• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ayn Rand VS Rand Paul


Well-Known Member
Just because you don't see racism in that white rich neighborhood doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I believe we can do much ourselves without govt. I believe they have the right to stop discrimination against its own citizens.
of course racism exists. i've never met anyone that doesn't harbor some inkling of that monster that sits within us all, whispering in our ear and leading us to believe that those who look different - are different. it's a fear we all share, no matter how we may try to deny it. we can try to beat it out of ourselves and we can refuse to deal with those who revel in that ignorance, but we can't legislate it away. legislation can be passed that rids government of the outward acceptance of that ignorance and it should. we can see to it that our tax monies don't support any individual or institution that insists on abridging the rights of citizens based on their ethnicity and we do. what we should not do is set the state to force any individual or private enterprise to serve those they do not wish to serve, to employ anyone they do not wish to employ or to support any cause they do not wish to support.

it is the people themselves, within the framework of a free market, that are tasked with ridding our society of this ignorance. the use of government's threat of violence to cure our social ills is nothing more than a cloaked tyranny. refusing to patronize businesses that follow a racist agenda and shunning individuals too ignorant to see the futility of such hate are the ways a free society erases the stain of racism from its face.


Well-Known Member
I think this was Rand Paul's whole point but has been spun into and mischaracterized as "Rand Paul hates blacks and thinks they should be discriminated against."
even the most rabid liberals and their lapdogs in media know this, but they are ready to misrepresent anything to further their agenda. the message of constitutional governance is something they cannot allow to take hold. the idea that government should be held back by something as inconsequential as the rights of its citizens is a dangerous roadblock to those who so firmly believe in the righteousness of their quest for benevolent totalitarianism.


Well-Known Member
See this is where you and I just have different beliefs in how this country should move forward. I dont think this idea will win.
Unless this country starts another civil war or go through it politics wise.

Let me give you a flashforward if this happens. One of these stores with a "No Blacks" sign will be firebombed. And the NRA community will pull out their guns. And we'll have a war. And I know alot more people that will support the people being openly discrimated against.

This is 2010 and your still stuck on blacks being somehow different from you and that your better than them.


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest here.

Unless an accident happens most of you will die out in about prob 20-30years. Youve prob gotta yourself set up decently in life.

Myself, I've ptobably got 80 years. Probably less if we continue on the path were on. Believe it or not I'd like this country to move forward in my life time. And unless there is a revolution ala a civil war, the only way to do that is to vote for people proposing new plans for action. Real corporate regulations and campaign finance reform.

Cant really blame you for not wanting change. But dont stand in the way of any progress in this govt. We're not trying to steal all your guns, ridicule you for believing in a god over science.


Well-Known Member
This is 2010 and your still stuck on blacks being somehow different from you and that your better than them.
what i see is that this is 2010 and there are still people who seem stuck in the asinine belief that we can enforce laws against ignorance, that we can legislate people's fears away and that we can force people to be tolerant. we can keep people from infringing on the rights of others or at least try to, but no one has the right to the service of others. we keep making this same mistake over and over again and never seem to learn from our errors. what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours. the business i run, the job i offer, the hand i extend, i own these things. forcing an ignorant man to extend that hand to someone he distrusts will only end with a fist.

the liberal establishment has led us to believe that this force is necessary and acceptable, that we can change people by the threat of governmental violence. we have been convinced that they have the power to remake society into a kinder, gentler place. it is obviously a lie, but we so want to live in that place. so we allow the state to force our neighbors into this acceptable mold. we pay these elected leeches to reshuffle the deck, trying to create a world that so many of us just aren't ready to accept. they lead us to this brave new world at the end of a leash and tell us to be good or else.

it's absolutely amazing how many fools are willing to buy into this crap. instead of the promised land of multi-cultural peace and prosperity, they have led us to a nation divided and they are happy with the outcome. they have enslaved vast minority populations with a sense of victimhood and its accompanying entitlement mentality. they have created schisms within our society by playing one group against the other, all to feed the turmoil that justifies their existence and the expansion of their power. they have set the poor against the rich, claiming that only they are capable of narrowing that gulf. they have fanned to flame the simmering discontent, fattening themselves in the process, and we just sit there, allowing them to abuse us with the confusion they sow.

