Rainwater V.S. Tap water


Well-Known Member
I was reading the other day.. and came upon a page that talked about the subject of watering.. and what types of water is best for growing cannabis.

I've never thought of this really, as I have always used the generic brands of bottled water, to water my plants with. Because, we all know that straight tap water from your water hose outside, or your sink in the kitchen, contains substantial amounts of micro chemicals and chlorine.. which are bad for your plants roots and the plant its self.

Anyhow, I got to thinking.. why not use rain water??? Right???? I mean sure, you can use the tap water that you got from wherever, but, unless you let it sit for a good 24 hours before using it.. its still going to have levels of chlorine and other harmful chemicals in it, that can kill your plants.

Rain water is natural, and! its what the plant would naturally get in its natural outdoor environment. So why not collect rain water.. and use that to water your plants???

Anyone else have any input on this subject?

people collect rainwater all the time for their gardens. have you ever seen the blue collection barrels you put beneath your gutter spout on your house? More people use it outdoor than indoor though. Ph of rain water is slightly acidic and averages about 5.5 depending on where you live. Also, a lot of people probably don't exclusively use rainwater because you can't make it rain when you need to water your plants if you don't have any water collected.
i use rain water all the time and my rain in jersey most time ph little above seven i go down to 6.5

i have an awning over my deck catch rain with piece of aluminum into water cooler bottles with a funnel cover bottles so no algie growes inside till i need it ( but algie might be good for plants dont know yet)

when out i keep a few bottles of tap around setting for 2 days open top to let chlorine escape

good luck keep them girls wet 1 love
Hey all!

Well I've used Tap water... Plants did not like that.. (No balancing done, i.e. Ph up/down)
I've used Rainwater in the Downtown core that i live in (Plants didn't like it as much as the next one)
large container of Distilled water from my Grocery store ($.99) (Plants LOVE IT)

Honestly, with all that goes into a personal endeavour such as growing; more work is just a pain in the ass. For me personally, dealing with PH Values in hydro ain't my cup of tea. Since changing to Distilled, I've not even bothered to check the levels. Plants are thriving, I'm less involved in growing process; hence less potential stress to the plants.. (up... Down...... and whatever else causes some of the problems we've seen both personally and on this site)

The rainwater where I live, I guess is too polluted with the shit in the air that it's not suitable. I understand that rain water is usually good to go.... Not for me sadly..
pahhhhh, ent nothing wrong with tap water.

Yea there is. Lets see your plants if you say you use TapCrap Water. which most people wont even drink.

I collect rainwater. And i filter it. through a machine to take out all the seeds and dirt that floats in it after a nice rain. But tap water. Oh no Couldn't do it.

I would use tap water, if i had to, but even then i would boil it in a pot, and put a drop of Tap Water Dechlorinator in that bitch.
So im curious to know, does anybody use Seltzer water during the flowering phase? I was thinking about it. Good or bad idea?
Rain, tap or well. Can all be acceptable or unacceptable. Just depends on where you get your particular water from. Collect some rain water and test it. Check ph and ppms. If the ph is below 6.5 and/or the ppms are above 50 then is probaly not suited for container growing. But if it checks out below the numbers I would give it a try.
gods best - I use seltzer i mix with my dutch master folier spray a little bmo follier with a tad of food i use this through veg up to about half the flower stage plants seem to love it

if you use a lot of follier spray must have good ventalation and not have plants to crowded i laso have a circulating fan on each side of my grow tent

good luck 1 love
Yea there is. Lets see your plants if you say you use TapCrap Water. which most people wont even drink.


that is the top section of a cheese plant i harvested last week. the plant was vegged for 2 weeks and flowered for 8 under a 400w with 7 other plants, it was my very first attempt at DWC or any form of hydro and the plant came in at 3.5oz total. nothing but water straight out of the bath, PH'ed obviously, but not sat overnight, nothing.

and tap water, most people won't drink...lol, who the hell supplies your water???

that is the top section of a cheese plant i harvested last week. the plant was vegged for 2 weeks and flowered for 8 under a 400w with 7 other plants, it was my very first attempt at DWC or any form of hydro and the plant came in at 3.5oz total. nothing but water straight out of the bath, PH'ed obviously, but not sat overnight, nothing.

and tap water, most people won't drink...lol, who the hell supplies your water???

Looks good dude. But I have to tell you my english mate. Here in the states, metropolitan areas to be more precise. Can have some of the most chemically laced (for purification) you can imagine. Its not that it is unsafe to drink, just tastes like shit. I am lucky though. My tap water is from an artisian well and the rain water here is a pure as it gets. Never tested over 5 ppm or below 6.8 ph. Guess I am just lucky. Maybe I should go into the water supply business! LOL
Looks good dude. But I have to tell you my english mate. Here in the states, metropolitan areas to be more precise. Can have some of the most chemically laced (for purification) you can imagine. Its not that it is unsafe to drink, just tastes like shit. I am lucky though. My tap water is from an artisian well and the rain water here is a pure as it gets. Never tested over 5 ppm or below 6.8 ph. Guess I am just lucky. Maybe I should go into the water supply business! LOL
100% agree.:mrgreen:
think mine comes in at around 200ppm and 7.5-8ph (random thing about the whole grammar debate, your use of a full top instead of a comma caused me to totally not understand the english mate bit, until i re-read a few times :P haha. point for the grammar nazi's :p)

my water certaily isn't tasty though, i have to run the tap until it's ice cold before i'll enjoy drinking it, but that's cus it's soo cold :) i used to leave it out for 24 hours or so, i was told to not bother and see what happens, nothing happened so i just run it straight out of the tap, makes everything that little bit less stressful.

that is the top section of a cheese plant i harvested last week. the plant was vegged for 2 weeks and flowered for 8 under a 400w with 7 other plants, it was my very first attempt at DWC or any form of hydro and the plant came in at 3.5oz total. nothing but water straight out of the bath, PH'ed obviously, but not sat overnight, nothing.

and tap water, most people won't drink...lol, who the hell supplies your water???

Nice... I myself don't use rain water.. just thought it was an interesting subject. I've got two female Nirvana Ice plants in flowering right now.. today's day #2 of week #4 of flowering.. so they still got a good 4 or 5 weeks left. Maybe 6 even.. yeah.. I'll probably end up giving them 6 more weeks.. for a total of 10 weeks of flowering.. but I'll start checking the trichs at around week #8.. just to make sure I don't let them go too long.. and end up with less potent buds..

What was your wet/dry weight of that?? Looks pretty good..
I say, the heck with testing the water.... Collecting the water... Heating the water..... Letting it sit out over night... Just go buy distilled water and be done with it...