impress me for free glass

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Active Member
Up on the rooftop arose such a clatter
I thought a fat guy done fell off a ladder
I looked out the window and to my surprise
The ganja monster was looking me in the eyes
I tried not to scream, I tried not to point
He started laughing and sparked up a joint
I thought he was evil but later found not
He just wanted to smoke some dank pot
I climb out the window and onto his back
The rest of my memories, just fade to black

Haha I do need a bowl forreal though.

Maybe if I'm lucky you'll message me back
Then I could spend my money, on a fat sack
Pipes are quite pricey, pricey indeed
Send me one, so I can smoke some weed :)


Well-Known Member
What about my rhyme, win me anything?bongsmilie

it was a little too dr suessie for our liking, try adding variations in your rhymes and using words you dont expect to hear.

haha jk

thats just what i tell the talent when we're in studio session.


"that was good, but i think you have a better one in you"


Well-Known Member
i think i sent the other thread in the wrong direction. lets keep it simple.

impress me enough, in any way, and i may send you some glass. could be a pipe pendant or marble. most likely a pendant or marble. :wink:
pictures, stories, poems or songs. be creative and lets have some fun with it.

lets see what you got. :weed: :joint::joint: :hump:

ALL irrelevant posts in this thread WILL be deleted.

Fdd2blk, I have one for you...

It is called the Smokeless Toker:

- one toilet paper tube, empty

- one light bulb, center piece removed, leaving threading

- one elastic band

- one sheet of bounce

- one plastic pop bottlecap

- one small hammer and nail

- one thinly rolled joint

Step 1: You take the hammer and make a hole in the center of the bottlecap with the nail big enough for your joint to get through an inch or so.

Step 2: Cover one end of tube with bounce sheet and secure tightly onto tube, leaving an end open to blow into.

Step 3: Stuff joint throuth the hole in the bottlecap about an inch so the lit end goes into the lightbulb, making it so it sealed.

Step4: Light joint very quickly and screw the bottlecap into the lightbulb firmly. Get it burning as good as you can right away.

Step5: Exhale through the toiletpaper tube, through the bounce sheet. No smell, period, no matter how dank the smoke is.

Step6: Upon having your fill, place bulb and everything into a ziplock bag for no smell right away.

I used to do this all the time in my younger years and never had anyone ever ask if there was a bit of weed being smoked, in houses, public bathrooms, anywhere you name it. Although someone may ask why the bounce smell, you smile and say you use alot in your laundry :)

~ BCbuddy :leaf:



Active Member
My rhyme was well thought out, its probably because you didnt have the musical stylings of Bootsie Collins bumpin in your head like I did! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Smileys related : me last night haha


Well-Known Member
I was in Panama for the past three ( two and a half) years, working with the Kuna indians trying to figure out ways for them to cultivate food. The San Blas islands are eroding at a shocking pace. The area where the people used to grow is under ocean water now. The current soil they had was like rock. We harvested coconut fibre and were able to use it as a medium for them to grow in. We also were able to set up huge compost bins. With t he humidity and heat I shit you not we had workable compost in under four months. We cleared a huge area of coconut trees, tilled about 18 inches (by hand) mixed in equal parts of finely chopped up coconut fiber, compost, and some decomposed fish. The soil was remarkable after about two weeks of working it. We left them six months ago with a tremendous garden. I go back June 13th to go check on them. I will take a bunch of pics. Every type of bean grows great over there. we tried tomatoes but they wouldnt get big just small and kind of gangly. Carrots worked. Citrus worked. bananas obviously, Leeks worked for some reason, Potatoes did not work, Spinach and some micro greens worked as well. We were also able to take six crab and lobster loop nets. I am an avid fisherman so I left one of my tackle boxes and spent a day teaching knots and fishing lure techniques. It was amazing.


Well-Known Member
I was in Panama for the past three ( two and a half) years, working with the Kuna indians trying to figure out ways for them to cultivate food. The San Blas islands are eroding at a shocking pace. The area where the people used to grow is under ocean water now. The current soil they had was like rock. We harvested coconut fibre and were able to use it as a medium for them to grow in. We also were able to set up huge compost bins. With t he humidity and heat I shit you not we had workable compost in under four months. We cleared a huge area of coconut trees, tilled about 18 inches (by hand) mixed in equal parts of finely chopped up coconut fiber, compost, and some decomposed fish. The soil was remarkable after about two weeks of working it. We left them six months ago with a tremendous garden. I go back June 13th to go check on them. I will take a bunch of pics. Every type of bean grows great over there. we tried tomatoes but they wouldnt get big just small and kind of gangly. Carrots worked. Citrus worked. bananas obviously, Leeks worked for some reason, Potatoes did not work, Spinach and some micro greens worked as well. We were also able to take six crab and lobster loop nets. I am an avid fisherman so I left one of my tackle boxes and spent a day teaching knots and fishing lure techniques. It was amazing.

thats dope
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