Lmao!! thats awesome!!! depends on how the gurls are doing really somedays they just get spoiled and other days they get the silent treatment lol either way they know there daddys gurlsI personally only give my lil girls words of insperation and incouragement, as in "come on babies grow big and strong for daddy" or "drink up girls you need your energy"ext........only good vibes when around my girls, dont want them growing up in a hostel enviroment, such as i dont let them see me beat my wife..j/k guys, i dont beat my wife.....lol.....but seriously i dought my "VIBES" have anything to really do with the overall health and growth of my plant, but it makes me feel better..lol
when im watering my ladies i start talking dirty to them..oh you like that dont you baby... oh yeah its getting you so wet huh![]()