Am I the only person who thinks marijuana gradually diminishes a person's personalit

Excellent sir !
That is precisely what I was trying to convey .... hence looking at this situation in reverse .... can someone (like poplars).... as coined earlier, have the mental ability/capacity .... so to speak control/keep in check .... what one is feeling .... in order to control a given anxiety/paranoia ?? (If we take into consideration that the particulars are byproducts of the chemical reaction)
If one can, to what extend ?
Of course I am running on an assumption of absolutes (where one has ingested enough of given substance to induce the given anxiety/paranoia) I am also assuming here that these are byproducts of the reaction and not mere qualities/personal characteristics of a given person before the onset. And thus, not amplified but induced...feelings, with the aid of our favorite mood enhancer.
Please correct me if I am not being clear ... as the statement might sound cryptic to some.

As all I am trying to do is learn of my brothers and sisters !
SensiStan U live in my hood ... glad to have met you ... and thank you for your input !
mental judo-

most stoners i know have very unique and interesting personalities, they just don't fit into the mainstream (read not sexy)
While i want to agree with most of you in saying that it helps out personalities, i personally have to say that there are a lot of zombie like smokers where i live. Most people i know that smoke have pretty well let it become the the more important aspect of their lives. Take that for what it's worth
While i want to agree with most of you in saying that it helps out personalities, i personally have to say that there are a lot of zombie like smokers where i live. Most people i know that smoke have pretty well let it become the the more important aspect of their lives. Take that for what it's worth

theres always a percentage of zombies, i think its relative to the already stupid before the weed group in normal society HAHA
The only thing 'ignorant' about this thread is that a majority of you didn't even bother to read the OP. Christ, he has said this IS NOT HIS OPINION.

OP: I actually do find this to be the case in certain circumstances. I think it has to do with your personality as a whole BEFORE chronic cannabis consumption. I smoke daily. Probably 3-4 times a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. I'd say, over a day, I'll probably smoke a gram, or around that much, depending on how much I have on my person. I've found cannabis to promote MANY positive things in me, rather, make them better for lack of a better word.

i. Increased libido <-- Don't mean to get pervy, but I've noticed that when I'm baked, not only is my libido through the roof, but I also have bigger erections(possibly due to the increase in stroke volume from elevated heart rate?)

ii. Increased focus <-- this is a given for a majority of us. my problem solving capabilites increase drastically when my mindstate is elevated. I have a severely short attention span and often find math and philosophy problems to be an arduous task. Post-smoke session though, I am able to clearly make connections, in a metaphysical sense, in problems and my able to study and understand increases exponentially.

iii. Increased athletic performance <--- I'm a huge meathead. I bodybuild and I train in jiu jitsu and boxing. I'm the biggest advocate of cannabis as an athletic supplement that you'll probably find. Mind/muscle connection increases drastically.. Drop setting and super setting are much easier. I can control my muscles so well that I feel as if I can consciously dictate whether I want my Type I or Type IIa fibers to control an isometric contraction. For anyone who knows about weight lifting and what I'm talking about, that mental connection with your body is the most important factor in lifting, superceded only by proper nutrition. As for my jiu jitsu and boxing, these are sports that require an innate sense of relaxation. Your muscles can't be isotonically contracted or postured in any way or you'll lose power. Having a delicate sense of torque in your hips and the lightning speed reaction you get from a relaxed shoulder girdle when throwing hooks , uppercuts(hell, even straights and crosses) is like night and day for me when I'm stoned or sober. I have a much harder time relaxing and getting focused when sparring/fighting sober.

iv. Increased creativty <--- Lastly, my creativity goes through the roof. Another hobby of mine is emceeing and writing lyrics. Get blazed, no more writer's block, and hello off-the-top multi syllable punchlines, metaphors, similies, and alliterations that seem to flow so easily from my thought processes that I wonder how anyone could write without the assistance of cannabis in some form. Cannabis also helps with dancing and rhythm. I'm musically inclined and already have good rhythm, but when I smoke, my body is a lot more fluid when dancing(especially popping, locking, and gliding) and creating music is a lot more profound.

v. Improved social life <--- The total antithesis of what you usually hear about people who smoke habitually, I've found cannabis to do the exact opposite. It's turned me into a totally social person. I'm able to connect with people on a much deeper level because of the energy that I exude while stoned. I've already had an outgoing personality, so cannabis just made mine even more pronounced. Not to sound self-centered, but I've noticed that people have a tendency to flock towards me when my mindstate is elevated, not because they want to smoke too, but because of how good natured I become. I give good advice, I appreciate their tastes in music more, I help them solve things, etc.

I got deeper into this than what I expected, but this is what cannabis did for me personally. I've not really met any of my friends(who smoke as much/more than I do) who have lost their personalities because of weed(in fact, they all are more successful and happy than I am), but I've known OF friends of friends who's lives have gone down terribly after smoking(and this not being a result of the cannabis itself, but of them experiencing with other drugs and getting hooked, mainly meth and cocaine).

