• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Well, that didn't take long

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Saw that live last night and was pretty shocked, kinda figured he'd be the moderate side of the Tea Party, Guess I was wrong......while he refused to directly answer the question, what he said was enough of an answer for me. Good luck w/ that in the general election, im a moderate and that stance worries me greatly. Hard to see him getting a lot of moderate votes, black votes, hispanic votes and gay votes.


Well-Known Member
I think business owners should be able to host whoever they'd like, that's what he is saying.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I think business owners should be able to host whoever they'd like, that's what he is saying.
Exactly, and that IS a problem.....Im a business owner, the only color I care about concerning a customer is GREEN......its opening the door for segregation thats my problem


New Member
Rand Paul's position could be summarized as follows: I don't support racism or segregation, but I don't oppose the mechanisms that allow it.


His issue does not have to do with racism.
It has to do with the rights of a free citizen to open a business and run it the way he sees fit. He states that he fully supports equal access to public facilities.

I am not a racist , but I support any business person's right to serve whomever they wish. That includes business owners of all races.

Seriously...Why are so many people so hell bent on forcing one group of people to like another group of people? You know it is possible to dislike, and not hate at the same time.


Well-Known Member
His example of bringing a gun into a business isn't very good. The reason is bringing a gun in a business is an action to which you have a choice. Nobody chooses to be a race...


Active Member
If you were to ask me I would say that this is really an Attack based ploy just as Rand elluded. He obviously stated that he abhors racism, but that he does not approve of overreaching goverment policy in respects to private business.
The point of the story is moot, we are not going to be revisiting the 1964 civil rights legislation now are we. Really what Rachel was trying to do was paint Rand Paul a racist with a moot story in an attempt to discredit him and label him a racist.
Rachel MadCow is a tool of the left just as Bill O Rielly and Glenn Beck are tools of the right.
I read the other story about Rand Pauls aide who resigned. That story portrays the aide as a KKK member and attributes racist views towards him. The story was even weaker than the weakest of sauces.
They could not even come up with a single thing that linked him with the KKK except that he wrote on his Myspace blog that when he was in a mall a group of black people were looking at him crazy and when He went out side he realized that his white hoodie was straight up like a KKK hood. Yet the story implied he was a KKK member.
The only other evidence they had of any racism was someone had posted a picture of a black person being lynched with the caption happy Martin luther king day on a defunct web page for a band he used to be in. The picture was not even from him nor addressed to him and yet the story alleges that person was his friend even though the sender was only identified as ,"D" without any shred of evidence to support the wild allegations.
The leftist Bsnbc media outlet is deceptive as always and provides links for you to connect the dots just as Faux news does. 2+2=5 Surely since Rand has a racist aide and he does not support all aspects of the civil rights act He is a racist and against civil rights.
Only a person who wants to believe such an obvious political ploy would do so. Just as the ridiculous birthers and the Swift boat idiots.
If you were to ask me I would have to say that I do not approve of Affirmative action or any racial mandates placed on private business in regards to hiring minorities. Does that make me a racist? If placed in the same frame as this Rachel MadCow interview leads one to believe I must be.
If I were to be asked these same questions about the civil rights act I would have answered that i did not approve of goverments far reaching hand.
HOWEVER....In respect to lunch counters and access for all minorities I would have to say that I approve of the Civil rights acts regulations.


New Member
In respect to lunch counters and access for all minorities I would have to say that I approve of the Civil rights acts regulations.
That is all this douche had to say and the whole media frenzy on it would have never existed. 'MadCow' gave him several opportunities, and even at one point asked him, 'Yes or No?'. A vote for Rand Paul in this respect IS a vote to move back towards segregation, no matter how the media spins it. He spoke for himself, even if the issue was a contrived ploy to 'paint him a racist'. He had ample opportunity to express his worldview and he is being judged upon it now.

The media is worthless, I agree, but the man spoke for himself.


New Member
And by the way, who would hire an aide without checking out his facebook and myspace pages first? Seems like that is standard operating procedure for most any employer nowadays to do so. Just another telling little thing about this candidate.


Active Member
And by the way, who would hire an aide without checking out his facebook and myspace pages first? Seems like that is standard operating procedure for most any employer nowadays to do so. Just another telling little thing about this candidate.
The media spin is ridiculous. The link between the aide and racism is ridiculous. A defunct myspace page that was his old bands. Not his myspace page an old ass page that had to be retrieved from cached files. . The link to racism is as weak as near beer and even weaker than the birthers or Swift boat or Obama being a muslim.


