Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

What Is Your Favorite Nirvana Strain?

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Geez man Denis Leary was right smokeing pot doesnt lead to other drugs it leads to carpentry. He said he stopped smoking not cause it wasnt good but cause he didnt wana build anything.

My plan is I still have 2 White Widow Fem seeds and 5 white castle seeds. I wana get a female of both and just clone them for as long as I can. And seeing as only spend about 60$ on seeds if all goes well and I dont clone I will able harvest every 1 1/2 -2months for the next year. So spending 60$ a year to keep myself growing isnt a big deal. I dont have the space to move the male to another area or outside. Outside would mean tring to find an area out in the middle of nowere to plant it just not worth it imo.

Thanks for the info and once my state goes med leagle I might do that but as of now I tip toeing the line and want to stay in the civil law area of growing and having X amount would simply be a 100$ fine and is treated like a trafic ticket. Just at the end of March the bill passed the health commity and is basicly the same laws that R.I. put into effect bac in 2006. Also kind funny there ia a 15 million $ budget revenue added to the 2011 budget that would come from the Regisatration cards care givers and despecers cost.

So it looks as if sometime between now and Sept we will no for sure. Normaly the buget needs to be voted on and passed in July. But I cant rememeber when the last ttime that happened if ever. Normaly they bitch for 2 weeks in July that they should be signing. Spend Aug at the track and then come back in Sept and sign the shit that didnt change but took 2 weeks of cring about in July.
yeaaaa, im from MA.. and thye have that $100 fine thingy as well.. adn theres lots of talk about actually LEGALIZING and taxing marijuana... i guess MA and CA are the only 2 states that have a bill for legalizing it completely and taxing it... that would be AWESOME!! and they would cut the prices in 1/2 too.. soo instead of $500 for an ounce of some of like.. the best stuff out there... it would be $250... and that would cut out all teh drug dealers.. cuz they would not be able to compete with those prices. =)
Just switched to 12/12 today.. took a couple snapshots.

Even the poppy outside is doing good lol..


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I am currently growing Blackjack,Chrystal,Fullmoon,Ice,Snow White and Swiss Cheese.
I have grown Dutch passion,Greenhouse and BC seeds and HOLY SHI!T are NIRVANA strains COVERED in are some pics at wk 4
Going to be starting 15 Swiss Cheese plants pretty soon. It is pretty late to be starting from seed, but where I am it is still pretty cold and rainy. I'll report back some other time with more info!
Geez man Denis Leary was right smokeing pot doesnt lead to other drugs it leads to carpentry. He said he stopped smoking not cause it wasnt good but cause he didnt wana build anything.

My plan is I still have 2 White Widow Fem seeds and 5 white castle seeds. I wana get a female of both and just clone them for as long as I can. And seeing as only spend about 60$ on seeds if all goes well and I dont clone I will able harvest every 1 1/2 -2months for the next year. So spending 60$ a year to keep myself growing isnt a big deal. I dont have the space to move the male to another area or outside. Outside would mean tring to find an area out in the middle of nowere to plant it just not worth it imo.

Thanks for the info and once my state goes med leagle I might do that but as of now I tip toeing the line and want to stay in the civil law area of growing and having X amount would simply be a 100$ fine and is treated like a trafic ticket. Just at the end of March the bill passed the health commity and is basicly the same laws that R.I. put into effect bac in 2006. Also kind funny there ia a 15 million $ budget revenue added to the 2011 budget that would come from the Regisatration cards care givers and despecers cost.

So it looks as if sometime between now and Sept we will no for sure. Normaly the buget needs to be voted on and passed in July. But I cant rememeber when the last ttime that happened if ever. Normaly they bitch for 2 weeks in July that they should be signing. Spend Aug at the track and then come back in Sept and sign the shit that didnt change but took 2 weeks of cring about in July.

wow. lol. looks like u got ur shit all planned out already. lol. thats good tho. sounds like a good plan to me!
Just switched to 12/12 today.. took a couple snapshots.

Even the poppy outside is doing good lol..

yay! here's where all the hard work finally pays off.. just sucks that it takes soo long to actually pay off. lol. but oo wel.. within 1-2 weeks u will see white hairs pooping out everywhere.. and know ur on ur way to trimming sum nice fat buds!!

