advanced nutrients help!!


Active Member
Hey i just picked up my nutes for my first round of budding its all advanced nutrients and here is the list.... grow,micro,bloom--bud candy,big bud,bud blood,carbo load. I also have tarantula and piranha but saving those for early growth in next batch of clones not budding. so what do you guys think is a good flower feed schedule for these nutes???? Im not shure if the advenced nutrient calculator takes into consideration what nutrients you actually have because it just list all of them and the ppm and shit is if you mix all them... but i only got micro,grow,bloom,bud candy,big bud,bud blood,carboload so what is my mix???? why dont they make a calculator that you input what nutes your using then it makes a feed chart for that not just for all nutes they sell??? but really what would you do with these products i have i would like to know????
Hey i just picked up my nutes for my first round of budding its all advanced nutrients and here is the list.... grow,micro,bloom--bud candy,big bud,bud blood,carbo load. I also have tarantula and piranha but saving those for early growth in next batch of clones not budding. so what do you guys think is a good flower feed schedule for these nutes???? Im not shure if the advenced nutrient calculator takes into consideration what nutrients you actually have because it just list all of them and the ppm and shit is if you mix all them... but i only got micro,grow,bloom,bud candy,big bud,bud blood,carboload so what is my mix???? why dont they make a calculator that you input what nutes your using then it makes a feed chart for that not just for all nutes they sell??? but really what would you do with these products i have i would like to know????

Yup, you're a newbie.

You need to chill out here man and realize that you don't ever have to use all of any nutrient schedule. I don't even use all of the Advanced Nutrients products because you don't need them.

What you do need a solid base nutrient. Sensi A&B is good, but if you want something that's three part, then Grow-Micro-Bloom is a great combo. All you have to do is look at the name of the nute and use it during that stage. Not too tricky.

Then, I would suggest just using a few nutes at a time - Big Bud and Voodoo Juice are my faves. Once you get the hang of those and your PPM and pH are settling down, then you can use the rest of the toys in the AN lineup.

Right now, you sound like you're overwhelmed, and you should be. No one needs to use all of those nutes all at once. The nutrient calculator is set up for Master Growers, I bet, those who do want to use as many nutes as possible to ensure their grows are damn perfect. But YOU DON'T HAVE TO. No one is holding a gun to your head.

Just follow the nute schedule without adding the things you don't need. There's even an iPhone app you can use now:

Slow the heck down man. You need to go smoke up or something...LOL....:peace:


Active Member
ok, sounds like you got upsold by a hydro store. Carbo Load is the cheaper version of Bud Candy and Bud Blood is the cheaper version of Big Bud. This is why they do not offer those products in the "system" packages. A lot of people suspect they will be phasing those products out once they run out of current stocks.

Point is, if your buying the higher end version, you don't need to buy the lower end as well. If you look at the stats, all the stuff in carbo load is also in bud candy, but bud candy has way more other stuff in it as well. Same goes for Bud Blood and Big Bud.

The hobbyist package that is coming out within a few months contains Big Bud, VooDoo, Overdrive and B-52.

Personally if I were you I would return the Grow Micro Bloom, bud blood and carbo load for Sensi A+B and roots excelerator by House and Garden. You will have much better results and not be doubling up on a bunch of crap.

VooDoo is abseloutly awesome stuff, I have used it for a long time and it does what it says its supposed to do. However, it is rediculously overpriced. As a result I will be switching to roots excelerator by H+G. As far as i can tell it is just as good a product if not better than Voodoo but has a way better dillution rate.

Voodoo- $100 a litre, 2ml per litre= 500 litres
Roots excelerator- $100 per 500ml, 1ml per 4 LITRES = 2000 litres!

Advanced has a new calculator up and it is meant for the new ppm/ph perfect system coming out so it doesnt really totaly apply to your situation. Just select the full line up so all your applicable products are shown and add according to what they say. The fact that carbo load and bud blood arent listed on the calculator should be seen as another clue as to the future of those products. The additives wont affect PPM that much. Big Bud will raise PPM about 200ppm, they say it can be up to 300ppm. Just add as per the instructions, check ppm and ph then go.