Active Member
That is all this douche had to say and the whole media frenzy on it would have never existed. 'MadCow' gave him several opportunities, and even at one point asked him, 'Yes or No?'. A vote for Rand Paul in this respect IS a vote to move back towards segregation, no matter how the media spins it. He spoke for himself, even if the issue was a contrived ploy to 'paint him a racist'. He had ample opportunity to express his worldview and he is being judged upon it now.

The media is worthless, I agree, but the man spoke for himself.
How did he paint himself a racist though. That is my question....
He did not say he thought that ," Niggers" should not be allowed into restuarants he said that if a restuarant did not allow a person of color or a club did not allow minorities in then he would not patronize them. Those were his exact words. Rachel Madcow painted him a racist. He as holding true to his Libertarian views concerning Goverment mandates in the private sector stated that he thought goverment had no business telling private business owners what they can and cannot do. That is far from racist unless you paint it with a massively broad brush. As I said prior I could be labeled a racist with that same Broad brush for my views regarding Affirmative action. How do you feel about affirmative action? if you don't mind my asking?


Well-Known Member
For Rand Paul to be exposed.

He is given many chances to clarify his position on Civil Rights, and doesn't.


You can make your own judgments based on what he says.
Come on duke, this is one of the most blatant examples of media spin I think I've ever seen. He has clearly stated what his opinions are and I guess in some people's minds that makes him racist. This is simply an attempt to discredit and assassinate this guy's character and political career. How convenient that they pull the race card on this guy since that's the main weapon being employed in the assault on the Tea Party movement. Complete and utter nonsense.:evil:


New Member
How did he paint himself a racist though. That is my question....
He did not say he thought that ," Niggers" should not be allowed into restuarants he said that if a restuarant did not allow a person of color or a club did not allow minorities in then he would not patronize them. Those were his exact words.
The man had a chance to speak clearly, and failed. ROYALLY. He made it clear that his worldview includes steps that can lead back to segregation. He did not paint himself as a racist, per se, just someone who would be willing to allow the mechanisms of racism to take hold.

As far as AA goes, just take a look at what I have written about advocacy groups. Goes hand in hand.


New Member
Come on duke, this is one of the most blatant examples of media spin I think I've ever seen. He has clearly stated what his opinions are and I guess in some people's minds that makes him racist. This is simply an attempt to discredit and assassinate this guy's character and political career. How convenient that they pull the race card on this guy since that's the main weapon being employed in the assault on the Tea Party movement. Complete and utter nonsense.:evil:
The media did bring up a completely contrived issue to paint him a certain way, but he had a chance to blow it to smitherines, and he did not. Maddow asked him several times for a yes or no on whether or not he was for seeing the lunch counter at Woolworth's allow segregation. He dodged the answer every time. Again, the man spoke for himself on the issue, and that is what I am criticizing. I can also be critical of the media and the politics behind it, but he is a politician. he should know what politics and the media will attempt and be smart enough to give an answer that won't make him look like an extremist.


New Member
The media spin is ridiculous. The link between the aide and racism is ridiculous. A defunct myspace page that was his old bands. Not his myspace page an old ass page that had to be retrieved from cached files. . The link to racism is as weak as near beer and even weaker than the birthers or Swift boat or Obama being a muslim.

Rand Paul son of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), accepted the resignation of Christopher Hightower, 37, after racist images and comments were discovered on Hightower’s MySpace page. One image showed a lynching, with a friend’s comment, “Happy Ni**** Day!” at the time of Martin Luther King Day. And several posts left by Hightower spoke of the reaction he received from “Afro-Americans” while wearing a KKK hoodie to the local mall. The Paul spokesman also made national headlines recently when he referred to a video comparing opponent Trey Grayson to Hitler, as “Too funny!!”

There is some 'weak sauce' spin, but there are also incontrovertible facts. One fact is that Rand Paul was not smart enough to tell his aides to take down potentially controversial material BEFORE being hired to the campaign. Another is that Hightower at least has racist friends, or at the very least friends who use racist language as if it were a joke (Go ahead and wish a black guy 'Happy Nigger Day' next MLK day, see what happens).

The evidence is stacking up pretty quick here.


Well-Known Member
The media did bring up a completely contrived issue to paint him a certain way, but he had a chance to blow it to smitherines, and he did not. Maddow asked him several times for a yes or no on whether or not he was for seeing the lunch counter at Woolworth's allow segregation. He dodged the answer every time. Again, the man spoke for himself on the issue, and that is what I am criticizing. I can also be critical of the media and the politics behind it, but he is a politician. he should know what politics and the media will attempt and be smart enough to give an answer that won't make him look like an extremist.
Being stupid and being racist are 2 completely different things to a politician. Nearly all politicians are stupid. We know this, we accept this and life goes on. Nobody (except the KKK and neo-nazis) will tolerate a racist candidate and the media knows this. Stupid? Yes. Racist? Come on!:blsmoke: