Almost ready to Harvest!


Active Member
I'm gonna harvest my Jack The Ripper next Friday or Saturday! These photos were taken last Sunday when I flushed em! The hairs have almost all turned red and the trichs are all cloudy with a few ambers popin up so I'm gonna give em one more week to ripen up! Thanks RIU, this is my first grow EVER and I hope the high is as good as they look!



Well-Known Member
Very nice. When you are getting this close to harvest, do you do anything special in the last couple days?


Well-Known Member
very nice turkish. looks like you got a couple different phenos in the jtr. i got all 3 of the jtr phenos from 3 seeds (very lucky) and they all look good. going to be fushing in 3 weeks, and definitely will be regening 2 for moms.