World wide marijuana


Well-Known Member
Im waiting on soome seeds from dr chronic
its almost as bad as waiting for my weed to flower
or waiting for my girl to get home from school!
Damn, i need help


Active Member
So i ordered something from them on december 12th.
I was never charged for my product, but they have not responded to ANY of my 4 emails over the last 4 days.

I am starting to worry about giving these guys my personal info now and i feel like i was tricked.
Give your info and CC# then never hear back from them till 1 year later strange things start appearing on my bills type thing.

I have heard a ton of good things about this company and i am shocked by this service.

I even checked my email and made sure that i hadnt put it in wrong. they even sent me an invoice for my purchase the first day. Still no answer at all from them.
Has something happened to the site maybe?
Same exact thing here. Made an order on the 12th, got an e mail confirming, and paid with Paypal. Haven't received yet and I'm getting a little nervous. Sent them an e mail and and got no response. Also e mailed them because I forgot my password to check my account on their website, no response on that either. This sucks.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like alot of people ordered with the holiday rush cover. Remember that they still has to make sure thier stealth delivery methods are still working. Seeds are also running in low supply this time of year. It may be a case of trying to get some of a certain strain in thier hands to complete an order. Be patient. They will come through.


Just some idiot
Here's another thing to keep in mind, most seed banks close for the holidays. Dr. Chronic is going to be closed, etc. Xmas is busy for everyone, I can guarantee you this is not a shady site, I used them again today, 3 times I ordered and all 3 times it was the best service I ever got from a seed bank. Good luck with everything


Well-Known Member
yeah you guys need to be patient jeeze. Ur seeds are gonna take a very long time at this time of the season, I went to the post office on the 16th, to mail somthing to the state right next door to me, and they said it wouldn't make it there by christmas, thats more then a week! ur overseas shipments are gonna take longer than a week.


Well-Known Member
Most of these seed banks are pretty small operations. Also, they get 100's of emails a day. I poke around at hg420 sometimes, which is Dr. Chronic's forum. I remember him saying that he responds to like 400 emails a day. And really, when a seedbank proprietor is sending emails, he isn't licking stamps. Have a little patience.



Well-Known Member
Got an email today saying that everything was shipped out.....Im excited and nervous now. Wanted to keep the others updated who have the same problem....should be soon now.


Active Member
yeah sounds like the same thing i went through with them...but i neednt have worried..took aprox 6 weeks to get to me (im in melbourne)but i put it down to being xmas + international shipping..they were good in replying to emails though 1 email they apologized for the delay but were backlogged with orders...I was expecting the seeds to arrive directly in my letter box but had to go to the local mail centre and sign for them..bit nervous abt collecting them that way but bit the bullet and everything was fine...the package was labelled as "designer tie" so all the feeling and the paranoia associated with buying stuff online but sometimes you just gotta have faith..


Well-Known Member
my post was fucking deleted..... WTF is going on hear... i did do any name calling or anything... sensership on a marijuana growing forum... what is the world coming to?



Active Member
I ordered 2 beans Alaska Ice from GHSC and of course they didn't open.!! I'm sick of their tiny beans. The service was great though very fast and secret. Will do this again.:clap:


Well-Known Member
WWMS is by far my favorite place to get seeds at the moment. Good service, good communication and decent prices. Can't wait until they start getting more breeders in their line up.


Active Member
Thanx for the posts, guys.

Im paraniod as is...and the whole over the border thing really gets to me.
Only time i had the balls to get seeds from somewhere eles i actually flew there, got the seeds, and flew back with them in my mouth....i figured if anything happened i would swallow them.

ahahaha way to be james bond i give u props but idk if i would go that far imo if your going to order seeds half the fun is the chance you get riped off im going to order some right now if they dont come oh well thats a risk you have to take right? growing . s 100% risk


Mr I Can Do That For Half
the new worldwide marijuana seeds place the posts from 2009 that sells single seeds is a completely different company. the one this thread was started about was old member nongreenthumb but he closed down and someone else bought his domain. No relation..what site got closed down that you bought from?