fester. Great book and a wealth of knowledge


Well-Known Member
Yeah, to even make a dirty LSD 25 you would need a nice lab and pretty much have to be a chemist to even attempt something like that.


Yeah, to even make a dirty LSD 25 you would need a nice lab and pretty much have to be a chemist to even attempt something like that.
I don't exactly agree. You definitely don't need a lab, I mean you cant do it with pots and pans, But some pretty basic chem. glassware and pyrex. You do definitely need a understanding of chemistry though. couple college courses. Why does everyone think that LSD is so hard to synthesize. Like you need years of training.


I don't exactly agree. You definitely don't need a lab, I mean you cant do it with pots and pans, But some pretty basic chem. glassware and pyrex. You do definitely need a understanding of chemistry though. couple college courses. Why does everyone think that LSD is so hard to synthesize. Like you need years of training.
if it's so damn simple, why is there so few actual sources for it???? supply never meets demand, why dont more people step up to the plate????...........

cuz its not as easy as you think.... this isnt "shake n bake"

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
crystal meth,s
any one know how to make meth,s it supposed to be really easy an can be done in a 2 litre bottle whilst drivin then thay throw the botlle with all the waste out the window an take the meth try google for more info if you dont know about it


I never said it was simple, so don't say that. I just think people make it out to be MUCH harder than it really is.
Look at DMT. DMT is a relatively easy compound to extract, that takes close to no knowledge of chemistry. Yet there are extremely few suppliers.


Active Member
if it's so damn simple, why is there so few actual sources for it???? supply never meets demand, why dont more people step up to the plate????...........

cuz its not as easy as you think.... this isnt "shake n bake"

No shit, fuckin tweakers got it easy! why is it that the worst drug ever is the easiest to make? Its a scourge on the world and so easy to make, yet LSD the drug that could change the world( and allready did once) is next to impossible for people like you and me? Talk a bout an ironic kick in the balls.


Well-Known Member
Oh and weed is illegal while tobacco and alcohol kill thousands a year, there have another ironic kick in the balls the world is full of them.


I never said it was simple, so don't say that. I just think people make it out to be MUCH harder than it really is.
Look at DMT. DMT is a relatively easy compound to extract, that takes close to no knowledge of chemistry. Yet there are extremely few suppliers.
that's for an extract..... extracts are easy, as the chemicals are already there, just have to be separated.... a synthesis is completely different. I've found that there arent too many suppliers of "extracts"... most of the dmt i've seen for sale is "synthetic"

No shit, fuckin tweakers got it easy! why is it that the worst drug ever is the easiest to make? Its a scourge on the world and so easy to make, yet LSD the drug that could change the world( and allready did once) is next to impossible for people like you and me? Talk a bout an ironic kick in the balls.
yeah, but that's not good, clean meth..... that's some dirty ass, bunk bullshit from what i understand.....


Active Member
Nice to see someone else singing the praises of Uncles Fester's greatest piece of work. Ergot is not that hard to get ahold of either if you know where to look. I have a source myself, and I will have my lab up and running within a couple years time. You will never see me back on the internet afterward talking about it though. I'll be too busy walking. :blsmoke: :peace:
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Well-Known Member
I gotta give my props to Uncle Fester. He has actually made how to do it understandable. His guides for meth and cocaine purification are awesome.

Really, it just bugs me that For the same setup that a higher end meth cook has, he could be producing LSD. The scene has sucked here in SWPA since the Pickard-Skinner busts in kansas a few years ago.