Can't really blame you for not wanting change. But don't stand in the way of any progress in this govt. We're not trying to steal all your guns, ridicule you for believing in a god over science.
you take a lot for granted and almost all of it is wrong. you speak the words of youth, with all its assurance, and haven't the faintest idea what it is you're really asking for. do you think you're the first generation that wanted change? many of us were fighting for change long before you were anything more than a stain in your daddy's drawers, but all change is not progress. the people who are leading you by the nose don't give a damn about where that change takes us, as long as they are the ones in command.

do you really think that we are all racists because we believe in a man's right to be as ignorant as he desires? do you honestly believe that we are sitting here, gun and bible in hand, just trying to maintain the status quo? i'm sure it makes you feel quite superior to delude yourself so, but your ignorance is showing. i suggest you study a bit of the history you are in danger of repeating. as you advocate the use of government's force to satisfy your desires, you should probably remember that force is seldom contained by good intentions.


Well-Known Member
Probably the most obvious difference between the 2 Rands is R Paul is just another con, as in Palin, on the political scene, while Ayn R is a historical figure. It was Paul's choice to debut on the national scene vs stumping to his constituents in KY. His amateurish introduction of theoretical dogma (which is blinding here in the political forum at RIU) could only result in the gargantuan loss of votes he just handed himself. He was lobbying for the Tea Party (an extreme right-wing political movement politely advocating anarchy if they don't get their caucus elected). He hitched his horse to the wrong cart and got dumped. Bye bye.

But exposing the parallel philosophies of Rand Paul to a prominent product of Russian culture is clever and interesting. Russian Tea anyone?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to another intelligent person on here.

Yes Im in the twenties. Maybe I have some hope we can still do somrthing with the govt. But after sitting through 4 years of realizing that Bush and Cheney wiped their ass with America. Seeing such hypocrasy throughout govt. Christ, look at how many "Family Values" guys that are fucking a dude. While going out and preaching antigay propaganda.
Obama came along, spoke a big game and either he pussed out and bowed his head. Or he's just as corrrupt as they are.

I know we both agree that most if not all of congress so called regulatory committees. They are all bought and sold by corporations. All politicians do are bow their head for the money. Obama's the worst of them. The wars still going on. Guantanimo is still open. Shitty healthcare bill and a even worsefinancial regulations.

Hopefully we both agree.


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest here.

Unless an accident happens most of you will die out in about prob 20-30years. Youve prob gotta yourself set up decently in life.

Myself, I've ptobably got 80 years. Probably less if we continue on the path were on. Believe it or not I'd like this country to move forward in my life time. And unless there is a revolution ala a civil war, the only way to do that is to vote for people proposing new plans for action. Real corporate regulations and campaign finance reform.

Cant really blame you for not wanting change. But dont stand in the way of any progress in this govt. We're not trying to steal all your guns, ridicule you for believing in a god over science.
You nailed it son. It seems that the old get lazy. They've made their nest and don't want no wind knockin' it out of the tree. And they use camouflage as well. Individual and states rights ad nauseam. These are the people who don't want things to change. They think the poor, the impoverished and the used-to-be middle class will just wither away. The truth is the greedy, free-enterprise capitalistic freaks will expose themselves for exactly what they are, as BP has just done, and things will change. And you my friend, are on the right track.


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest here.

Unless an accident happens most of you will die out in about prob 20-30years. Youve prob gotta yourself set up decently in life.

Myself, I've ptobably got 80 years. Probably less if we continue on the path were on. Believe it or not I'd like this country to move forward in my life time. And unless there is a revolution ala a civil war, the only way to do that is to vote for people proposing new plans for action. Real corporate regulations and campaign finance reform.

Cant really blame you for not wanting change. But dont stand in the way of any progress in this govt. We're not trying to steal all your guns, ridicule you for believing in a god over science.
So you are 18 now...and you believe that you will live to 98? LMFAO. Yet people that are 40 now you believe will live to 60 or 70? *edit* I read that you are in your 20's supposedly...so now you believe that you will live to be somewhere around 105 - 110 years old?

Man oh man...no wonder you are so horrible at debating...you are 18 and haven't paid a single dime of rent/mortgage. Either that or you are gawd awful at math AND overly optimistic about your lifespan.


Well-Known Member
You know what the great thing is? The younger you are...the worse what you want will ultimately be for you. Do a comparison of wages vs cost of living over the past 40 years or so. Continue that trend over another 40 years. You will work harder for less comparable money. If the national debt isn't addressed immediately...you will feel the pinch well as soon as you enter the work force for real.


Well-Known Member
We lose over 4 billion dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY...just in INTEREST on our national debt. Government needs to reduce spending...and reduce it's scope. THEN you can have a reduction in debt...and perhaps even a strong income vs cost of living trend reversal.
Probably not going to happen soon though as Obama is a spender. Like a teenager with a credit card at the mall.

As to the bitch that tried 84 times to get Paul to admit racism and a desire for segregation? Her job is to get her fan base riled up. She had a 25 minute interview where she could've learned a lot about Paul...but she wanted a sound byte more than information so she asked the same question 84 times.


Well-Known Member
OK folks, if you are for the government mandating who can or cannot eat at your personally owned lunch counter then you are also for making a black restaurant owner let a group of costumed wearing KKK Klansmen eat in his establishment. Do you see the slippery slope?


Well-Known Member
If they came in as paying customers, wearing regulary clothing, and didnt start shit. Im sure theyd be piss but Im sure theyd serve them. Most minorities are a lot more open minded than you prove yourself to be.

Onto the other point.

How the fuck did you get that Im 18. Im 25 at the moment and am more intelligent than this old fuck. Trying to attack me personally about how young I am. Where are you getting these numbers from? 80 years on 20 is around 100 i think thatll be the norm 80 years from now.
The other dude said he was a decade older than 40. That makes him 50. It's not a reasonable guess you die at 80-90.

I love how your age group wants to cut healthcare for the poor and education for kids in the name of the national debt. While you already got your slice of the pie. And now dont give a fuck about anyone else.

Rand Paul will not move our country forward or solve any problems. We've seen what letting corporations regulate themselvese can do to the economy.


Well-Known Member
Lets fix the national debt by lettingvthe poor die from lack of healthcare. Lets cut taxes for rich so that the middle class can try and feed off the pennies tossed our way. How bout starting a war and sending our poor kids to war, come back scared and just toss them aside.

Genius Idea i found in Dick Cheneys diary. We all spend so much money on our Army. Theres no need to have troops stationed in every country we "own". Do we really need a walmart and mcdonalds in Iraq. Anyways back to the plan. Why don't we just let haliburton lease out our army. We already fight wars for personal reasons why not fix the debt by changing per hour.

But we wont. We'll "try" fixing it by cutting education and healthcare.

You guys realise your going to be sitting in your soiled depends 30 years from now. And i'm going to hve to be putting up with all pf these idiots believing whatever Fox news tells them. Ignorance will somehow be a good thing. And being intelligent and a critical thinker will get you questioned and ridiculed.


Well-Known Member
If they came in as paying customers, wearing regulary clothing, and didnt start shit. Im sure theyd be piss but Im sure theyd serve them. Most minorities are a lot more open minded than you prove yourself to be.
They are dressed in the klan costume. Reading is fundamental, try it.

I'm personally all for people putting racist signs out, saves me the hassle of figuring which bigot's place to NOT eat at.