Yeah, im on the edge of my seat watching this now, its lookins dam good!
Anyway, i was looking at the Jacks website and the Dynamic Duo seems too good to be true, and it's composition is pretty good for whatever i may need it for, i probably will check it out next time around. GREAT JOB REDISCOVERING PETERS CG! <<JACK'S Classic Dynamic Duo (Formerly Peters!)<< <<also, here's a site with really cheap air pots
Thanks for posting the Links Mike
And the best part, its extremely cheap.
I bought two 5 lb bags..
One bag of "Jacks Professional Hydroponics formula",
And one bag of calcium nitrate..
Came out to under $50 total.. Shipping included.
Thats about what you would expect to pay for some of the top of the line additives out there...
Yea, Im EXTREMELY happy with the way the air pot plants look today...
They require alot more water than a normal pot..
Things are happening in them pots..
Very healthy growth.
Ill bet the roots are getting established faster than ever.
They are growing to a level I never thought possible.
Could it be just the "air pot"???
Could be....
But, Im pretty sure the Jacks has alot to do with the astounding growth rate.
I'll bet ive found one of the best combinations out there.
"Jacks and Air pots"
Im glad I didnt give up on Jacks.
I almost bagged it a lil' while back.
Anyways, This could help out the majority of growers here on RIU.
Could this combination catch on like wildfire??
Ill bet I'll piss off alot of the popular nute companies out there..
This combination will get around the net, jus watch.