Active Member
Does anyone know how much Big Bud to use for a soil grow? I am doing an outdoor grow for the second time and i used about a TEASPOON every other feeding, but my plant got stolen before it finished, this year I'm doing around 3 plants and i wanna use the Big Bud more sparingly as its only 130 grams, is half a teaspoon enough for soil or is 1 teaspoon more efficient...?

Oh and I know Bud Candy is a combination of Carbo Load and Sweetleaf, but Bud Blood is not the same as Big Bud , Bud BLood is a Bloom Starter and Big Bud is a Bloom booster, you only use Bud Blood the first week of flowering to help with the transition & Big Bud throughout


Well-Known Member
I use the A.N. Connoisseur in flowering and add PK13/14 as a bloom booster. I have amazing results and you don't need to add all the other crap. Add cheap mollassas as your carb too and you'll be fine. I've used them all and the difference is like 5-10% in both quality and quantity= not worth the extra $100's IMO........ Go simple and you'll be fine!


Well-Known Member

Yup, you're a newbie.

You need to chill out here man and realize that you don't ever have to use all of any nutrient schedule. I don't even use all of the Advanced Nutrients products because you don't need them.

What you do need a solid base nutrient. Sensi A&B is good, but if you want something that's three part, then Grow-Micro-Bloom is a great combo. All you have to do is look at the name of the nute and use it during that stage. Not too tricky.

Then, I would suggest just using a few nutes at a time - Big Bud and Voodoo Juice are my faves. Once you get the hang of those and your PPM and pH are settling down, then you can use the rest of the toys in the AN lineup.

Right now, you sound like you're overwhelmed, and you should be. No one needs to use all of those nutes all at once. The nutrient calculator is set up for Master Growers, I bet, those who do want to use as many nutes as possible to ensure their grows are damn perfect. But YOU DON'T HAVE TO. No one is holding a gun to your head.

Just follow the nute schedule without adding the things you don't need. There's even an iPhone app you can use now:

Slow the heck down man. You need to go smoke up or something...LOL....:peace:

BULLSHIT and your comment on not needing AN LINE my grow and everyone who uses PROVES that .SO I CALL BULLSHIT on your COMMENT
ADVANCED IS GREAT my journal will prove that......LETS SEE YOUR PHOTOS AND YOUR NUTRIENT LINE i go toe to toe or take the pepsi challenge against your nutrient anyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AN connoisseur week 5 on an 14 week stain


Well-Known Member
First DO NOT LISTEN TO anyone who does not use that line there are trying to give advice on I would be the last person to tell you about DM GOLD or Advanced BLOOM(from australia) but can tell about a hand full of nutz everyone else use and ADVANCED NUTRIENT.

Ok if you like the sensi line you can use not as friendly to begin with as Iguana and organic B(which i highly recommend this lineup)I use Connoiseur but you must have experience before you use or you will burn up your plants,

to get a healthy grow from AN without all they recommend.

Sensi A+B
Mother earth grow
A B vitamin I use B-52
a carb/sugar I use Big bud and bud candy with unsulfered blackstrap molassess.
Beneficial Bacteria,Fungi,microbs+Voodoo,tirantula and pirhana,ect
This will get you good foundation
then you can add extras

Check out my journal I use ENTIRE AN calculator plus Cal-mag(im in coco)
I have unreal veg growth for 454w of T5
and huge colas under 1000w.


everyone wants to drive a ferrari on a honda budget and the fact I get 2lbs per 1000w say it all,FOX FARM,GH,and the other I have used could not do this for me SO SUCK BIG MIKES FAT GOOFY ass LOL J/K that would be gross prob.really salty...
Actually I am so tired of people blasting a product they never have used that I am starting a AN forum FOR US ADVANCED NUTRIENT GROWERS.PICTURES will speak for themself


Well-Known Member
HEY drugsareforkids BUD CANDY is the new version of carboload with sweet leaf.

I would use the 3 part for your macro,micro,and secondary nutrients.
Then use tirantula and pirahna only for the first two weeks of flower.
You use Bud blood only the first feeding of flower

I would use bud candy and big bud every feeding and actually toward the end of flower sub more bud candy and big bud for your base nutz 3part so if your using
2ml per liter for 3 part and 2ml per liter of BC and BB then the last two weeks before you flush you switch the 2ml 3 part to 1.5 or 1ml per liter and 2.5 or 3ml per liter for big bud and bud candy.......
Never feed over 1200ppm using sensi before week 4 you will burn and never more than 1500 ppm towards end.... some yellowing of older fan leaves is to be expected as your buds suck up extra nutrients(mainly nitrogen) from them it is natural toward end plus smoke will be smoother since your leaves and buds are not stress and loaded with fertilizer..

