Help a dude out


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm probably the newest member of this entire website so you can take or leave what I have to say, it's up to you. Fist of all man don't let these negative ass people get you down, i had a lot of questions too when i started my grow however, the way I learned most of what i know is researching for myself, that and trial and error. Ok so what I see in your pics is two problems. First, as was said before you overwatered the plants a little. You should only water your herb when the soil is dry. Not only will you develope root rot if you dont let your soil dry, you'll also grow some weak ass herb. Weed creates it's THC fillled resin as a defense mechanism against drought. The resin keeps the leaves moist so the plant won't die. So you want to let your soil dry in between waterings to promote more resinous and therefore more potent herb. Second, no matter what you read on here and everywhere else, 2 inches is way too close for a cfl to a plant. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE recommends keeping cfls anywhere from 2cm to 3-4in away. You not only probably over watered your plant but you also probably burned it. I keep my cfls approx. 7-8in above the top of the plants. I also keep a fan blowing across the top part of my grow box to keep the temp up there down. My suggestions to you would be to try to salvage these guys by allowing them to dry out before watering again and moving those cfls up a bit. If you can't fix them up, chalk it up as a loss and try again remembering what you've learned. And don't let anyone tell you bagseed isn't worthy of being posted on here. Ask that dick what his first grow was. Keep plugging away man.


Active Member
jared, u need to read dude, every single person who has answered ur questions has done their homework and that is how they learned the basics. im telling you that u can ask a million questions and still not know shit, u realllyyyy need to read at least a basic newbie guide, im telling u that it will be very beneficial to you so that u get a better understanding of the life cycle, dont be lazy man u gotta read


Well-Known Member
ya i understand diamond where you are coming from but believe it or not i have read ALOT lol their is just so much and i need help trouble shooting why my plants are looking burned


Well-Known Member
this is a whole fucking forum to growing weed and you cant find any answers? if you read and search thing its almost impossible to no know how to grow. yea i can see having some q's but a walk through on growing comeon rookie get ya knowledge up u shouldnt start anything. sry to sound mean but its true


Well-Known Member
Rant start:
okay one more person to tell him to read, I think he gets the point...

How about just dont answer his question and let him find out himself. Or, since you have time to post comments on how he should find it himself, Answer the question.

There really is no need to make multiple comments telling him the same thing.

As far as someone telling someone that their strain isn't worth the time and effort to be put on this site. Uhh...
Ask that dick what his first grow was
. How the hell do you think some strains got around the world. Some guy (or gal) found a seed in some Loud ass weed and brought it over and planted that shit. but cause its bag seed its not worthy. HAHA

Rant end...

Second, no matter what you read on here and everywhere else, 2 inches is way too close for a cfl to a plant

You made some valid points but Im gonna have to disagree with this part of your post. With the proper ventalation, 2 inches is a great location for CFLs. The further away you back off from the foilage the less lumens the plant will recieve.

For instance I had a rubbermaid grow tub that my plants were in and I had 8 26W 6500k CFLS 2 inches away from the tops at all time. My temps never got above 80 and the plants never showed signs of heat stress untill the lights fell on them due to a stupid error on my part( which if you were wondering hot glue to hold power strips(with plug in sockets) is a bad Idea considering it will eventually heat up and get liquidy again, causing your lights to fall) but any way I drew a quick diagram of my tub and how I had my fans placed...
Green = Plants
Blue= CFLS
Black arrows = the direction of airflow

By blowing over the bulbs it causes the heat to go with the air....


Well-Known Member
lol ya I keep my 100w about 4" off the plants. 20-50w 2" 40w tubes the plant touches more times then not.


Well-Known Member
100w about 4" off the plants
I would do that to, Ive never had a 100W so I dont know the heat output from them but I would assume it would be a little more, so I would back off about 2 inches as well...


Well-Known Member
thanks for havin my back lol soo.... it seems as if i run my fan more on the lights then the plants it would push out the heat better. Hmm thats probally what I need to keep it around 80, but my temps right now are around 85