Cannabis is the one thing in this world that I would recommend to anyone.
Maybe it's because of my tolerance but I never mix my athletics and my marijuana. I'm big in the mma scene and love the training. It definitely wasn't a huge impact to be baked but my stoned perceptions really made it kind of difficult when taking shots. Felt a lot less pain though. And football one time was just pissing me off (thinking about it afterward), and I'm a pretty seasoned receiver. But as for toking after a tough conditioning session, I think theirs nothing like it. Almost like you can feel your body healing it's self.
I find that, more often than not, my friends will act like dumb stoners and have all the characteristics of those that you mentioned in the beginning post, when in fact i know they are nothing like that, because if they truely did act that way, i wouldnt wanna be around them because i hate people who are stupid or act stupid.

that being said, i think its more of a steriotype and just the culture of it itself. an easier way i can explain this is that, if you and your friends are sitting around, smoking, getting high, and having a good time, you arnt gunna be sitting there acting like einstein because thats just boring. its more fun to act like the steriotypical stoner and do stupid and funny shit without thinking; its just the setting is all

when im with my friends i act like a pothead stoner, but in reality im very intelligent and act very mature in public and at school.

of course, this is all just my opinion
Thanks guys ... we have many broad views in here ... and this is a great insight ... for all of us to explore and contemplate upon.
I love to play with power tools when I am faded ... lol .... grinders/saws/welders ... I can actually get quite artsy ... in my designs ...yes I remember to but the safties on ! Most of the time ...

Thank you again !
its all the mentality you allow yourself with it.

if you allow yourself to act liike a stoner idiot, you're going to be so.

cannabis doesn't make you do this, it might make it easier for you to justify acting like an idiot, though.

and to the previous page I"m able to totally stop paranoia in otherwise paranoia inducing weed (in myself.) I believe others can do the same if they have a decent amount of mental willpower.
iii. Increased athletic performance <--- I'm a huge meathead. I bodybuild and I train in jiu jitsu and boxing. I'm the biggest advocate of cannabis as an athletic supplement that you'll probably find. Mind/muscle connection increases drastically.. Drop setting and super setting are much easier. I can control my muscles so well that I feel as if I can consciously dictate whether I want my Type I or Type IIa fibers to control an isometric contraction. For anyone who knows about weight lifting and what I'm talking about, that mental connection with your body is the most important factor in lifting, superceded only by proper nutrition.

As someone else who has done weightlifting I have to completely agree with this. It's insane how much more focused, motivated, and the mind/muscle connection increases with a little weed before a workout. It's amazing, and now I know why Olympic gold medalist Micheal Phelps smokes weed and goes on to be at the peak of physical performance. Anyone who claims otherwise isn't doing it right, no offense to jack747, MMA and weightlifting are different. I wouldn't want to get punched while high though, I'd probably feel it about 7 seconds after it happened and be way too slow to react.

Awesome thread BTW. I'm 100% with most everyone here. It's all mind over matter.
v. Improved social life <--- The total antithesis of what you usually hear about people who smoke habitually, I've found cannabis to do the exact opposite. It's turned me into a totally social person. I'm able to connect with people on a much deeper level because of the energy that I exude while stoned. I've already had an outgoing personality, so cannabis just made mine even more pronounced. Not to sound self-centered, but I've noticed that people have a tendency to flock towards me when my mindstate is elevated, not because they want to smoke too, but because of how good natured I become. I give good advice, I appreciate their tastes in music more, I help them solve things, etc.

Again, agreed. It's good to know other people are having the same experience. Also, I don't know if it matters, but I'm mainly discovering this as I get older, almost like increasing my Jedi mind powers... lol
It just makes me more philosophical, very understanding of others, compassionate, interested, and a truly better person. People find me more interesting, a better friend, husband, father, etc.

Or when I drink... sure I'm very talkative, but kind of a jerk.

To go back to the OP and withdrawing from public; I think it all has to do with your mindset, your maturity, your willpower, and your level of consciousness. If that makes sense.
its all the mentality you allow yourself with it.

if you allow yourself to act liike a stoner idiot, you're going to be so.

cannabis doesn't make you do this, it might make it easier for you to justify acting like an idiot, though.

and to the previous page I"m able to totally stop paranoia in otherwise paranoia inducing weed (in myself.) I believe others can do the same if they have a decent amount of mental willpower.

totally agree with that.
totally agree with that.

Originally Posted by poplars
its all the mentality you allow yourself with it.

if you allow yourself to act liike a stoner idiot, you're going to be so.

cannabis doesn't make you do this, it might make it easier for you to justify acting like an idiot, though.

and to the previous page I"m able to totally stop paranoia in otherwise paranoia inducing weed (in myself.) I believe others can do the same if they have a decent amount of mental willpower.

... which bring me back to - the people who are already stupid before the weed tend to lack the ability to control their weed