Best of luck to you


Active Member
I don't totally agree with Johnny, but his instructions on how to use those products is accurate. Take the carbo-load back, as Bud Candy is the carbloload + sweetleaf product, and you don't need two bottles of it.

Bud blood is used for the first or possibly second week of flowering only, and I've been warned not to use it in combination with big bud on those first weeks, or your PPM's will soar through the roof. Use them in place of those products, then continue with big bud.

Would be really nice if you told us what you were growing in...

Anyways, my advice from experience: save the bacteria, fungus and enzyme products for soil. They are a mess in hydro, and you can get comparable results with hydrogen peroxide.

Go to the website and search for the OLD calculator for your products. They just did a new calculator that works for the new line of nutrients, not yours. Search for the old, select light feeding, then cut that down by about another 10 percent. They are notorious for overfeeding their schedules. Start low and build your way up if you want a heavier feed.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
BULLSHIT and your comment on not needing AN LINE my grow and everyone who uses PROVES that .SO I CALL BULLSHIT on your COMMENT
ADVANCED IS GREAT my journal will prove that......LETS SEE YOUR PHOTOS AND YOUR NUTRIENT LINE i go toe to toe or take the pepsi challenge against your nutrient anyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AN connoisseur week 5 on an 14 week stain
View attachment 947354
Toe to toe, eh? This is week 4 with GH nutes. You're probably pissed you wasted all that money on your nutes now, lol.

..and again at day 53

Maybe before you come in here like billy-bad-ass, you should have a better picture to impress people with. lol


Active Member
lol. your funny homebrewed ..i got ok resalts with GH nute . i mean lil buds like yours. thats small for week55.. but with AN nutes youll get bigger, gankyer,and more resin nugs and a way higher yield.. all around better shit..dont let the price scare you ... when it comes to growing i am the One... im MR Miyagi and you Daniel Son...why do you thing more people use AN than any nute line...why are you useing a US Goverment nute line ... you turning into a capitalist??


Well-Known Member
lol. your funny homebrewed ..i got ok resalts with GH nute . i mean lil buds like yours. thats small for week55.. but with AN nutes youll get bigger, gankyer,and more resin nugs and a way higher yield.. all around better shit..dont let the price scare you ... when it comes to growing i am the One... im MR Miyagi and you Daniel Son.
Really? Because your grow journals suck.


"your grow journals suck" - wow, what are you, 12?

I think you should take everyone's opinion on these boards with a grain of salt. Homebrewer, I mean, I think you have a lot of great things to say, but I think you need to focus more on explaining yourself than just being anti-AN.

It's clear you don't like them, dude, you've made that obnoxiously clear. It's just not very helpful. I mean, whining about Bush didn't get him out of office - though God knows I tried.

Let's get back to helping folks out who want help and maybe we can stay away from ripping on folks who want to do things a different way. Last I checked this was supposed to be a place for people to get answers to their questions.

And the title of the post was help with Advanced Nutrients, not 'hey folks tell me if i should be using these nutes in the first place.'



Well-Known Member
"your grow journals suck" - wow, what are you, 12?

I think you should take everyone's opinion on these boards with a grain of salt. Homebrewer, I mean, I think you have a lot of great things to say, but I think you need to focus more on explaining yourself than just being anti-AN.

It's clear you don't like them, dude, you've made that obnoxiously clear. It's just not very helpful. I mean, whining about Bush didn't get him out of office - though God knows I tried.

Let's get back to helping folks out who want help and maybe we can stay away from ripping on folks who want to do things a different way. Last I checked this was supposed to be a place for people to get answers to their questions.

And the title of the post was help with Advanced Nutrients, not 'hey folks tell me if i should be using these nutes in the first place.'

I was responding to someone as you can see by my quote. It wasn't the OP and my first post was pointing out that you don't need to spend a lot of money on nutes to get great results. I much prefer civil discussions with an exchange of factual information, but that's a little hard around here seeing as this hobby tends to attract the young and the inexperienced.