I am currently growing Blackjack,Chrystal,Fullmoon,Ice,Snow White and Swiss Cheese.
I have grown Dutch passion,Greenhouse and BC seeds and HOLY SHI!T are NIRVANA strains COVERED in are some pics at wk 4
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wow. nice choices!! love blackjack!! and i was looking at full moon a while ago.; it seems pretty interesting.. supposed to make u almost trip!? lol. DEFF come back adn update us in a lil bit.. and then when its harvest time!! im really curious about the full moon... i dont htink i've seen any1 grow that yet.

Going to be starting 15 Swiss Cheese plants pretty soon. It is pretty late to be starting from seed, but where I am it is still pretty cold and rainy. I'll report back some other time with more info!

yeaaa im just startin mine now too. i just went out and put 3 germinated seeds into lil jiffy pots and stuck thenm outside.. hoping they sprout soon. and i got a WW thats a fwe days old im gonna put outside.. adn a purple power that should be sprouting pretty soon! =)

yeaa, where i am it still gets chilly once in a while.. New England weather sucks!! lol
just sprouted 10 nirvana swiss cheese seeds 8/10 germed and there doing great! only seedlings now, ill get back with photos when there a bit bigger ;)
anything called cheeese should be a tasty ;P
anyone ever smoked any of nirvanas swiss cheese?
Ok so as of today I germed 8 seeds total. 3 Fem White Widow and 5 normal White castle. All but 1 seed of the white castle Germed and now all but 1 white castle is sprouted threw the soil. So 6 out 0f 8 aint bad and I have not given up that the seventh one will sprout soon too.
just sprouted 10 nirvana swiss cheese seeds 8/10 germed and there doing great! only seedlings now, ill get back with photos when there a bit bigger ;)
anything called cheeese should be a tasty ;P
anyone ever smoked any of nirvanas swiss cheese?

ehh.. idk. lol. the name doesnt sound that appealing to me. lol. sheesy weed...? lol. but thats just me. ALL the cheese grows i've seen have turned out AMAZING!! cant say i've ever smoked any tho. =/ but im sure you'll be happy with the product.

Ok so as of today I germed 8 seeds total. 3 Fem White Widow and 5 normal White castle. All but 1 seed of the white castle Germed and now all but 1 white castle is sprouted threw the soil. So 6 out 0f 8 aint bad and I have not given up that the seventh one will sprout soon too.

yeaa thats not bad at all. =) yeaa deff dont give up on that last seed.. i've had a seed take 9 or 10 days to germinate... idk why it took so long?? but it did. lol. but once it sprouted. it was fine. lol. worse comes to worse.. it wont sprout.. but you will have plenty of healthy plants growing. =)
I have to say all the strains I have smoked I have not smoked any of these I am growing,all tho I have smoked there parents and WOW,so the next generation can only be as good or better.
???? CHB420 How was the blackjack?.when did you cut it 7,8 or 9 weeks? what would you compare it to.also these will be for local dispensaries so I want the best HIGH for the patients.I here to cut at 8 weeks and I hear 10 wks. what did you cut at.Thank you.
Blackjack is a great commercial strain..

Awesome bud to leaf's a pleasure to trim.

I harvested mine right at about 9.5 weeks. It seemed to want to create new flowers LATE into the photoperiod.
So even though 40-50% of the trichomes were amber, the big flowers were still shooting white hairs near the top.

This time I'm going to give them only 9-10 hours of light in the last week.
Blackjack is a great commercial strain..

Awesome bud to leaf's a pleasure to trim.

I harvested mine right at about 9.5 weeks. It seemed to want to create new flowers LATE into the photoperiod.
So even though 40-50% of the trichomes were amber, the big flowers were still shooting white hairs near the top.

This time I'm going to give them only 9-10 hours of light in the last week.

?under how many watts and what type of medium?
Well damn I should be a earlier then if your using cfl's,will keep everyone posted also you can check journal for update in day 30 and trichromes are cloudy on ice and chrystal
My nirvana short rider was prety good. Going to order there other autos


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