super lemon haze 6th week flowering upper leave edgers turning purplish...PICS


I also wanted to point out that you should definatley go with a S.O.G next time. people dont realise the math giving for the plant wich was also givin from franco of greenhouse seeds. the math is meant strictly for S.O.G or sea of green. i suggest getting a few mothers and taking clones and using a flood table with hydrotin and a 1000w hps light(if you can afford) if you do grow your clones right and chose the phenos right you can get quite a bit. best cloning method if you cannot afford a good cloner i suggest getting a humidity dome and than installing microjet sprayers. you can also use rock wool but i dont like it. hydrotin alone should do fine.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Impressive for your frist grow +REP to ya lamofbodom!

Awsome bud porn there +REP to you to Dr. Greenthumbz! How's the SLH smell/tast?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Nice plants bro! I'm excited I got my SLH about 3 weeks into flower soo far..I've got the same curling and can't figure it out, everyone thinks it's something else! Look into it but, according to numerous threads, lowering night temps help bring out the purple...has anyone here tried that method?
Yes. I do believe lower temps is what caused the extreme purpling cuz the one that turned all purp was like right next to the fresh air intake which had winter air coming in around forty degrees or lower sum daze. I also noticed a minor purpling effect on the rest of my plants just not as intense as this one.

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
And as for the smell and taste. The smell on mine are lemony but the taste not so much so. Still a good sativa overall, although the wide pheno variance was quite frustrating. I also had one plant have aphids or sumthin cuz it smells kill and gets u stoned but when u smoke it it pops and sparkle like crazy and the taste is kinda off. Anybody else ever have this happen?


Well-Known Member
the sparkle and taste off should be from nutes, no? improper flushing would be an educated noob guess....

im not feeling the pheno's say out of 4, i got 2 weird looking, weird smelling, hazey sorta kick phenos, and 2 straight up super grow, i want all skunky all day....sour d skunky....sour skunky funky skunky

ill post pics wen im done camera sucks and gotta be plugged wenever its being used


Well-Known Member
Hey bud. Nice harvest man.. hope you enjoy it! I've got a question.. for you.. or anyone else really for that matter. I noticed in one of your pics, you show a closet type room, where I'm guessing you have your buds drying. I noticed in the picture, what looks to be a
dehumidifier?? I've been looking to get one of these.. to help reduce my humidity levels.

anyone else use a dehumidifier? if so, you know where I could find one under $100 bucks??? I'm on a tight budget, but I really need to invest in a dehumidifier. Any help with this would be great.. thanks.



Well-Known Member
thanks all....the dehumidifier was good, but i didn't have a humidity reader for the room so as to how much it actually worked is beyond me, but after having dealt with other types of cultivation, i can read humidity relatively well with my own i know it definitely dried the room some, as it was definitely drier than the humidity in the room the closet was in. it was 45 bucks from the home depot in my area, and its a home depot brand

also, after putting an air conditioner in the window, there was no need for the dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
i had 2 that had a citrus'y but more hazey stank and taste, and 2 that taste like straight lemon skunk....definitely can smell more than taste the lemon, kinda get that taste where you can smell it as well....


Well-Known Member
i had 2 that had a citrus'y but more hazey stank and taste, and 2 that taste like straight lemon skunk....definitely can smell more than taste the lemon, kinda get that taste where you can smell it as well....
as in wen you put food in your mouth and get the smell from the taste...same concept.